Sunday, November 19, 2006

コマツ Pc15

What good is a Christian? Good manners

Often in moments of fatigue, frustration or grief head crossing a sharp question: "But then, what good is a Christian? "
can pose very different tones: rebellious, defiant, depressed or in pain. It may be a mere complaint, a search response, a massed background or angry that the statement is worthless ...
in tone is made and the response to be given will depend in many cases, what kind of Christian is "holy, warm or cold, or who ceases to be at all ...

From a utilitarian perspective and challenging perhaps, is equivalent to the question about the meaning of Christian. Other questions
equivalent. For example: what helps me believe in God (or love, or pray ...)? What do I gain by going to Mass (or if I confess, get married by the Church ...)? And a long list of others like we want to analyze and respond in this article.
questions raised in terms of public interest, convenience or benefits that occur to me to be or live as a Christian. And justified to be, so it would be Christian just to get those benefits. And should stop if it were shown to be "not working" because it reports the benefits you would expect from him.
An important question that goes to the root of Christian identity: why I am a Christian? What hope of Christianity? What can I do?

A first quick answer:
face this life, and key material, possibly a Christian serves little purpose. We expect nothing
much larger: perfect happiness in eternal life.

be Christian, in principle, does not provide more health or more money, or better character, and we guarantee professional success or sports and ...
obviously live as God asks us, precisely because it responds to the demands of human nature will make us much good. But no such property lies in the reason of being Christian.

The issue of ultimate
who seeks, above all, the aim of his life, issues that will occur before his death (to be rated, succeed professionally, earn money, have fun, enjoy welfare ... or anything else style) might find in Christianity a weight, and easily evaluate it as an obstacle to their objectives (because it "takes" time, demands to be generous, honest, sincere ....)

But Christians (if we understood what Christianity) Christians are not only earthly expectations, ie for material benefits or merely temporary.
With St. Paul we are convinced that "if only for this life we \u200b\u200bhave put our hope in Christ, we are the most miserable of all men" (1 Cor 14:19). That is, we would be very foolish if we were Christians, primarily in the hope of benefits here below.

Promise of eternal life.
input your facts straight. Christ is not a temporal Messiah, promised eternal life.
This is the reason that prevented the Pharisees acknowledge and accept. To the apostles had a hard time temporalist rid of this vision of the Kingdom. In their love for Jesus best intentions mixed with worldly ambition imbued with egoism (these discussions about who would be the greatest when it finally establish the Kingdom!).
Christianity is a great promise, but not a promise but a promise chiquitita divine fullness, glory, union with God, deification participation divine life itself. A promise that completely transcends this life.
Jesus repeats over and over again in the Gospel: "the will of my Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day" (Jn 6.40);
"Whoever eats my meat and drink my blood has eternal lives, and I raise in the last days" (Jn 6.54), "Whoever believes in the Son have life eternal" (Jn 3.36).

The road is not easy: the road is narrow, the narrow gate, you have to carry the cross from time to time, but every day. Required delivery is demanding ... but finally the glory awaits us. And we are convinced of worth. Well experienced what was St. Paul who suffered much in his life: "I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not comparable with the glory which shall be revealed in us" (Rom 8:18).

The Kingdom that Jesus preached the kingdom of heaven. The day of his death Jesus has to make clear to Pilate that his kingdom is not of this world (cf. Jn 18, 36).

There is no deception: they are temporary advantages that we offer.
The Christian God does not seek primarily temporal goods, of which, to begin, we must be detached to follow Christ.
This is evident when the Jews admired and happy to have eaten through the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves look for it to make him king (a king and how wonderful life can give us!), Jesus disappeared and corrects his enthusiasm: "Work not for food that perishes but one that lasts to eternal life "(Jn 6.27).
The same Jesus who cures some patients, says, "Do not fear those who kill the body but can not kill the soul" (Mt 10:28). The main body is not the case.
temporal goods should not take first place in our requests and interests. And when we ask and seek, we always subordinate to the spiritual and eternal.

Eternity content is full of life
the Christian life here on earth is woven temporal and eternal event. Our life passes in time, but transcends it: it "puts" in eternity.
The hope of eternal life does not look in the distant future, but that pervades daily life. It is an escape from the troubles of this life, taking refuge in a possible future world in which there is a relative comfort. Does not lead to neglect of the things of earth, but we take care of them for a higher reason.
We are driven to conquer this kingdom is not of this world, specifically in the events down here.
mortality needs the reference to the eternal. Otherwise we would be empty. And eternal life is achieved with the commitment in this life.

