Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Electro Song That Counts Down From 5

The problem of who does not believe

"If human beings just trust what your eyes see in reality is blind because it limits their horizons so that eludes him precisely the point. Because
does not take into account their intelligence. The really important things not seen through the eyes of the senses, and to that extent it still does not perceive that it is able to see beyond what is directly perceptible. "

Joseph Ratzinger, God and the world, p. 16

have faith or no faith, that is the question

There are people with faith and people without faith. People who have it and live as if they had none; and people who do not have and would like to have it.
People who are born into a Christian family and are almost genetically Christian. Persons to whom no one spoke of God, do not know and lack of experience "divine" lack of sensitivity to spiritual things. Faith says nothing, because they can not imagine what it is to have it.
People lost faith they once had, they were left on the road and do not care much where. Do not tell them anything because they got bored with what they believed. People
eager to find meaning in the routine of their lives.

In these few pages, I explain to the believer (that beyond economic crises never has experienced what it is to live without faith) the problem of those who lack faith. Because, let's say input, although it is not aware, who has no faith has a very serious problem.

What is the problem of those who lack faith?

To begin, we lose a lot of really knowing. And, specifically, the highest.
can reach only a very superficial view of human life: what you see, hear, eat, fat, sick, etc. But man is more than just a machine that processes food, work and play. Whoever loses the human spirit (the most valuable of man) loses much (and relationship with God is the highest expression of the human spirit). Lose

also transcendence and his life is so locked in the "prison" of the immanence of the world. You can enjoy many things, fun, etc., But his life taken as a whole, has become a path to cancer and the grave. It's hard, but not expected otherwise.

lose the deeper meaning of love, that without the spirit is reduced to mere pleasure.
It misses the deeper meaning of life (do I live, where to go ...). Do not know where it comes from or where it goes.

can not achieve all that, Ultimately, it matters. It has no single answer to the crucial problems of human existence. As recognized English Nobel prize, agnostic, full of sadness towards the end of his life: "I have no one answer for the things that really interest me. I am a very special wise. A sage that knows nothing about what matters. "

Who says that only believe what you touch and see (if not I do not think so), do not really know what you're saying. The deeper reality of things is not at the surface and, therefore, is beyond the reach of the senses. Not seen with the eyes, not weighed in the balance, even with a microscope is achieved. It "sees" with intelligence, but beyond reach of their senses. And the biggest truth-how is the intimate life of God, than even the intellectual capacity to "see" only be accessed by faith. So bright
is explained and summarized the fox to Prince when he says "can not be seen only with the heart. The essence is hidden from the eye "(Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince, XXI).

The man without faith
never comes to understand some of the most important things in your life

For example:

happiness and the desire for infinite
spiritual realities of life sense (what we are here)
The deepest longings of the person

Pain Death (both in general and their own and that of loved ones)
And above it that comes later.


closed its non-creeencia has closed access to God, redemption, salvation.
closed to transcendence, is closed at its highest development, and especially to perfect happiness.
In humans there is a yearning for the infinite can not repress: nothing of this world fully satisfied, because here's things "are girls." These anxieties infinity will be satisfied after this life. So who is closed to transcendence, existentially frustrated because it is impossible to conceive as possible to the satisfaction of the more radical tendency of his being: his tendency to fullness.

Only those who know who can live fully

In the inaugural Mass of his pontificate, Benedict XVI recalled that "only where God is truly begin life. Only when we meet the living God in Christ do we know what life is. We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution. Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed, each is loved, each one is necessary. Nothing is more beautiful than to be surprised by the Gospel of Christ. Nothing more beautiful than to know Him and to others of our friendship with him. The task of the pastor, the fisher of men, can often seem wearisome. But it is beautiful and wonderful, because it is truly a service to joy, to God's joy which longs to break into the world "(Benedict XVI, Homily of 04/24/1905).

man without faith, you lose the best of life (not necessarily the most fun): God and eternal life are beyond the horizon of his life and scope.

Some with a good heart, can handle very noble things, such as science or art, also contribute to the temporal welfare of others. All this is very good. But they are missing something, indeed much: the opening to infinity and perfection, which gives meaning and value to what they do. For them, this good in a way, it becomes a way to God.

Other, perhaps consistent with their materialistic view of life (who does not believe in transcendence is "locked" in the subject) - live in frivolity ("eat and drink for tomorrow we die") may be distracted (dis-brought: zoom attention from the important), entertainment (between-have: a pass slightly while between two things), fun (playing light things dealing), live in and the silly.
Society today (technology) offers all sorts of means to achieve ... and may distract, entertain and have fun with some success ... and at times forget who they are, but not done: lose their lives.
distracted may take his life, entertaining and fun (with the attention away from what would lead to a fulfilled life.)
die without even realizing it. But in the end, will this mystery unfold and see how their lives have been frustrated by filling it with anything.

Is it comfortable to be a believer?
repeat an overused phrase, "It is hard to be non-believer."
As if the position of believers should be more comfortable. As if non-believers to be more honest by not believing the price of insecurity (which is really painful).

This term has two parts.
Being a believer is much safer and at the same time, demanding.
is true that without faith there is a lack of security of the believer. And this may not be hard. But it can also be very comfortable. Can not see the inside of people. Some people to be comfortable "pay" the price of living in the dark. Not committed to the truth, not seek it. Live peacefully in their ignorance to not exposed to having to do those things that exijiría if found faith ... and therefore prefer not to look.

are not condemned to not believing. Those who are honest with yourself do not ever abandon the pursuit of truth.

the curious claim of It really curious agnostic of the agnostic pose of asserting the impossibility of knowing what he knows ...
Would not it be reasonable to say simply that he still could not see what you do not know? Makes an extrapolation that is not valid: to move from a particular data (the non-personal knowledge of God) to the general statement of the impossibility of it. But he knows not shown at least that is impossible to know.
Faith is a treasure hidden in a field.
have not yet found insufficient to deny its existence. Only proves that I keep looking. Instead, it seems pretty irrefutable that many sane people (not crazy) have sold everything they had to buy the field ...

Faith and betting
who does not believe too much risk.
Faith is not a matter of probabilities, not calculations of interest and convenience, but long ago, a mathematical mind as Pascal suggested the following alternatives:

If you believe in God and God exists, I've won everything.
If you believe in God and God
not exist, do not lose anything.
If you do not believe in God and God exists, I lose everything.
If you do not believe in God and God does not exist, you gain nothing.

But not a question of betting. Faith is not a bet, although the balance of probabilities have more chances of winning.

not think you want but you can Faith is a gift that God does not deny anyone. It's a mystery of grace and human freedom.

impressive to see Jesus giving thanks to the Heavenly Father because it has been shown to have hidden the humble and those who are themselves wise, prudent (cf. Mt 11.25). God is hidden and shown. Only the poor are able to see.

The truth is obvious: everyone should take the path leading to it. A very personal way. Seek the truth and get in position to find God.

is not getting to understand God, but to find it.
And when it is, then, is understood and especially loves it.

Being able to listen to God and be able to talk to God
How do you get to meet God, to listen and talk?
"must learn to talk to God?"
One can be-or become-deaf to the things of God. "The body of God, says Card. Ratzinger, may atrophy to the point that words of faith from becoming completely meaningless. "
"And who has not heard can not speak, for deaf and dumb go together." Then we must be able to "learn" to communicate with God. "Little by little you learn to read encrypted writing of God, to speak their language and We understand God, but never completely. Gradually self can pray and talk to God, to the top so childish in a way we will always be children, "but after getting better, in his own words" (Joseph Ratzinger, God and the world, p. 16) .

No magic formulas, no tours.
First, with the opening to transcendence: he dismissed out of hand the possibility of the supernatural, would close the door to the truth. Would be rejecting a priori the existence of something that is not irrational. And with this attitude obviously difficult to find something whose existence voluntarily refuse. But is not that the truth is hidden, simply denies.

After all that favors the activity of the mind: art, poetry, music and more. The expressions of the human spirit.
with philosophical realism. Upon reading
exemplary lives (the saints), and in particular the path of the great converts of history. The reading
of Holy Scripture, God speaks in it.
With prayer. Even if it seems good for nothing: God listens but I'm not aware of his presence.

A secret

Georges Chevrot explains that "God is love rather than be understood" (The Well of Sychar, Ed Rialp, p. 291). In fact, we know God more through the love of intelligence. John understood Jesus better because he was not smart but because he loved her more and therefore had more intimacy with Him who does not understand, you should start trying to love and what came to be seen. The reverse path is not guaranteed success: easily become entangled by pride, and to find faith, humility is essential.
And who understand, "he to whom Christianity would" close "perfectly" still has some way to go, to get to love him with all my heart.

looking for, try go to him, even before they believe in Him
Faith is an act of knowledge, but also involves the exercise of the will must want to believe. It is difficult for anyone wanting to come to believe not to believe. God does not force our freedom. They are very rare unexpected encounters like San Pablo or André Frossard (in his book "God exists, I found it" tells his personal story.)
But faith is above all an encounter. Not reached by intellectual reasoning, but surrenders when intelligence is God. In particular, a personal encounter with Christ (whom Christians affirm that lives and thus "found").

