Monday, May 21, 2007

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Does it make sense to study the Catechism memory?

Every year when meetings become parents of children preparing for First Communion raises the same question, the result of a culture anti-memoirs. Even in some cases, pose a tone Inquisitor for what they are studying by heart the Catechism Questions? Almost like saying, do you still continue with these prehistoric methods of learning? Do not you learned that memory is now frowned upon and that their use has become passé?

To show the current memory and the Catechism, we could use the argument of authority and show how recent documents of the Magisterium of the Church refer to it (collect the two major texts on the subject at the end). But we preferred to explain in some detail his rationale.

A clarification: these pages are not intended to defend the memory by memory, but something very concrete: the centrality of the rote learning of the Catechism.
As it is rote learning, not just anything, but the Catechism, we must begin by explaining its meaning and importance.

What is a Catechism?

Parties consider the obvious usefulness of the summaries. Who wants to know the most important-what matters an issue, "find a good summary of what you need to know about the issue.
In the realm of faith, something similar happens. From the beginning, the time of the Apostles came Symbols of Faith: The list of basic truths that a Christian should believe. Symbol of the Apostles' Creed we pray at Mass on Sundays in Argentina is a list of the twelve fundamental articles of faith, is attributed to the Apostles themselves. There is the most basic low expression of our faith. The truth is that the summary is great: it is everything and nothing is missing, everything else could be referred to these twelve articles is amazing. And things much easier. Then one can go deeper and considering what they know about each of them and has a guide to improve your knowledge of the faith.
Admittedly, this basic list of faith is very useful.

A second step is to put faith in questions and answers. It's ancient. And look if it's practical for the computing world has also adopted as usual system. In all Internet sites to find a section on "Help" (Help) with tons of questions. They teach you to use programs to do things, etc., Based on questions and answers. They have sections like "FAQ" (frequently asked questions and answers) or "Top questions". You could say that those sections "Help" is a "catechism" of such or such other thing.
That's what has the Church ever since. Teaching the faith-based questions and answers. Questions are very specific. And he responds very precise.
So everyone has to reach, in summary fashion, specifically, the most basic contents of faith. So
and accurate summary, the Pope explains the purpose of the Compendium Catechism (he was one of his first acts magisterial, fulfilling a request of John Paul II that he had done):

The Digest, which I now present to the Universal Church, is a faithful and sure synthesis of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Contains, in concise form, all the essential and fundamental elements of the faith of the Church, so that is, as my Predecessor had wished, a kind of vade mecum, through which people, believers or not, may include a single glance of entire panorama of the Catholic faith.

Benedict XVI, Motu Proprio for approval and publication of Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (28/06/2005)

Other Shorter Catechisms, which presents in summary fashion the major mysteries of the Christian believes, prays, and lives which it feeds. The study of these catechisms in the preparation of First Communion and Confirmation is to regard this paper.

The meaning and the value of memory

Why memory? Because it is fundamental in the process of human knowledge.
What is memory? To "store" experience, knowledge, people ... Remember something is to make use of the "deposit" (Database) that we carry with us. Study-in-fund is to record data, facts, ideas ... And we talked of studying memory when the "recorded" verbatim in our mind.

Ignorance, ideas confused, vague, precise knowledge
Learning is a process that leads to knowing something.
one thing to have a vague idea of \u200b\u200bsomething and another to know it properly. Do not talk about being an expert, but I know with any precision, so basic, what it is. Sometimes
handle words that have a vague idea, but do not really know what they mean exactly what they mean, what is the scope. But if we ask we explained that we would put in a bind, because we could not do it. Some examples: "global warming", "ozone layer", "evolution", "atomic energy." These are things that "sound", of which you have a general super idea ... sometimes so confusing that it is not true.

knowledge. Know precisely. With the right words.

If you were to ask what is a refrigerator? Would fit responses to different levels, some more accurate than others. "One thing that serves to cool" (could also be the radiator of a car or air conditioning). "A kind of closet where it's cold." "A machine for storing items that need to be kept cold." What is a human being? "One thing up and hair on legs" Well, yes ... but it would be better to say that a "rational animal." It is quite clear and precise.
kids at schools often ask, "What I can say with my words?" (Meaning they do not know what exact words, they can express different ones). Should respond: of course yes, if they respond to reality. If your words mean something different ... not serve to explain why not explain anything ...
sciences use technical terms that are meaningful. For example in mathematics: number (not "top" could be the roof ...), denominator integral, polygon ... Each of these words means something very concrete and its use facilitates understanding, avoids confusion and lengthy explanations.
In the realm of faith is the same. We use technical terms that mean something very specific. Some examples are the words nature, person, sacraments chrism, transubstantiation, the real presence, infallibility, etc.
To think and to speak of Christian realities need of these words. And to use them, we must first learn them.

When it comes to learning that are mysteries of faith (which do not have access to the senses), the precision of terms and definitions is essential.

Christians need to know well our faith to live. Understand what we believe, what good are the things that we pray, we do, practice, etc. Otherwise our religious life would be a ritualism devoid of content.
We reached a vague idea of \u200b\u200bwho is Jesus Christ, what are the sacraments, heaven or purgatory. The vague ideas easily distorted, because they lack precision. By the very fact of being generic, as soon as is practical, or it is done carefully, can be finished in statements that are not true.
it is necessary to outline, outline, clearly define the different realities.
dogmas, for example, do this: define a mystery of faith as expressed in words precise and concise. A different word would not facilitate the understanding but instead it will darken. Poor confused words.
not try to learn formulas by heart without understanding what it is as if it were magic words, but to know the supernatural realities they define. The dogmas of faith are needed, a small difference of words with ease would be a mistake (Because they express a different reality). Thus, it is the same as saying that the Blessed Trinity is one true God "in three distinct persons," which means "with three distinct persons" (as if "formed" by the sum of three). And who made the sign of the cross "in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit" would be pantheistic (would worship three gods ...).
When you forget what you know by heart, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe matter remains
But if we only had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe matter is forgotten, forgot all

