Thursday, December 29, 2005

Does Retroperitoneally Mean

Viva el Papa!

Reflection on the year 2005 that ends

At the Last Supper, after three years together in an atmosphere of farewell and love, Jesus asks his disciples a poignant promise: "do not leave you orphans" (Jn 14:18).
words that contain a supernatural mystery.
Orphan's who having no parents, no family.
So with those words, Jesus is promising the apostles a wonderful family.

Until then, it had been everything to his disciples, a teacher, parent, sibling, friend. Now goes to the Father, but not leave them alone.
It is "hidden" in the Eucharist.
addition, we sent from the Father the Holy Spirit. Both
make us children of God.
And, to us children, makes us better members of the family, the family of God. Indeed

fulfilled. Do not leave us orphans because it gives us a family, the Church of which He is the head and the Holy Spirit, the soul. The family of the children of God.

And the family is complete on earth gives a father the Pope! (Meaning "daddy"). Who is on earth. Person. His affection. His authority. This

2005, God has made us live a very intense spiritual experience of family life of the Church.

The agony of John Paul II.
All sons and daughters of the Church throughout the world, gathered around their dying father. United in prayer. United in love. All the eyes and heart in Rome. Accompanying him on his entry into the Father's house. What most enriching experience of unity! How funny awesome!

And at the funeral of John Paul II, seeing the main concelebrant love the thought of many-many-was "here is the new pope," this is the Pope. " And indeed, the Holy Spirit elected in the conclave, which had already set in the heart of all: Benedict XVI.

And a few months after the First World Youth Day Benedict XVI!
many expectations!
At school, we were happily represented by 3 ° were studied. What graduation trip! With a German pope in Germany! Another experience of unity!
Pope, much more than a leader, a character, a moral reference ... a father!

2005. Two Popes. Two gifts of God. As parents. So different and so alike out its mission. Behind their personal differences, we see Christ, once again, as -always fulfilled: has not left us orphans.
San Josemaría
And also we can say, "Thank God for the love the pope to have placed in my heart" (Road 537).

P. Eduardo M.

Article published in the Yearbook of the College El Buen Ayre 2005


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