A common risk
Not a few people fall into the temptation of faith to create a tailor, as you prefer. But this would be a remarkable self-deception.
The truth has to come from outside. In the case of God, can only come from Him On my own I can get to know some things about God, but more important is what he reveals, which is inaccessible to our intelligence.

The greatness of faith
Lets go beyond appearances, beyond this world. Discover the deeper realities, the true meaning of things, the meaning of life. And penetrating the mystery, encounter God.

Christians should have a healthy sense of superiority ... is not really complex itself. It's just the joy of living a higher reality. Known called to something great, to eternal life.

Faith answers to the questions most important person.
The most vital, urgent, acute. The man can not fail to arise. Which will shape their lives according to the answer to get it.

who lacks faith does not solve them simply need to refuse to refer because he knows he can not find answers for them.

faith issues require faith. This is obvious. To believe is to have it. Who do not have can not "see."
But it is also true that many things are not "close" without faith (the existence of evil, life after death, the sense of pain, and many more.) And things of faith "close" (not fables taken down): come to explain the world in a completely coherent.

Faith is not provable, but believe is reasonable.
Much more reasonable than not to believe. 27/11/1906

Sunday, November 19, 2006

コマツ Pc15

What good is a Christian? Good manners

Often in moments of fatigue, frustration or grief head crossing a sharp question: "But then, what good is a Christian? "
can pose very different tones: rebellious, defiant, depressed or in pain. It may be a mere complaint, a search response, a massed background or angry that the statement is worthless ...
in tone is made and the response to be given will depend in many cases, what kind of Christian is "holy, warm or cold, or who ceases to be at all ...

From a utilitarian perspective and challenging perhaps, is equivalent to the question about the meaning of Christian. Other questions
equivalent. For example: what helps me believe in God (or love, or pray ...)? What do I gain by going to Mass (or if I confess, get married by the Church ...)? And a long list of others like we want to analyze and respond in this article.
questions raised in terms of public interest, convenience or benefits that occur to me to be or live as a Christian. And justified to be, so it would be Christian just to get those benefits. And should stop if it were shown to be "not working" because it reports the benefits you would expect from him.
An important question that goes to the root of Christian identity: why I am a Christian? What hope of Christianity? What can I do?

A first quick answer:
face this life, and key material, possibly a Christian serves little purpose. We expect nothing
much larger: perfect happiness in eternal life.

be Christian, in principle, does not provide more health or more money, or better character, and we guarantee professional success or sports and ...
obviously live as God asks us, precisely because it responds to the demands of human nature will make us much good. But no such property lies in the reason of being Christian.

The issue of ultimate
who seeks, above all, the aim of his life, issues that will occur before his death (to be rated, succeed professionally, earn money, have fun, enjoy welfare ... or anything else style) might find in Christianity a weight, and easily evaluate it as an obstacle to their objectives (because it "takes" time, demands to be generous, honest, sincere ....)

But Christians (if we understood what Christianity) Christians are not only earthly expectations, ie for material benefits or merely temporary.
With St. Paul we are convinced that "if only for this life we \u200b\u200bhave put our hope in Christ, we are the most miserable of all men" (1 Cor 14:19). That is, we would be very foolish if we were Christians, primarily in the hope of benefits here below.

Promise of eternal life.
input your facts straight. Christ is not a temporal Messiah, promised eternal life.
This is the reason that prevented the Pharisees acknowledge and accept. To the apostles had a hard time temporalist rid of this vision of the Kingdom. In their love for Jesus best intentions mixed with worldly ambition imbued with egoism (these discussions about who would be the greatest when it finally establish the Kingdom!).
Christianity is a great promise, but not a promise but a promise chiquitita divine fullness, glory, union with God, deification participation divine life itself. A promise that completely transcends this life.
Jesus repeats over and over again in the Gospel: "the will of my Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day" (Jn 6.40);
"Whoever eats my meat and drink my blood has eternal lives, and I raise in the last days" (Jn 6.54), "Whoever believes in the Son have life eternal" (Jn 3.36).

The road is not easy: the road is narrow, the narrow gate, you have to carry the cross from time to time, but every day. Required delivery is demanding ... but finally the glory awaits us. And we are convinced of worth. Well experienced what was St. Paul who suffered much in his life: "I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not comparable with the glory which shall be revealed in us" (Rom 8:18).

The Kingdom that Jesus preached the kingdom of heaven. The day of his death Jesus has to make clear to Pilate that his kingdom is not of this world (cf. Jn 18, 36).

There is no deception: they are temporary advantages that we offer.
The Christian God does not seek primarily temporal goods, of which, to begin, we must be detached to follow Christ.
This is evident when the Jews admired and happy to have eaten through the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves look for it to make him king (a king and how wonderful life can give us!), Jesus disappeared and corrects his enthusiasm: "Work not for food that perishes but one that lasts to eternal life "(Jn 6.27).
The same Jesus who cures some patients, says, "Do not fear those who kill the body but can not kill the soul" (Mt 10:28). The main body is not the case.
temporal goods should not take first place in our requests and interests. And when we ask and seek, we always subordinate to the spiritual and eternal.

Eternity content is full of life
the Christian life here on earth is woven temporal and eternal event. Our life passes in time, but transcends it: it "puts" in eternity.
The hope of eternal life does not look in the distant future, but that pervades daily life. It is an escape from the troubles of this life, taking refuge in a possible future world in which there is a relative comfort. Does not lead to neglect of the things of earth, but we take care of them for a higher reason.
We are driven to conquer this kingdom is not of this world, specifically in the events down here.
mortality needs the reference to the eternal. Otherwise we would be empty. And eternal life is achieved with the commitment in this life.

Cardinal. Ratzinger explained to a group of university students in Spain: "If you completely lose sight of the eternal, then so present world loses its value because it runs in that brief period in which we live. Therefore, also from a human point of view must be opened to eternity and open to God. However, if from the ground there is neglected, then it has understood the wrong way to God and eternity, precisely because faith in God and faith in eternity takes responsibility for strengthening the field because in every moment of my life I will forever and if negligence creating this becoming ground, that make eternity in the temporal, entered into a contradiction with myself. I think that's what we have to learn: that without you can not live forever because time is empty, but only if that knowledge of eternity comes to fulfill completely this time, then that makes sense " [1 ] .

return is a reference.

We were created to love, to reach a fullness to which it is reached by the gift of self. And in our existence is the paradox that verifies who selfishly seeks his happiness will not find ever.

A materialistic Christianity?
A Christian materialist in which religion is resorted to only looking for temporary benefits, including a vague future hope "does not hold. Joseph P.

Manglano dialog contains a brilliant Guitton, synthesized here:
- Richelieu suffered many headaches and prayed to God to deliver him from them.
- Suppose for a moment that just pray for it. What would God's idea?
- I guess the celestial an aspirin.
- Invent Richelieu aspirin and stop praying. Continue to believe in God, but yours will be an idle God, a God who is but has no role in our lives. [2]

This is the problem. It is lawful, good, desirable and necessary to turn to God to solve our earthly problems - is our Father - but if we go with interest only temporary ... sooner or later our faith will be in trouble. Because it is a selfish and materialistic pose!

When expectations fail

... Today is not uncommon to find people who feel let down by God and Christianity. About Esperanza Elementary
temporary benefits of religion, you might end disenchanted with Christ.
would run this risk if we see religious life in terms of a consideration with God, I fulfill his will, do what he wants, I go to Mass, etc. In return, He hears my prayers, protect me from evil, evil saves me time, for some miracle from time to time to get me out of trouble, etc. When life runs smoothly, all is well. But a serious problem occurs when God does not "meet" you (or rather the part that we believe should do ...) or find another way to solve the problem.

