Urbanity piety
In social life there are forms, some "rules" of good education, a way to treat, and even a protocol. A person shows itself also through them.
In religion there are some ways of relating to God, to show our faith, our reverence and love. It could be called civility of piety.
When God appears to Moses in the burning bush, the first thing he says is "take off your sandals ... the place where you stand is holy." We talk about the need to respect the divine, the sense of the sacred. Jesus was forced to bring order to the Temple of Jerusalem, throwing out the merchants and money changers who disgraced the house of God.
There are an infinite distance between God and man: love and confidence that comes from the divine descent, would not involve a contradiction, a lack of respect and equal standing before our Creator. Parents and schools formed
young people (children and adolescents). Part of this training is to teach them to behave in front of God and treat holy things.
is why we take care of the postures, gestures, etc. particular way: not a matter of fixed rules (some things are not prescribed by the Church), but some "stiffness" is necessary at first, because they are girls and they are many, to be impressed with them a style.
"Shapes up" if they are put content-is love, not mere formality, and if you understand the reason for each. So it is no exaggeration. Much of what is said here has an educational purpose. All claims to be an expression of respect and love for God.
Jesus summarizes the whole law of God in a single commandment: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all thy mind, with all your strength and with all thy soul." Love God with all our being and our life. Obviously, this includes our deeds. The love note. And if you do not notice ... is that it is too weak.
In the Church there is a liturgical norms that guarantee the care of the worship of God. A kind of "protocol" to the sacred: ways how we treat God and the things of God.
face many oversights and irreverence to the Eucharist the Magisterium of the Church has been forced to recall and emphasize repeatedly in recent years on these issues.
Specifically: Enc. Ecclesia de Eucharistia
Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum
Working Document of the Synod of Bishops, 2005
There are a number of care that is not liturgical precepts such as laws, but they have always lived pious Christians as an expression of reverence and love. It is part of the treasure of the Church's spiritual heritage.
We must be vigilant that the trust does not degenerate into lack of respect: it would be offensive to God. No sane person could say "because I love you so, do not respect you, treat you badly and I offend you."
dignity, refinement is necessary, because as beings composed of body and soul express our feelings, our faith and spiritual all through the body .. It is true that spontaneity is in itself good. It depends on what spontaneity there is good and there are wild.
not true that the forms reflect lack of confidence.
Love has a minimum line is respect and reverence. I can not love what you do not respect. Nor do not revere. The same respect and reverence be the way to love, and expressions of love itself.
We show ourselves. And compliance with standards of good manners and education show the "human quality" of a person. The civility of piety shows our faith, hope and love. It is respect and elegance, applied the things of God.
1. Good education in churches and chapels:
churches of respect for the sacred (all you have to do with the worship of God has a sense
sacred) and for objects dedicated to the worship of God we look good to be extremely sensitive in caring for the churches: Caring
cleaning (slips on the floor for example) and banks : If you support your feet on the kneelers are ruins the upholstery is dirty, etc.. Of course, no write, no slips left in place for missals, no gum paste ...
Obviously the good behavior is not limited to the duration of liturgical celebrations.
Once you have entered the church, it is a sacred place. Is to pray. We must be silent. Who does not want to say that no, or at least respectful of those who pray with their silence. Even when the Blessed Sacrament is reserved in the tabernacle.
Sacred silence. Unfortunately quite neglected in many churches, where people talk too freely. This means that even as we insist never insist too ...
Silence is not merely not talking. Expresses respect, reverence. Is as a form of worship, before Jesus present in the Eucharist. You need to discover God and to listen. Time and meditation.
We must be able to silence. Many people are incapable. Our inner wealth will entertain us with a look within ourselves without getting bored.
not run. Walking slowly into the church.
obvious: no eating, gum ..., play, dolls, jokes, disturbing other (pulling hair ...).
Avoid distractions. Curious to see who enters or leaves. Who sneezed ...
Elegance in dress : the more elegant, we show more respect and love (men with shorts ...! People in sandals!). It is not just a matter of not wearing indecent clothes, there are things that are too superdecentes sports, nobody would put them to a gala meeting in a theater.
is not a question of whether it can or not: a question of love. Who is to love what he loves best.
Upon entering a church
First, find the tabernacle, to go to greet the Lord.
