Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Electro Song That Counts Down From 5

The problem of who does not believe

"If human beings just trust what your eyes see in reality is blind because it limits their horizons so that eludes him precisely the point. Because
does not take into account their intelligence. The really important things not seen through the eyes of the senses, and to that extent it still does not perceive that it is able to see beyond what is directly perceptible. "

Joseph Ratzinger, God and the world, p. 16

have faith or no faith, that is the question

There are people with faith and people without faith. People who have it and live as if they had none; and people who do not have and would like to have it.
People who are born into a Christian family and are almost genetically Christian. Persons to whom no one spoke of God, do not know and lack of experience "divine" lack of sensitivity to spiritual things. Faith says nothing, because they can not imagine what it is to have it.
People lost faith they once had, they were left on the road and do not care much where. Do not tell them anything because they got bored with what they believed. People
eager to find meaning in the routine of their lives.

In these few pages, I explain to the believer (that beyond economic crises never has experienced what it is to live without faith) the problem of those who lack faith. Because, let's say input, although it is not aware, who has no faith has a very serious problem.

What is the problem of those who lack faith?

To begin, we lose a lot of really knowing. And, specifically, the highest.
can reach only a very superficial view of human life: what you see, hear, eat, fat, sick, etc. But man is more than just a machine that processes food, work and play. Whoever loses the human spirit (the most valuable of man) loses much (and relationship with God is the highest expression of the human spirit). Lose

also transcendence and his life is so locked in the "prison" of the immanence of the world. You can enjoy many things, fun, etc., But his life taken as a whole, has become a path to cancer and the grave. It's hard, but not expected otherwise.

lose the deeper meaning of love, that without the spirit is reduced to mere pleasure.
It misses the deeper meaning of life (do I live, where to go ...). Do not know where it comes from or where it goes.

can not achieve all that, Ultimately, it matters. It has no single answer to the crucial problems of human existence. As recognized English Nobel prize, agnostic, full of sadness towards the end of his life: "I have no one answer for the things that really interest me. I am a very special wise. A sage that knows nothing about what matters. "

Who says that only believe what you touch and see (if not I do not think so), do not really know what you're saying. The deeper reality of things is not at the surface and, therefore, is beyond the reach of the senses. Not seen with the eyes, not weighed in the balance, even with a microscope is achieved. It "sees" with intelligence, but beyond reach of their senses. And the biggest truth-how is the intimate life of God, than even the intellectual capacity to "see" only be accessed by faith. So bright
is explained and summarized the fox to Prince when he says "can not be seen only with the heart. The essence is hidden from the eye "(Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince, XXI).

The man without faith
never comes to understand some of the most important things in your life

For example:

happiness and the desire for infinite
spiritual realities of life sense (what we are here)
The deepest longings of the person

Pain Death (both in general and their own and that of loved ones)
And above it that comes later.


closed its non-creeencia has closed access to God, redemption, salvation.
closed to transcendence, is closed at its highest development, and especially to perfect happiness.
In humans there is a yearning for the infinite can not repress: nothing of this world fully satisfied, because here's things "are girls." These anxieties infinity will be satisfied after this life. So who is closed to transcendence, existentially frustrated because it is impossible to conceive as possible to the satisfaction of the more radical tendency of his being: his tendency to fullness.

Only those who know who can live fully

In the inaugural Mass of his pontificate, Benedict XVI recalled that "only where God is truly begin life. Only when we meet the living God in Christ do we know what life is. We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution. Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed, each is loved, each one is necessary. Nothing is more beautiful than to be surprised by the Gospel of Christ. Nothing more beautiful than to know Him and to others of our friendship with him. The task of the pastor, the fisher of men, can often seem wearisome. But it is beautiful and wonderful, because it is truly a service to joy, to God's joy which longs to break into the world "(Benedict XVI, Homily of 04/24/1905).

man without faith, you lose the best of life (not necessarily the most fun): God and eternal life are beyond the horizon of his life and scope.

Some with a good heart, can handle very noble things, such as science or art, also contribute to the temporal welfare of others. All this is very good. But they are missing something, indeed much: the opening to infinity and perfection, which gives meaning and value to what they do. For them, this good in a way, it becomes a way to God.

Other, perhaps consistent with their materialistic view of life (who does not believe in transcendence is "locked" in the subject) - live in frivolity ("eat and drink for tomorrow we die") may be distracted (dis-brought: zoom attention from the important), entertainment (between-have: a pass slightly while between two things), fun (playing light things dealing), live in and the silly.
Society today (technology) offers all sorts of means to achieve ... and may distract, entertain and have fun with some success ... and at times forget who they are, but not done: lose their lives.
distracted may take his life, entertaining and fun (with the attention away from what would lead to a fulfilled life.)
die without even realizing it. But in the end, will this mystery unfold and see how their lives have been frustrated by filling it with anything.

Is it comfortable to be a believer?
repeat an overused phrase, "It is hard to be non-believer."
As if the position of believers should be more comfortable. As if non-believers to be more honest by not believing the price of insecurity (which is really painful).