In that case, one could end up turning away from God, a victim of disappointment. You may feel that God has failed, it has not done its part. And then sits with his right to leave: leave to pray, attend Mass, to live as Christians, or even abandon their vocation.
visiting patients in a hospital found a woman who did not practice the faith, though, as she dealt with quickly noted, had previously lived intensely. I asked him what had happened. His answer left me ice cream, "God let me down." And he went on to explain that to a number of serious problems had prayed intensely, and that despite their prayers had not happened. It was like telling me: "what does that do? with God well I'm not going anywhere. I do not work. "

is hard for a person to feel disappointed with God. Souls who quit because they feel that God was not up to what was expected of him ..

are those who, frustrated by not getting what they asked-questions: "what good is prayer?, If many do not pray and do very well." Or "why should behave well, do you report?" Just happens to those who struggle spiritually with the perspective that God will make them happy. When you feel that God is not doing "their part" implicit contract "because they suffer", is baffled and an earthquake pulls down his life spiritual.

to avoid misunderstandings should analyze well what we expect from God. Because it could be to wait things that God has not promised ...
But in reality God has not failed. What failed were the expectations. Waited wrong. Secularized virtue of hope: the "put" in this life and the "reduced" to temporal affairs (search for health, a good job, money, approval testing, career success, family, etc..). They were wrong. They had an eye to God face to temporal goods (health, employment, economic hardship, etc.). God never promised, and they forgot about the eternal (a that these shortcomings may have contributed). And it came to find out how the logic of God, one true logic.

False expectations lead to disappointment and disillusionment.

So in reality it is human disappointments.

So what good is prayer?
Praying always useful. Primarily to unite with God (the main purpose of the sentence.) When I ask something do not try to "change" the will of God, to persuade him to ignore me, that I have reason ... I ask you something I am convinced that God wants us to ask for that (my father!). I ask this because it is good, happy life me, I will help us serve you better, I can offer ...: In two words, enter into their plans of holiness. And at the same time, as I know God loves me dearly and no mistake, I'll be happy if it deems "just because I listen and I want-the best thing for me is not having what I want.
Some argue that to believe this requires faith. Absolutely.
With God all things are matter of faith: to believe and trust in their intelligence, goodness and omnipotence.
God always listens. Also when I do not understand when I can not hear, when it hurts me even when I'm angry. Faith includes confidence, and this gives meaning to pain, teaches holy cross.
God always loves, even when not given me what I ask. God is never wrong, "even when it seems that" thinks "differently than I or do not understand.
Obviously one of the key issues of our life is to discover the meaning of the cross. It makes sense, worth a lot. We try to seek and find.

If you want to know what is best, look in the Gospel and find what he wanted for himself and people he loved most.

God does not fail. It can not fail: if God is, what is real.

pray that love God. Because I know he loves me and wants the best for me. Prayer
confident in his will and his love. I know it serves me right, not when I have to suffer, not when it gives me what I ask, because then it gives me something much more valuable face to eternal life. Prayer
to join him: I look because I want to be with, find your help, your comfort is love, peace, help to be better son. To be able to give you the best of myself is what calls me love.

selfish A Christian?
The error of the matter is to start at the root in the proposition.
What is Christianity? A matter of love.
So what is it love? Love is the most important in life than happiness and fulfillment depend on one's own life. But since the question "what good is love? What would I gain if I love? "Never make love again.
We must be careful because you can not love a pose selfish (and no one is exempt from the temptation of selfishness). You can not love what I'm primarily looking for that love brings.

Love God above all things. That is the end. But if I ask myself "why I serve God? Why do I love? "We're starting the wrong path of faith and love. We put God on the basis of our interests. But God is not a servant class. It is impossible to grow in love following the path of the search egoistón own benefit.

do not you ask this question because it makes no sense. And when you cross over the head, respond with generosity, rejecting petty These claims involved.
At the same time you should know that being a Christian is used "too much" (is all you need!).

In fact, God and eternal life are
Christianity is not a bet on the future, like that of someone playing the lottery to see if the number comes out. It is not a gamble to see what happens ...
There are some "small" details to consider: God exists, we will die, we will be with Him, we will draw its presence accounts of how we have used the life he has given us ...

live as if God did not exist is fatal ... simply because it is a very false assumption: there is no possibility that does not exist.
live as if we were to lie here ... it's never too ridiculous ... just because the only thing that is clear in our life is going to die.

So, what is it Christian?
We have been created to love. Christianity makes to the creation of man leads us to the fullness for which we exist and which will attain perfect happiness. But that will not happen in this life perfect happiness consists in the possession of God, which happen in life eternal.
But this does not mean that face this life is useless, and that we are "condemned" to endure a cruel life consolation in how well we'll have after death.
Eternal life begins to take place in germ now. That eternal life and live here. Grace is a participation in divine life. Not felt, not measured in economic, health, etc. Nor in professional success. But it is more real than what we play. And is measured in terms of love and talent.

Christianity gives meaning to life, adds value and is "full" content. Makes intramundane issues are not unimportant, but rather open to eternity. Lets live this life
open to the fullness and transcend.
Without Christianity
life is very poor. Too. Is enclosed in immanence, in the space-time coordinates. Life without the prospect of Eternity is a film that ends badly. How is personal future? From the perspective of body worship, pretty bad: over the years, each time with less strength, sicker, more limited ... to death. Prospects "materials" are not the best. Supernatural
But the prospects are excellent, and they are getting better: closer to getting the life you crave more and more mature, wiser, more love, more full of love and service projects.

The supernatural virtue of hope is more necessary than many imagine. It opens horizons of fulfillment and love. Fill in this life and now content, and leads us to the worth, the one for which we are made, where they will realize the deepest longings of the human heart.
But supernatural hope, he adds. Is much more than a vague aspiration or desire, is the certainty that God will give us what we promise: a life eternally happy with Him in glory.

But being a Christian only to face this life would be a cruel scam. The worst of the scams: take the most valuable, most profound sense, the reason why God became man, died, rose again and ascended into heaven for us.

Ultimately being a Christian meant to:
Discovering the meaning of our life (what we live!)
live as God wants and so do the meaning of our existence
To enable a full life in the field
humans enjoy friendship with God and live in intimacy with
the path of eternal life and be holy
Fill supernatural value to this earthly life
Feeding our lives with the Word of God
strengthen our life with grace Get the sacraments
forgiveness of our sins
deify our life by eating the body of God made man
May the Holy Spirit dwells in us as in a temple and sanctify our lives. Living

Joining God love God and live in communion with
addition, that their demand "pull" the best of us open ourselves

horizons of eternal life give meaning to suffering and death have
the help of divine grace
That we hold with the help of others

And above all served to make us infinitely happy in eternal life.

[1] Joseph Ratzinger, the College Colloquium Belagua (Pamplona), Our Time, IV-98, p. 54.
[2] See JP Manglano, Living With respect, Ed Martínez Roca, Barcelona 2001, p. 198.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Ftv.in Without Cloths

Urbanity piety

In social life there are forms, some "rules" of good education, a way to treat, and even a protocol. A person shows itself also through them.
In religion there are some ways of relating to God, to show our faith, our reverence and love. It could be called civility of piety.
When God appears to Moses in the burning bush, the first thing he says is "take off your sandals ... the place where you stand is holy." We talk about the need to respect the divine, the sense of the sacred. Jesus was forced to bring order to the Temple of Jerusalem, throwing out the merchants and money changers who disgraced the house of God.
There are an infinite distance between God and man: love and confidence that comes from the divine descent, would not involve a contradiction, a lack of respect and equal standing before our Creator. Parents and schools formed
young people (children and adolescents). Part of this training is to teach them to behave in front of God and treat holy things.
is why we take care of the postures, gestures, etc. particular way: not a matter of fixed rules (some things are not prescribed by the Church), but some "stiffness" is necessary at first, because they are girls and they are many, to be impressed with them a style.
"Shapes up" if they are put content-is love, not mere formality, and if you understand the reason for each. So it is no exaggeration. Much of what is said here has an educational purpose. All claims to be an expression of respect and love for God.
Jesus summarizes the whole law of God in a single commandment: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all thy mind, with all your strength and with all thy soul." Love God with all our being and our life. Obviously, this includes our deeds. The love note. And if you do not notice ... is that it is too weak.
In the Church there is a liturgical norms that guarantee the care of the worship of God. A kind of "protocol" to the sacred: ways how we treat God and the things of God.
face many oversights and irreverence to the Eucharist the Magisterium of the Church has been forced to recall and emphasize repeatedly in recent years on these issues.
Specifically: Enc. Ecclesia de Eucharistia
Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum
Working Document of the Synod of Bishops, 2005

There are a number of care that is not liturgical precepts such as laws, but they have always lived pious Christians as an expression of reverence and love. It is part of the treasure of the Church's spiritual heritage.
We must be vigilant that the trust does not degenerate into lack of respect: it would be offensive to God. No sane person could say "because I love you so, do not respect you, treat you badly and I offend you."
dignity, refinement is necessary, because as beings composed of body and soul express our feelings, our faith and spiritual all through the body .. It is true that spontaneity is in itself good. It depends on what spontaneity there is good and there are wild.
not true that the forms reflect lack of confidence.
Love has a minimum line is respect and reverence. I can not love what you do not respect. Nor do not revere. The same respect and reverence be the way to love, and expressions of love itself.
We show ourselves. And compliance with standards of good manners and education show the "human quality" of a person. The civility of piety shows our faith, hope and love. It is respect and elegance, applied the things of God.