or may not know, that is the question

Ultimately it comes down to the following question: I know what it is or not I know? "I understand but I can not explain it" means I have a vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe case, that "sounds" but do not know. Leading to levels of caricature to exemplify the issue, we can say that the Eucharist is not "a thing that eats at Mass," but "a sacrament that has really, truly and substantially the body, blood, soul and divinity "Jesus. The Mass is not a meeting to pray, but the "bloodless renewal of the sacrifice of Calvary."
For the central aspects of our faith we have the help of short and precise formulas Catechisms. Those who did made up in order to learn from memory, hence to facilitate the short and make certain rhyme.
If you ask what is a sacrament, no need to think about: a "sensible and effective sign of grace instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ to sanctify" (what I learned for my first Communion!). Then I have to explain what that definition, but the basic idea is there expressed.
We are keen to know the main facts of the faith. And to know what the Mass, what are the Angels, etc. I have not that develop large and complex explanations, because I have a simple formula, specific and accurate that I taught the Catechism. It is easy to realize that when you do not know the definition of the Catechism, it is much harder to express those mysteries.
memory is not everything. It is a starting point. Firm ground upon which to build knowledge of the faith. There is a machine learning words in a recording. Of course, so you can talk about knowledge have to understand, to the extent permitted by the mystery-the meaning of words.

By their fruits (Mt 7:16)

Finally, for verify the need for memory in learning the Catechism we can use recent experience and considering the bitter fruit that has produced its abandonment (of both the Catechism and memory), the generalization of a catechesis that despises Report " able "than their intended beneficiaries end up with a great ignorance of Catholic doctrine. That is, without memory, the result has been the religious ignorance.

Texts from the Holy See on memory in learning the Catechism

John Paul II in Ex.Ap. Catechesis tradendae (16/10/1979), No. 55 (the title of "memory" belongs to the document underlines is ours):

The last methodological issue that should at least emphasize, more than once alluded to her in the Synod is memorizing. The beginnings of Christian catechesis, which coincided with a civilization essentially oral, very widely resorted to memorization. And the catechesis has known a long tradition of learning by memory of the main truths. We all know that this method can present certain disadvantages: it is not the least of which lend themselves to poor assimilation, sometimes almost zero, reducing all knowledge to formulas that are repeated without draft in them. These drawbacks, together with the various characteristics of our civilization, have been here or there to the almost total elimination-final, unfortunately, according to some of memorization in catechesis. And yet, during the Fourth General Assembly of the Synod, have been authorized to hear voices very wisely rebalance the reflection and spontaneity, dialogue and silence, writing assignments and memory . Moreover, certain cultures have a great appreciation of memorization. Why, while secular education in some countries increasing criticism raised against the appalling number of consequences that follow from the contempt of that human right is the memory, why not try to revalue in catechesis smart and original even more so as the conclusion or "memory" of the great events of salvation history requires having an accurate knowledge? Some memorize the words of Jesus, of important Bible passages, the Ten Commandments, the formula of profession of faith, liturgical texts, some essential prayers, of key concepts of the doctrine ... Far from being contrary the dignity of young Christians, or constituting an obstacle to personal dialogue with the Lord, is a real need, as has been forcefully reminded the Synod Fathers.
have to be realistic. These flowers, as it were, of faith and piety do not grow in the desert places of a catechism memory. It is essential that these are stored EXTS and gradually understood in depth, to be a source of personal and communal Christian life. The plurality of methods in contemporary catechesis can be a sign of vitality and ingenuity. In any case, the method chosen should relate in the end to a fundamental law for the entire life of the Church's faithfulness to God and fidelity to man in an attitude of love.

From Introduction of the Compendium (whose questions are quite long and is not intended primarily for storage, but to be the basis for the development of shorter catechisms that can be studied):

A second feature of the Compendium is its dialogical , reflecting the ancient genre catechetical questions and answers. This is again proposing a dialogue between master and disciple, through a series of incisive questions, which involve the reader, inviting him to continue in the discovery of ever new aspects of the truth of their faith.
This genus also helps to shorten the text considerably, reducing to the essential, and thus favoring eventual assimilation and memorization of content.

Joseph Ratzinger, Introduction to the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (03/20/1905), No. 4.

In conclusion
just wanted to highlight the importance of two fundamental texts for a Catholic.

If you ask me what are the three most important books for a Catholic, should not miss on any home and we should all read and reread often do not need to think about the answer. The first is absolute: the Holy Scripture. Containing the word of God, its importance is beyond doubt and is the staple food of our souls.

For the other two, would you say are the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Compendium of it.
After Vatican II was felt the lack of a Universal Catechism, containing the same faith as always, expressed in current mode, according to modern needs, and that would reflect the teachings of the Council. It's what the bishops asked Pope John Paul II at the Synod meeting
occasion of the commemoration of the 20 th anniversary of the closing of Vatican II. For almost five hundred years since he published a universal Catechism (the former was made by St. Pius V in the sixteenth century). Thus wrote the Catechism of the Catholic Church in 1992. The idea is to serve as a basis and guide for the preparation of catechisms regional, national, etc.
The great utility and dissemination of the Catechism raised the practical need to have a summary. Then John Paul II commissioned a committee chaired by the Card. Ratzinger processing. And was he himself turned Benedict XVI, who passed two months after being elected pope, delivering the Church
this synthesis of faith. For this is as recommended reading to keep fresh the memory of the faith, how to query and as inspiration for meditation of the chief mysteries of our faith. Eduardo María Volpacchio