Cardinal. Ratzinger explained to a group of university students in Spain: "If you completely lose sight of the eternal, then so present world loses its value because it runs in that brief period in which we live. Therefore, also from a human point of view must be opened to eternity and open to God. However, if from the ground there is neglected, then it has understood the wrong way to God and eternity, precisely because faith in God and faith in eternity takes responsibility for strengthening the field because in every moment of my life I will forever and if negligence creating this becoming ground, that make eternity in the temporal, entered into a contradiction with myself. I think that's what we have to learn: that without you can not live forever because time is empty, but only if that knowledge of eternity comes to fulfill completely this time, then that makes sense " [1 ] .

return is a reference.

We were created to love, to reach a fullness to which it is reached by the gift of self. And in our existence is the paradox that verifies who selfishly seeks his happiness will not find ever.

A materialistic Christianity?
A Christian materialist in which religion is resorted to only looking for temporary benefits, including a vague future hope "does not hold. Joseph P.

Manglano dialog contains a brilliant Guitton, synthesized here:
- Richelieu suffered many headaches and prayed to God to deliver him from them.
- Suppose for a moment that just pray for it. What would God's idea?
- I guess the celestial an aspirin.
- Invent Richelieu aspirin and stop praying. Continue to believe in God, but yours will be an idle God, a God who is but has no role in our lives. [2]

This is the problem. It is lawful, good, desirable and necessary to turn to God to solve our earthly problems - is our Father - but if we go with interest only temporary ... sooner or later our faith will be in trouble. Because it is a selfish and materialistic pose!

When expectations fail

... Today is not uncommon to find people who feel let down by God and Christianity. About Esperanza Elementary
temporary benefits of religion, you might end disenchanted with Christ.
would run this risk if we see religious life in terms of a consideration with God, I fulfill his will, do what he wants, I go to Mass, etc. In return, He hears my prayers, protect me from evil, evil saves me time, for some miracle from time to time to get me out of trouble, etc. When life runs smoothly, all is well. But a serious problem occurs when God does not "meet" you (or rather the part that we believe should do ...) or find another way to solve the problem.

In that case, one could end up turning away from God, a victim of disappointment. You may feel that God has failed, it has not done its part. And then sits with his right to leave: leave to pray, attend Mass, to live as Christians, or even abandon their vocation.
visiting patients in a hospital found a woman who did not practice the faith, though, as she dealt with quickly noted, had previously lived intensely. I asked him what had happened. His answer left me ice cream, "God let me down." And he went on to explain that to a number of serious problems had prayed intensely, and that despite their prayers had not happened. It was like telling me: "what does that do? with God well I'm not going anywhere. I do not work. "

is hard for a person to feel disappointed with God. Souls who quit because they feel that God was not up to what was expected of him ..

are those who, frustrated by not getting what they asked-questions: "what good is prayer?, If many do not pray and do very well." Or "why should behave well, do you report?" Just happens to those who struggle spiritually with the perspective that God will make them happy. When you feel that God is not doing "their part" implicit contract "because they suffer", is baffled and an earthquake pulls down his life spiritual.

to avoid misunderstandings should analyze well what we expect from God. Because it could be to wait things that God has not promised ...
But in reality God has not failed. What failed were the expectations. Waited wrong. Secularized virtue of hope: the "put" in this life and the "reduced" to temporal affairs (search for health, a good job, money, approval testing, career success, family, etc..). They were wrong. They had an eye to God face to temporal goods (health, employment, economic hardship, etc.). God never promised, and they forgot about the eternal (a that these shortcomings may have contributed). And it came to find out how the logic of God, one true logic.

False expectations lead to disappointment and disillusionment.

So in reality it is human disappointments.

So what good is prayer?
Praying always useful. Primarily to unite with God (the main purpose of the sentence.) When I ask something do not try to "change" the will of God, to persuade him to ignore me, that I have reason ... I ask you something I am convinced that God wants us to ask for that (my father!). I ask this because it is good, happy life me, I will help us serve you better, I can offer ...: In two words, enter into their plans of holiness. And at the same time, as I know God loves me dearly and no mistake, I'll be happy if it deems "just because I listen and I want-the best thing for me is not having what I want.
Some argue that to believe this requires faith. Absolutely.
With God all things are matter of faith: to believe and trust in their intelligence, goodness and omnipotence.
God always listens. Also when I do not understand when I can not hear, when it hurts me even when I'm angry. Faith includes confidence, and this gives meaning to pain, teaches holy cross.
God always loves, even when not given me what I ask. God is never wrong, "even when it seems that" thinks "differently than I or do not understand.
Obviously one of the key issues of our life is to discover the meaning of the cross. It makes sense, worth a lot. We try to seek and find.