1. Good education in churches and chapels:

churches of respect for the sacred (all you have to do with the worship of God has a sense
sacred) and for objects dedicated to the worship of God we look good to be extremely sensitive in caring for the churches: Caring

cleaning (slips on the floor for example) and banks : If you support your feet on the kneelers are ruins the upholstery is dirty, etc.. Of course, no write, no slips left in place for missals, no gum paste ...

Obviously the good behavior is not limited to the duration of liturgical celebrations.
Once you have entered the church, it is a sacred place. Is to pray. We must be silent. Who does not want to say that no, or at least respectful of those who pray with their silence. Even when the Blessed Sacrament is reserved in the tabernacle.

Sacred silence. Unfortunately quite neglected in many churches, where people talk too freely. This means that even as we insist never insist too ...
Silence is not merely not talking. Expresses respect, reverence. Is as a form of worship, before Jesus present in the Eucharist. You need to discover God and to listen. Time and meditation.
We must be able to silence. Many people are incapable. Our inner wealth will entertain us with a look within ourselves without getting bored.

not run. Walking slowly into the church.
obvious: no eating, gum ..., play, dolls, jokes, disturbing other (pulling hair ...).
Avoid distractions. Curious to see who enters or leaves. Who sneezed ...

Elegance in dress : the more elegant, we show more respect and love (men with shorts ...! People in sandals!). It is not just a matter of not wearing indecent clothes, there are things that are too superdecentes sports, nobody would put them to a gala meeting in a theater.

is not a question of whether it can or not: a question of love. Who is to love what he loves best.

Upon entering a church
First, find the tabernacle, to go to greet the Lord.
How do you know if you reserved the Blessed? For the votive lamp that must be turned on ..

Using holy water. It is a sacramental. Making the sign of the cross with his right hand with a drop of water Blessed is a traditional gesture, he wants to ask God to bless us. Your use pious
forgives the venial sins we are sorry.
Since the use of holy water reminds us of our baptism (which represented our incorporation into the Church) is often used to enter the church.

liturgical gestures and postures

Stances: no need to stand ... but not against the wall or sitting on the floor ...

genuflections. It is an act of worship, so it is only God. It would be an idolatrous act before the Virgin or to an image. Is done only before the Blessed Sacrament: it recognizes that it is in the tabernacle for the candle indicating their presence. Good Friday is also genuflect before the cross, worshiping Christ in it that day died for our salvation.
right knee touches the ground, his body erect, facing the tabernacle.

head tilts. Sign of respect and veneration. Lies to the altar (representing Christ) and to images.
is necessary to distinguish the meaning of genuflection and the nod. The genuflection is an act of worship, the nod of reverence. Only God is worshiped (genuflecting before a statue of the Virgin would be a sin of idolatry).
When is the Sacrament in the tabernacle is reverence for the altar. If you are the Holy One, is kneeling.
The priest makes a nod to the name the name of Jesus, Mary and the saint who is celebrated that day.
In the Creed is expected that the faithful are inclined to proclaim the article of the Incarnation.
It is a tilt of his head before receiving Communion, before the Eucharist (communion when standing). Kneeling

. Adoration. On his knees, rights (obviously not resting on his heels). At the Mass remain kneeling from the epiclesis until after the consecration in the Eucharistic Prayer.

Standing . Attitude of respect and attention. Rights, without relying on the banks or walls. When the priest comes
coated for Mass we stand as a sign of respect for Christ, whom he represents. Sitting

. Receptive, to listen and meditate during the readings. During the offertory, to "Pray brethren that our sacrifice ..." where we stand, and Thanksgiving. Caring
the seating. Rights without "lie" in the banks. Without rest your feet on the couches (are ruined, their shoes covered with dust the pews that after staining the knees of the trousers).
is best not to sit on the floor: it is not dignified for an act of worship.
not cross your legs: it is a sign of relaxation. It's not cool.
In liturgical ceremonies need to know when to sit, stand, kneel.

in line for Communion . There is a queue, is a procession to Jesus. We getting ready to meet the Lord. Involves recollection interior (concentrate, without the curiosity to look in all directions, turn around, etc..). Do not take his hands in his pockets (little reverent posture.) Readings

. Read in a clear voice, loud and slow. It would be good to try them before. Do not forget that proclaims the Word of God.

Elegance in liturgical gestures :

Sign of the Cross : Christian sign, a sign of belonging to the Holy Trinity and have been redeemed by Christ on the Cross. Really draw a cross with his hand (otherwise it would not sign anything.) Taking it from the front of the chest, shoulder and left to right. Without haste, without "shortcuts" (straight line). Hits

chest: the act of contrition, a sign of heartache for having offended God.

peace greeting. It is a sign of our love to others. Is given only to those who are on our side. Does not leave the bench to greet others. Do not forget that we are in a liturgical ceremony, and the altar is Christ truly present in the Eucharist. Not a greeting, is a liturgical gesture desired peace of Christ to each other. Prayers

. Pause and recite them with care. With dignity. Not too slow to get bored, nor so fast that precludes care setting. Joining in the rhythm of others (in unison), so that a single sentence up to heaven.

Lyrics: song is prayer. It should be our prayer. Singing with dignity.

Respect the transfer of the Blessed

When you move the Blessed faithful must show their adoration as it passes in front of them.
Consider that God is truly present in the Eucharist who is ahead of us. It would be a disrespect to stay or not pass anyone.

Example 1: going to take Communion to a sick home. The priest brings the Blessed Sacrament.
is obviously not frivolous to give talks, offer something to drink, etc., And that is leading to the Eucharist.

Example 2: passing the priest with the Blessed Sacrament to transfer to another shrine. If it passes in front of us covered with ornaments, it is normal knees or at least with respect to stand silently watching until the end of pass.
also corresponds to kneel when the tabernacle is opened to expose the Blessed Sacrament, to bring Communion to the sick, etc.

P. Eduardo Volpacchio

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Quo Foundation And Mineral Tint Reviews

"Communion with God without confession? The reality of abortion

Do I need to confess to communicate?

And it depends ... Who will take the first Communion must be confessed before doing so. Who has committed a mortal sin, so must to recover the grace before receiving Communion. Who is in a state of grace not need to. Premise

"Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life." You receive Christ himself.
is necessary to do so with dignity.

Two conditions
Communion is not a prize. It does not take holy communion. It is a spiritual need, but has some basic requirements.
The first two conditions are of divine origin arising from the reality of the Eucharist and are given in Holy Scripture: 1) state of grace, 2) know who is received.

St. Paul says in I Corinthians 11: 27-29:
"Whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of
Body and Blood of Christ. Examine, for each person, and so eat the bread and drink
Cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the
body eats and drinks his own punishment. "

is necessary to distinguish, know who to get, and be in a state of friendship with God. Theology calls it "being in a state of grace." Is lost by mortal sin, breaking the communion of life with God. Recovered in the sacrament of Penance.

regard to the confession and the Eucharist, the Church explicitly finalized two rules:
· before the First Communion must confess.
• whether it has committed a grave sin must confess before receiving Communion.

"desirable or necessary?

Except for two cases referred to do not need to confess before receiving Communion. If a person is in grace, even under time not confess, you can communicate with confidence. We should not add more conditions than actually exist. Frequent confession is a highly recommended practice for spiritual growth, to have more soul purified, etc. But that is another matter. One thing is for the convenience of frequent confession and a separate one that is necessary to receive communion if you are in grace (which is not).

far so it is quite clear.

Where is the problem?

a person in a state of mortal sin can recover the grace of God even before confession.

How so? By an act of perfect contrition with the intention of confessing as soon as possible, recover the lost grace.

What is an act of contrition perfect?

is an act of repentance for the sin committed, motivated by love of God. Sorrow for having offended God, so holy, lovable, great, good, etc.
What is an imperfect act of contrition?
is the same act, performed by supernatural motives, all very good, but not the love of God, fear of hell, ugliness of sin, desire to communicate, weight consciousness, and so on.

pain imperfect contrition is sufficient for the forgiveness of sins in confession. If the pain of perfect contrition is joined in order to confess, we obtain the grace we might say, in advance, before the confession.

