Wednesday, December 14, 2005

How To Play Frustrated Rummy Card Game

Is going to church without feeling?

Mass and feelings
On a confusion may be overextended.

I am concerned to have found quite a few people who have advised them-even a priest, not to attend Mass on Sunday "if he felt it." If true these tips, it would mean that the moral criterion for assessing the appropriateness of Mass attendance is as follows: "If you feel it, you have a duty to go to Mass, if you do not feel you do not have to go (or at least could not to go). " It is an approach that makes decisive, from the standpoint of moral feelings.

Yes, with a hint of irony, we put ourselves in a context of seeking excuses not to go to Mass, the matter would sound so to feel good in Mass would be a burden, that makes me go, and feel bad about the Mass, a liberating force of the precept. And we see that there is something wrong.

Indeed, if we consider rationally the position, we realize that it is simply nonsense. It's what we try to address in these lines.

the outset I must say that the aforementioned criteria is irrelevant. To use it would have to first discover what feelings it: feeling win to go to Mass, to feel emotion at Mass, bored at Mass, feeling lazy, feel sympathy or anger at the priest, feel more desire for other things and so on possible feelings. Having clarified what types of feelings would advise not to attend Mass, we should ask what intensity of feeling would be necessary to excuse sin or offense.
Needless to say that all this pose is meaningless.

know what God calls us first: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all thy mind and with all your soul and with all your might." Does not ask us good feelings, but love "in deed and in truth."

The superficiality of the argument used for justifying the abandonment of religious practice, is also ignore several realities:

· Ignoring the Mass salvific value beyond the feelings of the audience.
· Not knowing the value of obedience to the laws of the Church.
· lost the sense of duty.
· Not knowing the value of sacrifice as an expression of love. Unknown
· human psychology, because if I do good, is beyond question the goodness of the Eucharistic sacrifice, which cost me, I'll hardly want to make later. And less than appreciative.

The value of the Mass

The council would be valid if the only function of the Mass was to awaken in those good feelings involved. If you fail in this attempt, which would be its sole raison d'etre, would indeed be useless, and we would attendance at all the same.
But the Mass is an act of God, which sanctifies the world. In it much more of what I see, what I play, what I feel. Mass so that helps me a lot more than I can tell, is not only served me, I need to have eternal life.

Precepts and feelings

For Sunday Mass is at stake than piety: a precept of the Church. And law enforcement goes beyond feelings. In this case, moreover, is a provision that requires serious (ie non-compliance, in principle, severe). A legislator ever contemplate among the causes excusing compliance with the law's lack of feelings: feelings have no place in the legal field because they can not be objectively measurable.

If a person falters and weakness miss Mass on Sunday, humbly ask for forgiveness by acknowledging his fault, and God will forgive. The problem occurs when you try to justify the failure, so no longer needed. Then, it is confirmed in the way of abandonment of compliance with their religious duties. And this, far closer to the love of God, away from his presence.

The lack of feeling may be offensive

In human relationships, lack of feeling not exempts from family or social duties. On the contrary, if that is the reason for the failure, making it more offensive. If you do not attend the birthday celebration of a friend, surely you can understand the reasons that prevent me from doing. But if I justify saying that I did not say anything you and your celebration, far from excusing, explaining my absence will make it painful, will make it a genuine contempt.

seems to me that far from pleasing to God that a Christian does not go to Mass because they feel it, it is more offensive. And he "hurts" not make any effort to overcome this lack of feeling to be with Him would

very selfish attitude of one who stopped going to Mass when it ceases to "feel" like you just searched for "feel good" and when it fails, abandon it because "no longer serves me." We're not going to church to feel good, but to participate in the greatest act of love of God by men are not going to enjoy ourselves, but to give God the worship that deserve, nothing less than the gift of Christ and seek the grace we need to be good children of God. The value of this is far beyond what I can feel.
God does not bother you do not feel anything. He knows well how my inner state. Want to be loved, even when my feelings do not provide that love me.

The real solution

may be true that most people who stop going to Mass, then for reasons of "emotional" feel nothing, bored, not in the mood. They have faith, say they love God, but not full, do not feel anything. And it is the greatest gift of God to men. It's a shame, but it is far to justify the lack of religious practice.

Those in this situation have a problem and should seek to resolve. Maybe they should consider that the Mass is not "innocent." That solution is not to miss, but try to tell you something, understand it better, live more intensely. Stop going to Mass is the worst of all "solutions" possible lack of feelings, because it does not solve anything. Never "thank you" to stop participating in the Mass get love God, and feel more intensely that love.

Those who love have a good time with the beloved, but that's not what you need (love selfish self-seeking). Who seeks to glorify God, you know give up their feelings: looks nice, though it does not take anything for personal gain. Conclusion

If you miss Mass on Sundays, please do not justify yourself by saying that it tells you nothing. Never excuse before God. It is clear that anyone who calls us as the first commandment to love him, can not be indifferent to tell you that we do not feel anything for your company.

If you hear someone argue in this way, tell him to think again, because it is an illogical reasoning by which you consider.

On the other hand, and finally, if you have been so many souls in love with the Eucharist, is that something has, and will be put on a campaign to find out. It is a challenge.

P. Eduardo Volpacchio


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