If you want to know what is best, look in the Gospel and find what he wanted for himself and people he loved most.

God does not fail. It can not fail: if God is, what is real.

pray that love God. Because I know he loves me and wants the best for me. Prayer
confident in his will and his love. I know it serves me right, not when I have to suffer, not when it gives me what I ask, because then it gives me something much more valuable face to eternal life. Prayer
to join him: I look because I want to be with, find your help, your comfort is love, peace, help to be better son. To be able to give you the best of myself is what calls me love.

selfish A Christian?
The error of the matter is to start at the root in the proposition.
What is Christianity? A matter of love.
So what is it love? Love is the most important in life than happiness and fulfillment depend on one's own life. But since the question "what good is love? What would I gain if I love? "Never make love again.
We must be careful because you can not love a pose selfish (and no one is exempt from the temptation of selfishness). You can not love what I'm primarily looking for that love brings.

Love God above all things. That is the end. But if I ask myself "why I serve God? Why do I love? "We're starting the wrong path of faith and love. We put God on the basis of our interests. But God is not a servant class. It is impossible to grow in love following the path of the search egoistón own benefit.

do not you ask this question because it makes no sense. And when you cross over the head, respond with generosity, rejecting petty These claims involved.
At the same time you should know that being a Christian is used "too much" (is all you need!).

In fact, God and eternal life are
Christianity is not a bet on the future, like that of someone playing the lottery to see if the number comes out. It is not a gamble to see what happens ...
There are some "small" details to consider: God exists, we will die, we will be with Him, we will draw its presence accounts of how we have used the life he has given us ...

live as if God did not exist is fatal ... simply because it is a very false assumption: there is no possibility that does not exist.
live as if we were to lie here ... it's never too ridiculous ... just because the only thing that is clear in our life is going to die.

So, what is it Christian?
We have been created to love. Christianity makes to the creation of man leads us to the fullness for which we exist and which will attain perfect happiness. But that will not happen in this life perfect happiness consists in the possession of God, which happen in life eternal.
But this does not mean that face this life is useless, and that we are "condemned" to endure a cruel life consolation in how well we'll have after death.
Eternal life begins to take place in germ now. That eternal life and live here. Grace is a participation in divine life. Not felt, not measured in economic, health, etc. Nor in professional success. But it is more real than what we play. And is measured in terms of love and talent.

Christianity gives meaning to life, adds value and is "full" content. Makes intramundane issues are not unimportant, but rather open to eternity. Lets live this life
open to the fullness and transcend.
Without Christianity
life is very poor. Too. Is enclosed in immanence, in the space-time coordinates. Life without the prospect of Eternity is a film that ends badly. How is personal future? From the perspective of body worship, pretty bad: over the years, each time with less strength, sicker, more limited ... to death. Prospects "materials" are not the best. Supernatural
But the prospects are excellent, and they are getting better: closer to getting the life you crave more and more mature, wiser, more love, more full of love and service projects.

The supernatural virtue of hope is more necessary than many imagine. It opens horizons of fulfillment and love. Fill in this life and now content, and leads us to the worth, the one for which we are made, where they will realize the deepest longings of the human heart.
But supernatural hope, he adds. Is much more than a vague aspiration or desire, is the certainty that God will give us what we promise: a life eternally happy with Him in glory.

But being a Christian only to face this life would be a cruel scam. The worst of the scams: take the most valuable, most profound sense, the reason why God became man, died, rose again and ascended into heaven for us.

Ultimately being a Christian meant to:
Discovering the meaning of our life (what we live!)
live as God wants and so do the meaning of our existence
To enable a full life in the field
humans enjoy friendship with God and live in intimacy with
the path of eternal life and be holy
Fill supernatural value to this earthly life
Feeding our lives with the Word of God
strengthen our life with grace Get the sacraments
forgiveness of our sins
deify our life by eating the body of God made man
May the Holy Spirit dwells in us as in a temple and sanctify our lives. Living

Joining God love God and live in communion with
addition, that their demand "pull" the best of us open ourselves

horizons of eternal life give meaning to suffering and death have
the help of divine grace
That we hold with the help of others

And above all served to make us infinitely happy in eternal life.

[1] Joseph Ratzinger, the College Colloquium Belagua (Pamplona), Our Time, IV-98, p. 54.
[2] See JP Manglano, Living With respect, Ed Martínez Roca, Barcelona 2001, p. 198.