So I can receive Communion after committing a mortal sin, before confessing, if I make a perfect act of contrition?
- No
- Why not?
Sacraments worthily received the assurance given access to the grace of God. Act ex opere operato "explains Theology: Under-by-effectiveness of the proceedings that does not fail. If you do not put an obstacle to action is performed effectively.
But when I do an act of perfect contrition, I am in a non-sacramental, which depend on, to put it in some way, the "quality" of my action. I have no certainty of having actually done an act of contrition perfect. I have no way to measure perfection / imperfection of my act of contrition.
If I could take communion and present to receive the Lord unworthily, and thus committing a sacrilege. The problem is not only my sin, especially problem is that God deserves respect: I can not explain the Eucharist to such an affront. No need not be logical to run two risks.

why the Church, to care for the dignity of the Sacramento and soul of the faithful, set a precept on the Council of Trent: that no conscious of having committed a mortal sin to approach communion, no matter how contrite you feel without having confessed before.
This means that there is a law of the Church send it.

Does exceptions?

Yes, because the ecclesiastical precepts do not bind when there is distress.
The divine precept no exception: you can not receive Communion in a state of sin.
The ecclesiastical precept can have it: it could take communion in a state of grace achieved by an act of perfect contrition even before the confession, if any distress. In this case, a serious need for Communion.
This means that if a person has an obligation to communicate and can not confess, you can make an act of perfect contrition and communion.
An example: the priest should celebrate the sacraments in a state grace. If it were not committing a sacrilege. Also, when he celebrates Mass can not not communicate (the priest's communion is part of the ceremony). If, in a village, the priest was in a state of mortal sin, with whom he had not confessed, and should celebrate Mass for the people, what would you do? That priest must make an act of perfect contrition and celebrate mass.
Another example: If you omit the communion seek a grave scandal or infamy. This is the case of a person is in line to receive communion and suddenly remembers being in mortal sin (I did not know before.) If you can not get away without attracting serious attention from others, can communicate by an act of perfect contrition. Obviously not for those who refuse to confess, but who, in good faith, is in that situation.

Obviously without a real need, and also real distress, it would be a serious abuse breach of this precept of the Church, is not intended to prevent people from communion, but it does get decently, avoiding any risk of sacrilege. Exposure would be absurd to commit a sacrilege, to satisfy the desire to communicate, or to avoid the shame of quitting, or the "need" to meet the Lord, and so on., No dire need to receive the Eucharist. In fact, almost never an obligation to communicate (The case of the priest who celebrates and some other exceptional case).

What if the priest left me?

sometimes heard saying: "But, a priest told me to take communion ...".
So we wonder, can a priest waive application of this law? No, because it has no power over it. If you said was wrong, should not have told you. There are things for which you have power, and things you do not. If I have no power to do something, and try to do so, the attempt is futile, and that fact will have no validity. It would be like a deacon would enshrine: for best will never be able to put it that the bread becomes the Body of Christ, because he has the power to do so.
If a priest gives permission to do something, you do not have rights, the permit is absolutely invalid. Also bad advice does not excuse you from sin.
So do not waste time asking for permission to communicate: be able to be pregnant should not receive communion or not depends on the priest in front of you.
On the other hand, except for people living in irregular situations, the solution is simple: go to confession.

Why go to Mass if I can not receive Communion?

To offer God's redemptive sacrifice of Christ. It is true that the Church recommends, for participate more fully than those who are able to do so, take communion. But this does not mean that we can actively participate at Mass without receiving Communion. They are two separate issues. And always presupposes communion due provisions, without which would harm, much harm to the soul of communion.
Also in the case of Sunday Mass, not to attend Mass a mortal sin to add another person. Compliance with the Sunday obligation is completely independent of the Communion it meets Mass attendance period.

the Church's insistence

The Church has insisted so much on this issue in recent documents it is really painful that proponents have a practice contrary to this teaching.

What the Church teaches and wants is very clear to those who can read and want to obey.
I would ask who otherwise disseminate, having at least the honesty to tell the faithful that this is not what the Church says. Otherwise it would be cheating on their good faith. Tell a faithful
: "Communicating and then I confess" (except the rare cases of serious need of communion) is unreasonable, as much as to say, "commits a sacrilege and then I confess." No, better not to commit the sacrilege.

P. Eduardo Volpacchio Capellania@colegioelbuenayre.edu.ar

ANNEX: Some recent magisterial texts

Catechism of the Catholic Church, n 1385:

We must prepare for this moment so great and holy. S. Paul urges an examination of conscience: "Whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily sins against the Body and Blood of Christ. Examine, for each person, and then eat the bread and drink the cup. Well who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks his own punishment "(1 Cor 11.27-29). Anyone conscious of a grave sin must receive the sacrament of Reconciliation before coming to communion.

Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum
From the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, On certain matters to be observed or avoided regarding the Most Holy Eucharist (25/03/2004) n.

81. The Church's custom shows that it is necessary that each one examine himself thoroughly, so that anyone who is conscious of grave sin may not celebrate Mass or receive the Body of the Lord without prior sacramental confession, unless unless a grave reason and there is no opportunity for confession, in which case, remember that you are forced to make an act of perfect contrition, including the intention of confessing as soon as possible.
n. 87. The First Communion of children must always be preceded by sacramental confession and absolution.

Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (28.6.2005)

291. What is required to receive Holy Communion?
To receive Holy Communion should be fully incorporated into the Catholic Church and be in God's grace, is, not conscious of mortal sin. Anyone who is conscious of having committed a grave sin must receive the sacrament of Reconciliation before coming to communion. Also important are the spirit of meditation and prayer observance of the fast prescribed by the Church and the attitude the body (gestures, clothing) as a sign of respect for Christ.

John Paul II, Encyclical Ecclesia de Eucharist (17.4.2003)

36. Invisible communion, though by its nature always growing, presupposes the life of grace through which we become "partakers of the divine nature" (2 Peter 1, 4), and the practice of the virtues of faith , hope and charity. Indeed, only in this way we have true communion with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is not enough faith, but we must persevere in sanctifying grace and charity, remaining within the Church "body" and the "heart", ie required, in the words of St. Paul, "faith working through love" (Ga 5, 6).

integrity invisible bonds intact is a specific moral duty incumbent upon Christians who wish to participate fully in the Eucharist by receiving the body and blood of Christ. The Apostle Paul appeals to this duty with the warning: "Examine, for each person, and so eat the bread and drink the cup" (1 Cor 11, 28). St. John Chrysostom, with his stirring eloquence, exhorted the faithful: "I too raise my voice, I beseech, beg and implore not near to this sacred table with a sullied and corrupt conscience. Doing this, in fact, can never be called 'communion, even if we play a thousand times the Lord's body, but condemnation, torment and greater punishment. "

precisely in this sense, the Catechism of the Catholic Church states: "Anyone conscious of a grave sin must receive the sacrament of Reconciliation before coming to communion." I therefore desire to reaffirm that effect, and it will always be in the Church, the standard by which the Council of Trent gave concrete expression of the Apostle Paul's stern warning, saying that to receive the Eucharist worthily, "one must first confession of sins, when one is aware of mortal sin. "

37. The Eucharist and Penance are two sacraments closely linked. The Eucharist makes present the redeeming sacrifice of the Cross, perpetuating it sacramentally, it naturally gives rise to a continuous need for conversion, personal response to the appeal made by Saint Paul to the Corinthians: "In the name of Christ will pray: be reconciled to God "(2 Cor 5, 20). Thus, if the Christian's conscience is burdened by serious sin to follow the path of penance through the sacrament of Reconciliation becomes necessary for full participation in the Eucharistic Sacrifice.

XI Working Document of the Synod of Bishops (October 2005)

13. (...) The church membership is a priority for access to the sacraments can not access the Eucharist without having first received the baptism or can not return to the Eucharist without having received penance, which is " Baptism cumbersome "for serious sins. From its origins the Church, to express such urgency propaedeutic, respectively instituted the catechumenate for the initiation and the path of penance for the reconciliation.

22. The Sacrament of Reconciliation restores ties of communion broken by mortal sin. Therefore, deserves particular attention the relationship between the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The responses indicate the need to propose again that relationship in the context of the relationship between the Eucharist and the Church, as a condition to find and worship the Lord who is the Holy One, in a spirit of holiness and a pure heart. He has washed the feet of the Apostles, to indicate the sanctity of the mystery. Sin, as St. Paul says, causes a similar desecration of prostitution, because our bodies are members of Christ (cf. 1 Cor 6.15 to 17). He says, for example, St. Caesarius of Arles: "Every time we entered the church, rearrange our souls and we would find the temple of God. Want to find a gleaming basilica? Do not stain your soul with the filth of sin. "
The relationship between the Eucharist and Penance in today's society depends greatly on the sense of sin and the sense of God. The distinction between good and evil often becomes a subjective distinction. Modern man, insisting unilaterally on the trial of his own conscience, can become upset the sense of sin.
23. There are many answers concerning the relationship between the Eucharist and Reconciliation. In many countries, has lost consciousness the need for conversion before receiving the Eucharist. The link with Penance is not always perceived as a need to be in a state of grace before receiving Communion, and thus neglected the obligation to confess mortal sins.
also the idea of \u200b\u200bcommunion as "food for the journey ', has led to underestimate the need for the state of grace. On the contrary, as the nutrient presupposes a living and healthy, so the Eucharist requires the state of grace to strengthen their baptismal commitment: Can not be in sin to receive Him who is "remedy" of immortality " antidote "to not die. Many faithful
know that you can not receive communion in mortal sin, but do not have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bmortal sin. Others do not wonder about this aspect. It often creates a vicious circle: "Do not take communion because I confessed, I confess it did not commit sins." The causes can be diverse, but one of the most important is the lack of proper catechesis on the subject.

