Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Guys 25th Birthday Invite

Is it a sin to miss Mass on Sunday?

The answer to this question could be very short:

Yes, miss Mass, without a serious reason to justify it-is a grave sin.

may be of interest to dwell for a moment to analyze why this is so.

Why miss Mass on Sunday is a sin?


Because we failed to attend voluntarily a serious obligation we have. And the serious breach of duty is a serious fault.

So the starting point of this issue is the consideration of the law of the Church that sends attend Mass on Sundays and holidays.

Why might be a sin, if he misses Mass not hurt anyone?

The gravity of sins is not measured by how bad does to others, but for the offense that represents God. So, for example, blasphemy is a serious sin, but no one else will listen.

On the other side who miss Mass on Sunday is hurt yourself and the ecclesial community to which he belongs. The lack of God is a dangerous lack: it hurts the soul.

What are the obligations of Catholic?

Catholics, in addition to the Ten Commandments that summarize the natural law and are valid for all men-not only for Christians, we have other specific obligations to be: are the five commandments of the Church.

These are some duties to regulate and channel concrete form to be Catholic, how we love God and we worship in the Church. Among them is the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation.

is one of the most basic obligations of Catholics.

Surprisingly some Catholics are unaware of their obligations. And others just do not believe that there are real duties that require them. They think that to be the supreme law of Christian love, love everything should be spontaneous, with no obligations. But this is not true, because love is demanding: how much more love, more manifest requirement and avoid anything that offends.

Is it a board or a law?

is important to distinguish the advice and the law. One thing for recommendations of good things that give us to help us be better, "seeks to help others," "I try to pray the Rosary ", etc. In this case we will as we deem appropriate, but not bound in conscience to follow such advice. Obviously not sin, if we decide not to follow advice.

quite another are the laws that bind in conscience, the laws establish strict duties.

So the failure of the law is sin?

We must distinguish between the divine law that comes directly from God, and ecclesiastical law, issued by the Church to specify ways to serve and honor God.

divine law regulates basic life issues, so no exception: its failure is always bad, there can be no sin. This is the case of the Ten Commandments.

Instead, the church law is minimal concretions of the Church to help us live the Christian life and does not intend to oblige whenever there is a serious difficulty to comply. Therefore I do not ecclesiastical law when compliance requires me represents a serious inconvenience, if a Sunday I am sick or I have another problem that makes it very difficult to me I have no obligation to go to church.


in normal forces so that their failure is sin.

Because the lawlessness of the Church can not be good. And do not give importance to comply voluntarily leaving without just cause, is in fact a contempt.

Since it is a matter of personal opinions, but established by the Church, who established the ecclesiastical laws.

us see now what the Catechism of the Catholic Church about these commandments (I have highlighted in bold specific parts on this topic.)


2041 The precepts of the Church are in this line of a moral life bound to the liturgical life that feeds it. The mandatory nature of these positive laws enacted by the ecclesiastical authority seeks to ensure the faithful the indispensable minimum in the spirit of prayer and moral effort, in the growth of love of God and neighbor . The more general commands of Holy Mother Church are five:

2042 The First Commandment (whole and hear Mass on Sundays and other holy days of obligation and make no menial jobs ") requires the faithful to sanctify the day which commemorates the Resurrection of the Lord and the principal liturgical feasts honoring the mysteries the Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints, first participating in the Eucharistic celebration, and rest of those jobs and occupations that can prevent this sanctification of these days (cf. CIC can. 1246-1248; CCEO, can. 880, § 3; 881, § § 1 2.. 4).

The Second Commandment ("confess your sins at least once a year") ensures preparation for the Eucharist by receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which continues the work of conversion and forgiveness of Baptism (cf. CIC can. 989; CCEO can.719).

The third commandment ("receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least at Easter") guarantees a minimum in the reception of the Body and Blood of the Lord through time Easter, origin and center of Christian worship (cf. CIC can. 920; CCEO can. 708. 881, § 3).

2043 The fourth commandment (to abstain from meat and fasting on the days established by the Church) says the days of asceticism and penance which prepare us for the liturgical feasts and to acquire the mastery over our instincts and freedom of the heart (cf. CIC can. 1249-51; CCEO can. 882).

The fifth commandment (to help the needs of the Church) states that the faithful are also obliged to help, each according to his ability, to the material needs of the Church (Cf. CIC can. 222, CCEO, can. 25. The Episcopal Conference may also establish other ecclesiastical precepts for their own territory. Cf. CIC, can. 455).

And in particular, on the Sunday Mass, said:

2177 The Day Sunday celebration of the Eucharist and the Lord has a paramount role in life of the Church. "On Sunday, which celebrates the paschal mystery, the apostolic tradition has been observed in the whole Church as the foremost holy day of obligation" (CIC, can. 1246.1).

"Also to be observed on Christmas Day, Epiphany, Ascension, Corpus Christ, Holy Mary Mother of God, Immaculate Conception and Assumption, Saint Joseph, Saints Peter and Paul and finally, All Saints "(CIC, can. 1246.1).

2178 This practice of the Christian assembly dates from the early age of the Apostles (cf. Acts 2.42-46, 1 Co 11.17). The letter to the Hebrews says: "Do not abandon your Assembly, as habit of some, rather, encourage one another "(Hebrews 10:25).

Tradition preserves the memory of a timeless exhortation:" Come early to church, come the Lord and confess their sins, repent in prayer ... Going to the sacred and divine liturgy, conclude its prayer and do not leave before the dismissal ... I've often said, this day is given for prayer and rest. It is the day that the Lord has made. It exult and we rejoice (Unattributed, Serm. Sun.)

The obligation of Sunday

2180 The commandment of the Church and accurately determines the law of the Lord: "On Sundays and other holy days of obligation the faithful are obliged to participate in Mass "(CIC, can. 1247). "It fulfills the obligation of participating at Mass who attends it, wherever they are held in a Catholic rite, either on the day of the party as yesterday afternoon" (CIC, can. 1248.1)

2181 Eucharist Sunday bases and ratifies all Christian practice. For this reason the faithful are obliged to participate in the Eucharist on days of obligation, unless they are excused for a serious reason (eg illness, caring for young children) or dispensed by their own pastor (cf. CIC, can. 1245). Those who deliberately fail in this obligation commit a grave sin.

2182 Participation in the common celebration of the Sunday Eucharist is a testimony of belonging and loyalty to Christ and his Church. The faithful claim and his fellowship in faith and charity. Witness both the holiness of God and the hope of salvation. It is comforting each other, guided by the Holy Spirit.

2183 "When absence of a priest or other grave cause is impossible to assist in the Eucharistic celebration is strongly recommended that the faithful participate in the liturgy of the word, if it held in the parish church or other sacred place as prescribed by the diocesan bishop, or remain in prayer for an appropriate time, alone or in groups, or, if appropriate, in family groups "(CIC, can. 1248.2).

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As the Catechism is no room for doubt. Everything that comes out of this, it is a personal opinion outside the established by the Church.

Eduardo Maria Volpacchio