Thursday, August 21, 2008

Plus Size Brazillian Wax

Reconstruction popular field or the idyllic vision of the progressive government

                                                                  Document Ceip / July 2008

The reconstruction of the popular or the idyllic vision of the progressive government

Country versus government: the false dilemma between oligarchs and people

The confrontation between the government and the countryside for nearly four months had the virtue of an unusual build and deepen political debate in Argentina : profitability, earnings, redistribution of income, deductions, focus groups, popular democracy or not, were some of the many concepts mentioned by politicians, journalists, activists and even the whole population. However, the undeniable wave of "politicization" must not be confused about the depth of them and even participating interest of all our people.

political agenda, once again, was set by the main protagonists: the self field and government on the stage of the struggle between and from the mainstream media ... . Strong and grandiloquent speeches, both sides were raised as the two possible (and unique) to combat land ...

In this context and to the extraordinary income growth, there was a dispute from the field (with its four entities: SRA, Coninagro, CRA and FAA) and the government resolution 125, which set the variable export export. Under sinister game to install the fear of a coup by the national government, our country was traversed by numerous speeches that appealed repeatedly to polarize many political positions: it is with the government or the field (broad concept and complex from the best government was the same oligarchy ). In turn, l a capacity of rural institutions to bring together all opposition was an arc of product over others that own merits ... agricultural rentiers learned to hide their petty bid for profitability behind a false victimization producers

In short, l to rhetoric and idyllic vision of a popular government hides a strong oligarchy vs grabbing dispute over rent between different fractions the bourgeoisie, which was discussed at any time really to do with the revenue and how to allocate, and which was not really interested in generating real areas of discussion and participation in those present the interests of all of our people.

No vocation was politics in detail, except when they were compelled by the government for its stance is little consensus on whether that money, resulting from the withholding really would use as a distributive income, or as a form of swell the funds to fill the growing foreign debt (which at that time amounted in the first half of the year to nearly $ 200 million). Finally, this fabulous contest for popular democracy against the oligarchy certainly defined in a particular ... The political alliance designed by the government itself now, with K found incredible attitude of defiance, that its strategic ally -K-radicalism betrayed the popular cause ... The end result Cobos's vote did nothing but express the true nature of the coalition front K: historical conservatism radical-in versions more opportunistic, "the union bureaucracy (the support CGT Moyano, Cavalieri and A. Rodriguez), the mafia of suburban mayors, governors and even Orthodox Tucuman Alperovich inside and o-progressive new ally - Senator Saadi of Catamarca, for taking so We could just add some shows ... officials transformed kidney r as former ex duahldista Cavallo and Anibal Fernandez-now replaced by the ex duhaldista exUCEDE and Massa and Alberto Fernandez ... still in effect and with a lineage not very different to those ..., all gathered under the historic reconstruction of the Peronist Party ...

course, anyone would think that we forget progressive wing government K: sadly co-opted social organizations in exchange for favors and resources (spiteful also waiving the promised construction of movement transversal) or K-intellectual signatories of which a high percentage are officials of the government itself. Finally, beyond changes in human rights policy, which is good to say ... one should expect otherwise from the responsibility that have the support of part of the historic human rights organizations ... and Julio López ? ...

Well ... there was also a progressive recovery of the policies of the state ... was so small from the neoliberal Menem that changes are noted, but with an interest in a presence of only 5 times lower than in the eighties or the decade sixties when the state controlled the basic resources utilities, industries, oil, health and education.

What was the conflict ... inflation, poverty and ever lower wages ...

redistribution Speeches of wealth and the onslaught of neoliberal policies were not translated into public policies according to the needs of workers. The governmental discourse of change does not mean a new policy. What it took was a recomposition of the regime and accumulation patterns, leaving intact the unequal distribution of wealth and job insecurity.

today's main economic groups continue to benefit from the policy of this government. The income of these groups has grown dramatically better product for the international export of raw materials (especially soybeans, transforming the agricultural diversity in monoculture) and agribusiness, as well as so-called commodites.

While for 14 million poor heating and heating supplies (bottles) increased by over 250% since the devaluation, the domestic consumption of gas from more affluent neighborhoods enjoy rate frozen for more than 7 years. For a state that proclaims the right to appropriate the extra income, it is striking that not done in recent years, when deposits and reserves of the Central Bank grew considerably. It is worth remembering that in all capitalist countries, the financial returns are achieved by the Income Tax. In the Argentina in a conservative estimate of the 2008 budget, the exemption of earnings to financial profits means that the state fails to collect more than 3,000 million pesos annually. Is a number, if one takes into account the other hand, the exemption of VAT on bread and milk consumed by the poorest, means just 118 million pesos annually. Was not a promise to remove the exemption Cristina gains enjoyed by the judges? Represent 150 million pesos a year to lose revenues to the state. Trusts of seed pools pay zero tax ... Argentina K remains the country of the exemption ... For its part, the fight against the media, the government of Nestor Kirchner in December allowed the merger of Cablevision and Multichannel where the Clarín Group was the main favored ...

oil company Repsol YPF as a strategic ally of the government is benefited by a system of tax relief ... never forced her to meet investment commitments ... in this political line entrepreneurs join "friends" like J. Association Brito local banks, partner of the official credit projects, and is even mentioned as member of the new national bourgeoisie ....