Another widespread phenomenon is not to provide, with appropriate timetables, access to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In some countries individual penance is not given, in the best case is held twice a year a communal liturgy, creating a compromise between the II and III rite provided by the Ritual.
Certainly it should be noted the great disparity between the many communicants and the few who confess. It is quite common that the faithful receive Communion without thinking about the state of serious sin to be found. For this reason, admission to the Communion of divorced and civilly remarried is a phenomenon not uncommon in many countries. At the funeral Mass or marriages or other celebrations, many come to receive the Eucharist, which justifies the widespread belief that the Mass is valid without the Communion.
24. Given these realities pastoral, however, many respondents have a more encouraging. They are intended to help people to be aware of the conditions to receive Communion and the need of penance that preceded the examination, prepared by purifying the heart from sin. For this purpose appropriate to retain the celebrant speaks frequently, also in his homily on the relationship between these two sacraments. "

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Bmw 328i 335i Same Size

Here we have a short film about abortion. The discussions began after seeing what is really an abortion.

Saturday, July 1, 2006

Pay For Own Food Wording Invite

What is really an abortion? Choosing godparents

A society that accepts abortion is very ill. Today the most dangerous place for the life of a child can be the womb. If we consider chances of survival from conception to birth, with the odds from birth to 70 years, we realize that something really bad is happening. The womb may be more dangerous than the most dangerous neighborhood gangster ...
Many organizations struggle to reduce infant mortality, a very good job, but possibly the most common cause of infant death is not filed by its statistics: abortion .
is much debate about abortion. Is this article is based on basic ideas, elementary, pointing to the crux of the matter.

What is "it": pregnancy or child?
The first and fundamental idea: When we see a pregnant woman, we realize that what is growing in her womb is a human. This is obvious. It is not just a pregnancy. Pregnancy is a state, the status of a woman with a child. Pregnancy does not mean that a woman will have a child, you already have it now.
What is this "thing" that makes women fattening? Science tells us:
Genetically, this is a human. There is absolutely no doubt about it. If anyone denies this statement, you should answer the following question: what is it? A rabbit? "Maybe a worm? Maybe a shapeless cell? Should explain how something that humans can not become human after a while. Genetics tells us that human being has 46 chromosomes, which genetically belongs to the human race.
This man is complete. Although he is lacking development, from the first cell has all the genetic information to grow: all in the first cell: race, sex, organs, character, etc. Time will allow you to grow, but GM will not change. Since the first cell to an adult the only difference is age.
This man is different from your mother and father. If an egg fertilized in vitro a white woman with sperm from a white man, and deployed it on an African woman, she will give birth to a tiny white, showing that the African has been given only a place to live and you have fed him. Therefore, the human being is part of the woman who wears it and feeds.
This human being is unique and unrepeatable. His mother may have other children, but can never have him again. For him there are only two possibilities: you are given the opportunity to grow or that murder despite his innocence.

But then what is an abortion?
The abortion is the deliberate destruction of a human being that is growing in the womb. Can not be defined as "the termination of a pregnancy" because this is the essence of the act but only its consequence. It is true that pregnancy is terminated by an abortion, but just because someone has killed the baby, there is no end of pregnancy without destroying the child. It is an understatement to speak of pregnancy ends without reference to the system to finish, ie the killing of the baby. Those looking for reasons to justify this murder, they should consider that this man is innocent, can not defend, even crying, can not help, suffers ...
Therefore, when discussing the issue of abortion, our attention should be focused on the boy, because the point at issue is: if we allow this guy live or not. Other considerations, the mother's situation, their problems, their future, whether or not the boy loves, etc .- can be very interesting and should be taken into account, but you can not focus exclusively on them, would escape heart of the matter. In fact, we are talking about killing a guy. Think of the mother forget her child, at least, out of focus. In disagreements about abortion, do not get confused with arguments that lead the conversation away from the real fact in dispute: whether it is good or bad to kill a kid in its mother's womb.
You can see what an abortion in the video "Dura Realidad" in http://www.hispanicsforlife.org/

Abortion and motherhood
There are many reasons why a pregnancy can be uncomfortable for a woman. But if she's pregnant mother can not help, because it is ... not that she becomes a mother, she is already mother of a very small and friendly that is growing in her womb. Abortion is not a journey into the tunnel of time, not going to take the last few moments before sex. It will not change the past. Abortion does not prevent pregnancy, but kills a baby. Abortion does not save a girl becoming a mother. Never forget that the pregnant woman is no real alternative "mothering" or "motherhood" but "being a mother a bright boy "or" mother of a dead boy, "because she is the mother of the baby you have in your breast.

difference between abortion and infanticide
no doubt that abortion is the removal of a human being, because no doubt the nature of what is eliminated by abortion. Then, the acceptance of abortion constitutes acceptance of the killing of a human being at a certain stage of its growth, is a lawful action. Of course, abortion advocates do not advocate the elimination of a human being of any age, but only when he is living in his mother's womb, not after. This distinction is not very consistent because only difference is to be inside or outside the uterus. We can say that what determines the goodness or badness of this murder is the "home". Seems to be the only case in history in which management determines the right to live or not.
What is the difference between abortion and infanticide? "The average time of delivery? If a mother kills her child right after birth, committing a murder and would go to jail. If it kills half an hour before the killing would be lawful, even speak of "safe motherhood", "reproductive rights", etc. This incredible difference in assessment of the same event-the removal of a baby as an exercise of a right or murder in such a short time does not seem very consistent.
Human life is sacred because it is human life. This is why the human being has a right to live. It is an absolute right. Every human being has the right to life regardless of age, race, religion, nationality, etc. When you start making distinctions to justify the removal of a tiny, considering exceptions or trying to establish when human life is sacred and its sacredness disappears when the right to life becomes an arbitrary affair. One of the most dangerous things that can happen in society is that it gives someone the power to decide what kind of person has a right to live and what not. Today the right to life is denied to children in the womb, tomorrow to those who have deformities or ill, the tomorrow those who do not have blue eyes ... The alternative is clear: human beings have the right to life or does not, because that right does not depend on age, health, money, energy, skills, race. Precedes any other consideration, comes from the simple fact of being human.

The "price" of an abortion: an abortion is safe?
not forget that in an abortion there are two victims: the baby and mother. Abortion appears to solve a problem of mother-she will not need to care for your son because he is dead, but in fact it creates a lot of problems. You will hear of abortions "unsafe" that need to be made "safe", and therefore if the law legalized as they provide security. The promoters of illegal and unsafe abortion identify the one hand, and safe and legal, on the other. An identification absolutely arbitrary. The reality is that such abortions are not safe because some women die from legal abortions, and because the baby is always all kinds of unsafe abortion regardless of legal status. Here are some of the most common consequences of abortion on women:
physical consequences of abortion. The immediate risks are severe pain, perforation the uterus, excessive bleeding, infection, parts of the baby left inside, shock / coma, damage to other organs, death. Subsequent risks are the inability to become pregnant later, miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, premature births, disease pelvic inflammatory disease, hysterectomy, breast cancer, etc.
The most common psychological consequences of guilt, a desire to get a new pregnancy, depression, crying, inability to forgive herself, intense sadness and grief, anger, emotional numbness, sexual dysfunction, low self-esteem, nightmares, anorexia or other eating disorders, abuse alcohol or drugs, suicidal wishes, and so on.
In medicine we talk of Post Abortion Syndrome (Women who suffer mental and emotional distress after an abortion): "The abortion is a painful later, regardless of the woman's religious beliefs, or how good she may have felt his decision abortion before the abortion. " (Vincent Rue, Ph.D. - Psychologist).
Dr. Anne Speckhard, in his study of Post Abortion Syndrome, found the following effects on women:


- 23% had hallucinations related to abortion
- 35% received visits from the aborted child
- 54% had nightmares related to abortion
- 69% experienced feelings of "madness"
- 73% had flashbacks of abortion experience
- 81% had concerns about the aborted child


- 61% increased their consumption of
alcohol - 65% have suicidal thoughts
- 69% were sexually inhibited
- 73% had flashbacks of abortion
- 77% experienced an inability to communicate
- 81% experienced frequent crying

Consider just infertility: from 5 10% of women who have abortions become sterile ... Do you realize the pain that these mothers have for killing the only boy they could have had? In this discussion
abortion advocates seek to present the issue as a dilemma: the rights of the mother against the rights of the child. And urge the public to support the former. We should not enter this debate because the alternative presented is false. The abortion harms women with injuries that will last a lifetime. To put the issue in terms of rights, could speak of the rights of abortionists to do business with the abortion industry, against the boy's right to life and the rights of women to mental and physical health.
We conclude that abortion is "safe" only for the abortionist to get big profits thereof.