This term has two parts.
Being a believer is much safer and at the same time, demanding.
is true that without faith there is a lack of security of the believer. And this may not be hard. But it can also be very comfortable. Can not see the inside of people. Some people to be comfortable "pay" the price of living in the dark. Not committed to the truth, not seek it. Live peacefully in their ignorance to not exposed to having to do those things that exijirĂ­a if found faith ... and therefore prefer not to look.

are not condemned to not believing. Those who are honest with yourself do not ever abandon the pursuit of truth.

the curious claim of It really curious agnostic of the agnostic pose of asserting the impossibility of knowing what he knows ...
Would not it be reasonable to say simply that he still could not see what you do not know? Makes an extrapolation that is not valid: to move from a particular data (the non-personal knowledge of God) to the general statement of the impossibility of it. But he knows not shown at least that is impossible to know.
Faith is a treasure hidden in a field.
have not yet found insufficient to deny its existence. Only proves that I keep looking. Instead, it seems pretty irrefutable that many sane people (not crazy) have sold everything they had to buy the field ...

Faith and betting
who does not believe too much risk.
Faith is not a matter of probabilities, not calculations of interest and convenience, but long ago, a mathematical mind as Pascal suggested the following alternatives:

If you believe in God and God exists, I've won everything.
If you believe in God and God
not exist, do not lose anything.
If you do not believe in God and God exists, I lose everything.
If you do not believe in God and God does not exist, you gain nothing.

But not a question of betting. Faith is not a bet, although the balance of probabilities have more chances of winning.

not think you want but you can Faith is a gift that God does not deny anyone. It's a mystery of grace and human freedom.

impressive to see Jesus giving thanks to the Heavenly Father because it has been shown to have hidden the humble and those who are themselves wise, prudent (cf. Mt 11.25). God is hidden and shown. Only the poor are able to see.

The truth is obvious: everyone should take the path leading to it. A very personal way. Seek the truth and get in position to find God.

is not getting to understand God, but to find it.
And when it is, then, is understood and especially loves it.

Being able to listen to God and be able to talk to God
How do you get to meet God, to listen and talk?
"must learn to talk to God?"
One can be-or become-deaf to the things of God. "The body of God, says Card. Ratzinger, may atrophy to the point that words of faith from becoming completely meaningless. "
"And who has not heard can not speak, for deaf and dumb go together." Then we must be able to "learn" to communicate with God. "Little by little you learn to read encrypted writing of God, to speak their language and We understand God, but never completely. Gradually self can pray and talk to God, to the top so childish in a way we will always be children, "but after getting better, in his own words" (Joseph Ratzinger, God and the world, p. 16) .

No magic formulas, no tours.
First, with the opening to transcendence: he dismissed out of hand the possibility of the supernatural, would close the door to the truth. Would be rejecting a priori the existence of something that is not irrational. And with this attitude obviously difficult to find something whose existence voluntarily refuse. But is not that the truth is hidden, simply denies.

After all that favors the activity of the mind: art, poetry, music and more. The expressions of the human spirit.
with philosophical realism. Upon reading
exemplary lives (the saints), and in particular the path of the great converts of history. The reading
of Holy Scripture, God speaks in it.
With prayer. Even if it seems good for nothing: God listens but I'm not aware of his presence.

A secret

Georges Chevrot explains that "God is love rather than be understood" (The Well of Sychar, Ed Rialp, p. 291). In fact, we know God more through the love of intelligence. John understood Jesus better because he was not smart but because he loved her more and therefore had more intimacy with Him who does not understand, you should start trying to love and what came to be seen. The reverse path is not guaranteed success: easily become entangled by pride, and to find faith, humility is essential.
And who understand, "he to whom Christianity would" close "perfectly" still has some way to go, to get to love him with all my heart.

looking for, try go to him, even before they believe in Him
Faith is an act of knowledge, but also involves the exercise of the will must want to believe. It is difficult for anyone wanting to come to believe not to believe. God does not force our freedom. They are very rare unexpected encounters like San Pablo or André Frossard (in his book "God exists, I found it" tells his personal story.)
But faith is above all an encounter. Not reached by intellectual reasoning, but surrenders when intelligence is God. In particular, a personal encounter with Christ (whom Christians affirm that lives and thus "found").

A common risk
Not a few people fall into the temptation of faith to create a tailor, as you prefer. But this would be a remarkable self-deception.
The truth has to come from outside. In the case of God, can only come from Him On my own I can get to know some things about God, but more important is what he reveals, which is inaccessible to our intelligence.

The greatness of faith
Lets go beyond appearances, beyond this world. Discover the deeper realities, the true meaning of things, the meaning of life. And penetrating the mystery, encounter God.

Christians should have a healthy sense of superiority ... is not really complex itself. It's just the joy of living a higher reality. Known called to something great, to eternal life.

Faith answers to the questions most important person.
The most vital, urgent, acute. The man can not fail to arise. Which will shape their lives according to the answer to get it.

who lacks faith does not solve them simply need to refuse to refer because he knows he can not find answers for them.

faith issues require faith. This is obvious. To believe is to have it. Who do not have can not "see."
But it is also true that many things are not "close" without faith (the existence of evil, life after death, the sense of pain, and many more.) And things of faith "close" (not fables taken down): come to explain the world in a completely coherent.

Faith is not provable, but believe is reasonable.
Much more reasonable than not to believe. 27/11/1906