This, together with an increase in poverty because of inflation in the most pessimistic estimates around 25% and finally devour even the recent wage increases, with a real basket of $ 3,300 (which further increases do not cover or 50%) Add to that the growth of precarious work that explores the operating conditions of the fringes of marginalizing low-income population to access other forms of job placement, social and cultural .... just to mention some indicators ...

And then through the media and the ensuing open letters bombastic speeches: redistribution, social justice, independence ... words that in fact the kirchnerismo not seem to realize.

This government has already been 5 years and the level of social inequality is similar to 1995. E s clear that is not much that can hold K progressivism ... more than the already oft, pragmatic and opportunistic lesser evil argument or expression What else there is to the left of K ...?

The difficult path towards the reconstruction of the popular

scheme crisis in 2001 expressed needed a reconstruction process in the key hegemonic liberal ... returned all the nineties but rejuvenated speeches ... had to rebuild the capitalist system and protect the political class ... yesterday and efficientist Private ... progressive and righteous today ... Or else if the K who were part of the privatization process ... if the K who silenced their voices, at least in the public media, on the murder of Kosteki and Santillan (not just Clarín silent ...). The popular reaction in that process started in 2001 had the power to topple governments but not enough to rebuild truly popular alternative ... neoliberal hegemony was challenged but not replaced ... the logic of individualism, pragmatic and short-term and tense through the whole of our society, and of course our social organizations. Precisely for this reason, replacement and key political defeat, not the job of grand speeches or saviors of the day, or opportunistic pragmatism tinged shortcuts, it means a slow rebuilding process popular since all workers and employees ... Without seeking national bourgeoisie saving or essential state . Concentrated economic groups as Urquía, Brito, Elsztain, Rocca and Dolphin Group and others have been favored by government subsidies and are scheduled considered strategic allies of the new capital of the K (?!) ... that common interests can be our partners neighborhoods, factories, schools and public universities with these areas today allies in government policy?

The intrusion of extraneous political workers from either the state or detached areas of popular interest are promoting division and individual action over the collective, with false promises or magic solutions that have not materialized and never will because their purpose is clear: the system does not tolerate experiences of struggle and featuring authentic self without mediation of any kind, by all workers.

Therefore, we tend that the main task of the popular organizations in this stage is to encourage autonomous policies of governments and not repeat the false statements made in power, proposing axes mobilization that reflect the immediate needs of the people and striving to rebuild a people power necessary to form a real alternative for transformation to ensure a present and a future of social liberation. With the people and with the people as claimed by Latin American social movements.

From our organization hold the joint with all the social organizations independent of governments and businesses recovered (MNER), self-managed workers of Anta-CTA or social movements of the unemployed and the Frente Dario Santillan, among others.

Particularly since Cooperative Educators and Researchers (CEIP) and create strategies to promote social and educational construction since 1998 gave rise to a new form of struggle and organization in education: high schools popular and from social organizations. Today they are taken by many social movements as alternative tools for self-guided construction and constitute more than a dozen organizations that co-coordinate this process of questioning the traditional education system and promoting self-education and popular from the Coordinator Popular Baccalaureate -. We frame this process in the Latin American tradition of social movements that assumed the need for education in their hands, picking up the best traditions of struggle and public education and popular.

Therefore, and as education workers we echo and adhere to numerous calls sponsored by social organizations that promote the reconstruction of the popular from the unity and action, claiming the diversity of political traditions in search of work for the development of other ways and actions for social transformation . Therefore, together with other social trends do their own claims for:

-wage increase with into account the actual costs the family budget, now set at $ 3,300

Rejection to price increases. Penalties and seizures to those who speculate.

- Total elimination of VAT on basic food basket.

-Increase of progressive taxation: Income, wealth and financial income tax to subsidize the lower prices food.

-Regulating foreign trade and adopt a fiscal reform tax relief for consumer loads, changing the property tax rates and profits.

-Change in agricultural model : no landless rural worker!. Earth under control of the work.

also as a member organization of the National Coordinator self-managing work (Conta: MNER, Anta / CTA and Ceip), we propose the following as the basis for a program of demands of the sector to be raised to any society and demanded political power, legislative and judicial:

1: Enactment of a National Law on Expropriation Production Units, to ensure continuity of production in the hands of workers bankrupt businesses or default.

Complete with all the expropriation proceedings initiated in all provinces to stop the attempts of the judiciary to proceed with the liquidation process, with the complicity of the political class.

Regulatory Act 1,529 of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires with the reassurance that contributed by the recovered companies in payment for expropriation back to the company as a subsidy for technological innovation.

An Act to suspend any order of finish for Recovered Companies.

2: Creating a Technology Retraining Fund , to overcome the backwardness and lack of investment that have bankrupted the companies recovered today.

3: Sanction of Scheme of self-managing work , that takes from the fiscal, legal and economic as a new type of relationship association. This scheme should solve social security, retirement, health, accidents and illnesses of workers self-managed.

4: Wages for all workers in the education of Ba and Popular baccalauréat Scholarships for school students and young adults . Creating within the public school system the Address Social Management, People and Community .

5: Forgiveness of Debts maintaining self-managed enterprises with state agencies and state banks.

6. Procurement Law requiring the state to buy 25% of the budget to social enterprises and self-managed recovered.

call on all workers self-management of Recovered Companies, Cooperatives Working People's Education Organizations and productive enterprises to join and enrich the proposal.




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