The common excuses given to justify the abortion

1. Proponents of abortion use "extreme cases" - "hard cases" - to justify abortion.
are three very tough situations: the case of danger to the life of the mother and cases of pregnancy resulting from rape or incest. Do you know what percentage of abortions are due to these reasons in the U.S.? Less than 1%. Impressive, is not it? Moving the sensitivity of people with difficult cases, open the door for abortion on demand is what the abortionists really want. In cases of rape and incest are many reasons not to abort in defense of the mental health of the mother (you can find abundant literature on the internet on the subject.) And the case of risk to the life of the mother with the advances in medicine, is virtually nonexistent. Furthermore, in difficult cases the answer is exactly the same as for the rest of the cases: no reason can justify the murder of an innocent boy.

2. Other times we hear of abnormalities in the baby.
Maybe if the guy had some mental defect or was delayed ... not an act of piety abort? Who really thinks so, saying that if the boy does not pass quality control, would be eliminated, not merit live ... this for the good of humanity, of course. Not perfect, does not remove the right to life. Would think that a boy would face 10 years blind, paralyzed and deaf ... you would kill? What is the difference between that and do it before birth? These circumstances must be moved to want more to these guys. In fact, any association of children with disabilities are against abortion.

3. Another excuse is the existence of illegal abortions.
The fact that something wrong is done by people, does not justify its legalization, let alone solve the problem of legalization. This argument could be applied to murder, robbery, rape, smuggling, corruption, etc.. but no one does. The sad experience of countries that have legalized abortion in all cases shows that the number of abortions has increased as a result of the law because the law has a pedagogical value: what society says is right. Also approve of abortion drives many women in crisis to the apparently easier solution, something they later regret all his life.

4. Often we hear of "unwanted pregnancies."
first have to explain why the fact that a pregnancy might surprise a woman, she would be entitled to remove the guy and so recover from surprise ... There's a very big jump, with no logical relationship.
On the other hand, this concept is so generic that leads to many misunderstandings. We must clarify the term because pregnancy always refers to a boy (no pregnancy without boy) and although we may speak of "unwanted pregnancies", one should not speak of "unwanted children", but the enemies of the children do. It may be true that a child is unexpected and a surprise for the mother, but if one applies the concept of "unwanted" the boy, we're stuck. Pregnancies almost always "unexpected" followed by boys 'very dear' (perhaps our own mother was surprised to discover that was pregnant with us!)
Here are three considerations on the term.
The natural consequence of sex is pregnancy. What other purpose can be to introduce sperm into the vagina of a woman (because that is what two people do when they have sex)? A woman should know that after having sex with a man can get pregnant (assuming that is not sterile). Is not it ridiculous to speak of "unwanted" the natural consequence of something that she was "dear"? So should we conclude that pregnancy is not as "junk." Speaking of kids
"unwanted" is very dangerous. Firstly, because the concept of "junk" is not a doctor, or biological, but the result of a personal decision. A person becomes "unwanted" only when someone says so. If it was correct to eliminate the right to life of those who consider unwanted by someone, life in society would become very difficult. Why not declare "undesirable" to a sick grandmother? What an annoying neighbor can not sleep at night with their noise? What a client does not pay the debt? Does a driver who cuts me off on a curve? Examples can happen to infinity. It could also happen that the baby was very "wanted" pregnancy, a few years later return "not wanted" because the school is not doing as well as their parents expected and does not meet your expectations ...
The "appearance" of a child can be "unexpected" but when you are here, the only answer is to give love and the chance to live. Even if a girl does not want to keep with it, you should at least give the love to offer foster parents love him. The boy in her womb is not asking too much, just nine months of care. A guy is not a disease, when a woman has a cold because a virus has entered your body, is the cure killing the interloper with antibiotics. But a boy can not be considered a virus "junk" that is attacking the mother.
So, who do not want to risk being declared "not wanted" and, therefore, eliminated by another person, you should not talk about pregnancies or children "unwanted" children talk better unexpected, and try to love as yourself.

5. Another case is that of a female student who becomes pregnant and do not want to harm their academic future. It is true that having a child you from studying. Interrupt their studies should perhaps a few months ... and after giving birth can continue their studies. She should have thought about the issue before having sex, then he would have avoided getting pregnant, avoiding what it produces, but now that their child is living in her womb, the only human decision is to give love and the chance to live. Wait nine months is not too much.

pro-abortion tactics

promoters of abortion have no problem in lying to change the law.
not forget that in many pro-abortion campaigns have used lies to gain the support of public opinion. The system has been devised to provide statistics on the number of women dying as a result of abortions "unsafe" (as synonymous with illegal scheme), the number of illegal abortions that require to be legalized (?) and the percentage of people who support such legislation. In most cases the statistics were false. For more information refer to the testimony of Dr. Nathanson ( http://www.buzoncatolico.org/actualidad/abortocartadeldrbernardnathanson.html ). Confusing

The pro-abortion talk about "reproductive health", "reproductive rights, safe motherhood and similar expressions to hide the real face of abortion. They never talk about children or babies, or consequences of abortion for the mother, want, need, people forget the reality of what is an abortion. That is why go crazy when the defenders of life show movies or pictures of aborted children, because they graphically show the reality. Never support adoption plans, will help girls who are pregnant or post-abortion treatment because his goal-your business-is to abort the more the better.
is said to be in favor of the decision (pro-chioce) to present a friendly face promotion of abortion, because no one wants to be pro-abortion. But, if we analyze what kind of promoting choice, you will realize that it is a very bad choice: kill an innocent baby. Forward

discussion to other areas
So you say you do not want to impose your religion. But who is talking about religion? This is not a religious issue is human rights. It is not discussed among different religions.
'll tell you to respect their freedom, that if you want, no abortions, but leave others to abort. False, not a matter of respect for freedoms, is a question of protecting the defenseless life.

The battle against abortion Save

guys abortion is a task that involves us all. No one can look indifferent, or be distracted looking the other way. When children kill one can not excuse the freedom of others and remain calm thinking I did not kill them.
The battle of defending human life has many fronts . In general, strive to create a culture that loves life. In particular operating face of abortion, there are four such key initiatives: supporting laws that protect life and prevent that promote abortion, help pregnant women who are in difficulties, working with organizations involved in adoption boys, and teach people to live chastity, which is the ultimate solution.

is very useful to help a pro-life movement : makes efforts much more efficient, provide training, encourage, provide propaganda material, etc., etc., etc., and also one has a great time! (I refer mainly to the movements of young pro-life).

help pregnant women with . "What is good is good, what is wrong is wrong." We apply this simple proposition to the case of abortion. Having sex without being married is morally wrong. A baby is always good. We can not confuse action with a person. Sometimes society can be hypocritical, when it considers normal sexual activity of adolescents, and is surprised pregnancies them. Do not forget in most cases abortion is a result of fear, distress or despair, and is sought as an escape route. How many girls would kill their children if they find understanding, support and affection? Very few.
Many abortions are the result of pressure from society.
There are many solutions to solve the abortion problem solved, but removing an innocent boy is never part of the solution. The problems are things that happen to humans, but a person is not a problem. Delete a human being to solve a personal problem ... solves nothing. Just create a new problem: I become a murderer. Seek solutions to real problems, financial aid, medical care, perhaps making ...- All problems have solutions!

The solution to the problem of abortion
The main cause of abortion is sexual promiscuity. And that no one can deny. How to prevent abortions kill children with? Teaching people to live in chastity. The real and definitive prevention of abortion is the purity, sexual abstinence before marriage and fidelity afterwards. If a person is not prepared to have a child, you should not have sex. This is simple and obvious. Who does not want to face a pregnancy should not take steps to have a boy. Abstention from the use of sex before marriage is the most effective way to prevent abortions.
often hear that the way to combat abortion is contraception. We say that the more contraceptives are consumed, fewer abortions will be needed. This seems logical, but reality shows otherwise: the statistics say that countries with the highest rate of contraception, are having more abortions.