How do you know if you reserved the Blessed? For the votive lamp that must be turned on ..
Using holy water. It is a sacramental. Making the sign of the cross with his right hand with a drop of water Blessed is a traditional gesture, he wants to ask God to bless us. Your use pious
forgives the venial sins we are sorry.
Since the use of holy water reminds us of our baptism (which represented our incorporation into the Church) is often used to enter the church.
liturgical gestures and postures
Stances: no need to stand ... but not against the wall or sitting on the floor ...
genuflections. It is an act of worship, so it is only God. It would be an idolatrous act before the Virgin or to an image. Is done only before the Blessed Sacrament: it recognizes that it is in the tabernacle for the candle indicating their presence. Good Friday is also genuflect before the cross, worshiping Christ in it that day died for our salvation.
right knee touches the ground, his body erect, facing the tabernacle.
head tilts. Sign of respect and veneration. Lies to the altar (representing Christ) and to images.
is necessary to distinguish the meaning of genuflection and the nod. The genuflection is an act of worship, the nod of reverence. Only God is worshiped (genuflecting before a statue of the Virgin would be a sin of idolatry).
When is the Sacrament in the tabernacle is reverence for the altar. If you are the Holy One, is kneeling.
The priest makes a nod to the name the name of Jesus, Mary and the saint who is celebrated that day.
In the Creed is expected that the faithful are inclined to proclaim the article of the Incarnation.
It is a tilt of his head before receiving Communion, before the Eucharist (communion when standing). Kneeling
. Adoration. On his knees, rights (obviously not resting on his heels). At the Mass remain kneeling from the epiclesis until after the consecration in the Eucharistic Prayer.
Standing . Attitude of respect and attention. Rights, without relying on the banks or walls. When the priest comes
coated for Mass we stand as a sign of respect for Christ, whom he represents. Sitting
. Receptive, to listen and meditate during the readings. During the offertory, to "Pray brethren that our sacrifice ..." where we stand, and Thanksgiving. Caring
the seating. Rights without "lie" in the banks. Without rest your feet on the couches (are ruined, their shoes covered with dust the pews that after staining the knees of the trousers).
is best not to sit on the floor: it is not dignified for an act of worship.
not cross your legs: it is a sign of relaxation. It's not cool.
In liturgical ceremonies need to know when to sit, stand, kneel.
in line for Communion . There is a queue, is a procession to Jesus. We getting ready to meet the Lord. Involves recollection interior (concentrate, without the curiosity to look in all directions, turn around, etc..). Do not take his hands in his pockets (little reverent posture.) Readings
. Read in a clear voice, loud and slow. It would be good to try them before. Do not forget that proclaims the Word of God.
Elegance in liturgical gestures :
Sign of the Cross : Christian sign, a sign of belonging to the Holy Trinity and have been redeemed by Christ on the Cross. Really draw a cross with his hand (otherwise it would not sign anything.) Taking it from the front of the chest, shoulder and left to right. Without haste, without "shortcuts" (straight line). Hits
chest: the act of contrition, a sign of heartache for having offended God.
peace greeting. It is a sign of our love to others. Is given only to those who are on our side. Does not leave the bench to greet others. Do not forget that we are in a liturgical ceremony, and the altar is Christ truly present in the Eucharist. Not a greeting, is a liturgical gesture desired peace of Christ to each other. Prayers
. Pause and recite them with care. With dignity. Not too slow to get bored, nor so fast that precludes care setting. Joining in the rhythm of others (in unison), so that a single sentence up to heaven.
Lyrics: song is prayer. It should be our prayer. Singing with dignity.
Respect the transfer of the Blessed
When you move the Blessed faithful must show their adoration as it passes in front of them.
Consider that God is truly present in the Eucharist who is ahead of us. It would be a disrespect to stay or not pass anyone.
Example 1: going to take Communion to a sick home. The priest brings the Blessed Sacrament.
is obviously not frivolous to give talks, offer something to drink, etc., And that is leading to the Eucharist.
Example 2: passing the priest with the Blessed Sacrament to transfer to another shrine. If it passes in front of us covered with ornaments, it is normal knees or at least with respect to stand silently watching until the end of pass.
also corresponds to kneel when the tabernacle is opened to expose the Blessed Sacrament, to bring Communion to the sick, etc.
P. Eduardo Volpacchio