After decades of a capitalist model that ejects and precarious to all our people, the workers produced a non-capitalist: the recuperated enterprises and their organizations. Unemployment disobeying we become a social and political force that enabled us to move forward on the production workers becoming self-managed, challenging the repression in our factories and slander of the policies of the day.
Kirchner's current government has tried to isolate this recovery process, making the treatment of expropriation laws, voting against or unenforceable, drowning financially self-managed enterprises and workers subsidizing big monopolies in different sectors of the economy , while trying to co-opt people sectors or social movement, counting public funds of the national state. Because we recognize as
workers have never lost our sense of class, we have no doubt or confusion of being or wanting to become entrepreneurs or monotributistas. We know that this is not a new struggle, but the resistance continued to star in our people in the path to liberation.
The fight initiated by individual workers who have recovered their companies has shown that workers are the generators of wealth socially created and therefore do not need capitalists to guide and direct the production processes of recovered factories.
From this perspective it was forming a space of social and control (consisting of multiple organizations) that has managed to promote self-worth of work against the logic of capitalist exploitation, forming a tool that made the company self-managed action pattern, in factories with popular schools, cultural centers, libraries for their members and neighborhood residents, and it is not enough, became a reference and coordinator of many other social organizations, such as teachers unions, neighborhood assemblies and housing cooperatives that are now a constituent part of the broad field of recovered and self-managed enterprises. BACCALAUREATE
Precisely from these initiatives seek to articulate the whole social field. Popular education through their organizations converged quickly to the needs and demands of these social spaces. Cooperatives and popular education teams began to work closely with workers from recuperated enterprises build high schools and popular education training spaces. We frame this process in the Latin American tradition of social movements that assumed the need for education in their hands, linking it with the best tradition of struggle and a public education and popular, both to account for a state of crisis to tithe in the last decades our schools and forgot to vast sectors of society, especially young people and adults expelling the education system. From this field
Bachilleratos Popular in recovered enterprises territorial organizations and trade unions have been fighting for recognition of schools and educators popular with the same rights that all workers in education, calling for public policies for these initiatives .
The intrusion of extraneous political workers, either from the state or detached areas of popular interests have promoted division and individual actions over the groups, with false promises or magic solutions have not materialized and never will because their purpose is clear: the system does not tolerate this experience of struggle and featuring authentic self, and without mediation of any kind, so workers. It is therefore no coincidence that companies recovered in Impa-that was a pioneer in the struggle for self-managed workers now practically on the verge of depletion, or the Bauen Hotel fall prey to attempts to break or return to their former owners "with the clear endorsement of the political and public powers enabling in this way, a new development of business sectors on the genuine interests of workers.
believe that resolution of the problems of recovered companies and social organizations in the future should not be "that each person on your way ...", limit each company claiming the attention of the difficulty or in some cases offering money and favors to fail or co-opt the will of the workers.
The capitalist system in its new form of accumulation generates greater social polarization, wealth is increasingly concentrated in a few and growing poverty, the hand of the benefits of big monopolies. The workers must fight every day not to be unemployed, to continue production without a boss, to market our products, to claim the state for public policies that account for the existence of the real world of work, to ensure the continuity of our popular schools and to be part of the organization's entire workforce.
The self-managed in all its forms, from recuperated enterprises to cooperatives work and productive enterprises, we are part of the working class. So our fate will always be tied to that of our fellow employees, formal and informal, employed or unemployed.
We have before us the challenge of its own policy that transcends the different groupings, differences in background and party frames.
A policy can never go behind the immediate and specific needs of each self-management experience.
self-managed workers gathered at this gathering, we propose the following as a basis for a program of demands of the sector to be raised to the whole society and demanded that the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches:
1: enactment of a National Expropriation Act, which guarantees the ownership of productive units recovered by the workers. Regulation of Law 1,529 of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and payment of compensation ordered by the State Judiciary. Immediate suspension of any order of finish for Companies Recovered.
2: Creating a Technology Retraining Fund, to overcome the backwardness and lack of investment that have bankrupted the companies recovered today.
3: Sanction of Scheme of self-managing work, that takes from the fiscal, legal and economic as a new type of relationship association. This scheme should solve social security, retirement, health, accidents and illnesses of workers self-managed.
4: Recognition and promotion of Public School Self-managed in the figure of the Folk High Schools. Creation within the public education system of the Directorate of Social Management, People and Community. State subsidies and wages for all education workers who perform educational work in schools.
5: Forgiveness of Debt Tax self-managed enterprises.
call on all workers self-management of Recovered Companies, Cooperatives Working and productive enterprises to join and enrich the proposal.
United Workers Cooperative Footwear (CUC), Workers Solidarity Union (TSU), IMPA, Co December 19, RB Cooperative, Coop. COINPLAG, Chilavert Cooperative, Cooperative Popular Educators and Researchers (CEIP), Cooperative Educators Meeting Popular Huesitos Cooperative Wilde, COPARTI, Cooperative Barrio El Tala, Marabo Cooperative, Cooperative Grafica Avelino Fernandez FTV Solano, National Association of Self-Managed Workers (ANTA), National Movement of Recovered Companies (MNER) Minguillón Fridge Cooperative, Coop. Felipe Vallese Documentation Center, Cooperative The Hearth, Cooperativa Manos. Youth workers without employer-no pattern in the movement of organizations and social entrepreneurs MOES. Assembly Commission for the recovery of the privatized.