This is so for three reasons:
No contraception is 100% secure. The failure rate varies with the type of contraceptive and "ability" of the user, but none with 100% guarantee not having a baby. So, that contraception need to have the abortion, such as coverage for contraceptive failure. In fact, 40% of people who go to abortion clinics of Marie Stopes in Britain, blaming the pregnancy to contraceptive failure.
addition, many birth control does not lead to abortion ... because they themselves are abortifacients. Free contraceptives are abortifacient effects of barrier-prevent the meeting of egg and sperm, "and they are the ones with the highest failure rate. All hormonal contraceptives (different types of pills or injections) also have contraceptive effects, try to avoid ovulation and try to prevent the ascent of sperm to the fallopian tubes, "another "Covers" possible failures of the previous two: to make impossible the implementation of the tiny human being should be conceived. So they have a potential abortifacient effect.
The contraceptive mentality and abortion have the same root: see pregnancy as a disease and the baby as an enemy to be fought at all costs. Eduardo M.

NOTE: You can find plenty of material about abortion in http://www.vidahumana.org/

Sunday, June 4, 2006

Diffusion Osmosis Lab Answers

At present Baptism and Confirmation, we find the need to select sponsors. Who to choose? What conditions would have to meet the candidate?

sponsors usually the choice is often for reasons of friendship, sympathy, reciprocity (one chosen as godfather to the son of a friend, feels compelled to repay naming sponsor a child) or social reasons . All these reasons are valid as long as the person having the conditions which enable it to fulfill its task of sponsor. Do not forget that this election is not an award or distinction or honor but a responsibility for which must be suitable. Obviously bonding are important and help to fulfill this mission, but must be accompanied by other requirements.
have to begin to see what role does a sponsor, because if we want to fulfill its function well, must have the conditions necessary to be able to carry it out.

The two texts of the Magisterium of the Church which are the reference must include the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Code of Canon Law.

The Catechism of the Church dedicates two numbers:
"For the grace of Baptism to unfold it is important to help parents. This is also the role of godfather and godmother, that believers should be strong, capable and ready to help the newly baptized child or adult in their path of Christian life. Your task is a truly ecclesial function (n. 1255).

"for Confirmation, as for Baptism, candidates should seek spiritual help of a godfather or a godmother. It should be the same as for baptism in order to emphasize the unity between the two sacraments "(n. 1311).

The requirements of the Code of Canon Law:
- "As far as possible, who will receive the baptism of giving him a sponsor, whose role is to assist in the adult Christian initiation is baptized, and, together with parents, the child who will be baptized and to help it carry a consistent Christian life with baptism and to fulfill faithfully the obligations inherent in it. "(872)
-" Please sponsor one or a single sponsor, or one and one. "(873)
-" For someone to be admitted as a sponsor, it is necessary that:
1. has been elected who will be baptized or their parents or those in their place, or in their absence by the pastor or minister and have capacity for this mission and intention of fulfilling it;
2. has sixteen years, unless the diocesan bishop has established another age, or, for just cause, the pastor or minister has permitted an exception;
3. Catholic, is confirmed, has already received the Holy sacrament of the Eucharist and at the same time, a life consistent with faith and with the mission to be undertaken;
4. not affected by any canonical penalty legitimately imposed or declared;
5. not the father or mother who has to baptize "(874 § 1).

In addressing the Confirmation states:
"To the extent possible, have the confirming a sponsor, which is required to try to behave as a true witness of Christ and faithfully fulfills the obligations inherent in this sacrament" (892) .
In canon 893 refers to the conditions specified for godfather, adding that "it is appropriate to choose as godfather who took that mission in baptism. "

consistent Christian Life
As we see these documents, in addition to the specific conditions of age and receiving the sacraments of Christian initiation, show a general condition for carrying a life consistent with faith.
This directory are excluded as candidates for sponsors:
- who live in an irregular marital situation (either because they are unmarried or divorced and remarried),
- who have committed canonical penalties , or who abandon the faith (adhering to worship of other faiths, etc.).
E are indirectly excluding those who do not practice the faith. Indeed, a person who is not going to Mass on Sundays, or not confess or receive, can hardly be a spiritual aid on the road to Christian maturity. It would be like hiring a teacher to someone who barely literate.
It is obvious that there can be an example and model of Christian life who does not live with consistency. Can hardly help the path Christians, who have freely chosen to not follow the same. Therefore the Catechism states that sponsors should be "should be strong believers" and "capable and ready to help the newly baptized child or adult in their path of Christian life." Any Christian
practitioner, consistent with their faith, can be a godparent. No special requirements are needed.

State of grace
Even that is not a condition required by the Church, it follows from the role: it is almost a matter of personal coherence. Going in sin to take responsibility to help in the Christian life to someone, it would be something really strange would be a contradiction.

For Confirmation be added that if the sponsor lacked the state of grace, would not be able to receive the Eucharist. It would thus "curiosity" that he could not accompany his godson in the Communion.

The task of the sponsors is a truly ecclesial function. The Church gives them an assignment, a task. With accountability: God has asked the sponsors of how they accomplished their task, and also special awards for what they have done for their godchildren.

How do their job
Basically in four ways:
1. Prayer. Being a spiritual task, the first aid they give to their godchildren is prayer. Must pray for them often to get them the grace necessary for Christian life.
2. Good example
3. Orientation: teaching, accompanying, correcting, advising.
4. Substitution. In the absence of parents (because they were not present, or because they occupy) to ensure the Christian education of their godchildren, their religious practices, etc. Eduardo M.

Volpacchio capellania@colegioelbuenayre.edu.ar

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Poison Oak Or Shingles


Where to find data, articles, explanations ...?
These are the websites that I use most for issues relating to faith

1. Best, they have everything

With Pope
ideas Quick Ideas (scripts for talks on all issues: sexuality, dating, alcohol, etc.).
Church forum

fruit (sites of this first section could include almost everyone else)

2. Apologetics: responding to allegations, defending the faith, etc. Apologetics

Conoz http://www.conoze.com

3. Articles theological, philosophical, doctrinal

Arguments http://homearguments.blogspot.com/
Channel http://cauce.blogspot.com/

4. Catholic doctrine

to save (book of P. Loring) http://www.spiritusmedia.org/para_salvarte/edicion_56.htm
http:/ / www.e-cristians.net/
Some Answers http://algunasrespuestas.blogspot.com/
Christian Vision http://visioncristiana.blogspot.com/


documents and books http://virgofidelis.com.ar/
Magisterium of John Paul II http://www.juanpablomagno.org/
Servants (whole Magisterium of the Church) http://www.servidoras.org.ar/

6. Sexuality, purity, dating, sex education

Teen Talk http://www.soloparajovenes.org/
healthy sexuality http://www.sexualidadsana.com.pe/
Clear Ideas http: / / lasideasclaras.blogspot.com /
Independent Anti-AIDS Committee http://www.sinsida.com/ Higher

7. Items for teens

Grow in http://groups.google.com.ar/group/crecerparaadentro

8. On family and education issues

Start children (collection of articles) http://groups.google.com.ar/group/crecerconloshijos http://www.lafamilia.info/ Family Make
family (Arg) Make http://www.hacerfamilia.com.ar/
family (Chile) http://www.hacerfamilia.net/
Life http://www.vidadefamilia.org/ family
http://www.sontushijos.org/ Family School Parent Network
family http Plant : / / Parent Project www.sembrarfamilia.org/
Virtual School Parent Women http://www.evpp.org/ New
http:// www.mujernueva.org/

9. Pro-life issues

Life International http://www.vidahumana.org/
Links http://www.vidahumana.org/vidafam/aborto/enlaces_index.html pro-life
Aciprensa http://www.aciprensa.com/ On abortion
Life before birth http://www.lavida.cl/
Global news http://www.puertovida.com/noticiasglobales/
Notiver http://www.notivida.com.ar/

10. Mercy - Prayer
Prayers and devotions
Talking to God http://www.hablarcondios.com/

11. News

Vatican Information Service Zenit http://www.vatican.va/news_services/press/vis/vis_sp.html
Aciprensa http://www.aciprensa.com /

12. Several

Film Guide http://www.bloggermania.com/
News http://www.aceprensa.com/
Anecdonet http://www.anecdonet.com /

13. Official Church Organizations

Holy See http://www.vatican.va/
Conference Episcopal Argentina http://www.cea.org.ar/00-home/index_cea.htm

14. Indices of Catholic sites

http : / / www.esglesia.org/

15. Opus Dei

Official Site of Opus Dei http://www.opusdei.org.ar/ San Josemaría
http://es.romana Romana . org /
Opus Dei, truths, criticism and secrets http://www.pontealdia.net/datos.htm
Many links on the Opus Dei http://usuarios.lycos.es/opusdei/