What is really an abortion? Choosing godparents
A society that accepts abortion is very ill. Today the most dangerous place for the life of a child can be the womb. If we consider chances of survival from conception to birth, with the odds from birth to 70 years, we realize that something really bad is happening. The womb may be more dangerous than the most dangerous neighborhood gangster ...
Many organizations struggle to reduce infant mortality, a very good job, but possibly the most common cause of infant death is not filed by its statistics: abortion .
is much debate about abortion. Is this article is based on basic ideas, elementary, pointing to the crux of the matter.
What is "it": pregnancy or child?
The first and fundamental idea: When we see a pregnant woman, we realize that what is growing in her womb is a human. This is obvious. It is not just a pregnancy. Pregnancy is a state, the status of a woman with a child. Pregnancy does not mean that a woman will have a child, you already have it now.
What is this "thing" that makes women fattening? Science tells us:
Genetically, this is a human. There is absolutely no doubt about it. If anyone denies this statement, you should answer the following question: what is it? A rabbit? "Maybe a worm? Maybe a shapeless cell? Should explain how something that humans can not become human after a while. Genetics tells us that human being has 46 chromosomes, which genetically belongs to the human race.
This man is complete. Although he is lacking development, from the first cell has all the genetic information to grow: all in the first cell: race, sex, organs, character, etc. Time will allow you to grow, but GM will not change. Since the first cell to an adult the only difference is age.
This man is different from your mother and father. If an egg fertilized in vitro a white woman with sperm from a white man, and deployed it on an African woman, she will give birth to a tiny white, showing that the African has been given only a place to live and you have fed him. Therefore, the human being is part of the woman who wears it and feeds.
This human being is unique and unrepeatable. His mother may have other children, but can never have him again. For him there are only two possibilities: you are given the opportunity to grow or that murder despite his innocence.
But then what is an abortion?
The abortion is the deliberate destruction of a human being that is growing in the womb. Can not be defined as "the termination of a pregnancy" because this is the essence of the act but only its consequence. It is true that pregnancy is terminated by an abortion, but just because someone has killed the baby, there is no end of pregnancy without destroying the child. It is an understatement to speak of pregnancy ends without reference to the system to finish, ie the killing of the baby. Those looking for reasons to justify this murder, they should consider that this man is innocent, can not defend, even crying, can not help, suffers ...
Therefore, when discussing the issue of abortion, our attention should be focused on the boy, because the point at issue is: if we allow this guy live or not. Other considerations, the mother's situation, their problems, their future, whether or not the boy loves, etc .- can be very interesting and should be taken into account, but you can not focus exclusively on them, would escape heart of the matter. In fact, we are talking about killing a guy. Think of the mother forget her child, at least, out of focus. In disagreements about abortion, do not get confused with arguments that lead the conversation away from the real fact in dispute: whether it is good or bad to kill a kid in its mother's womb.
You can see what an abortion in the video "Dura Realidad" in http://www.hispanicsforlife.org/
Abortion and motherhood
There are many reasons why a pregnancy can be uncomfortable for a woman. But if she's pregnant mother can not help, because it is ... not that she becomes a mother, she is already mother of a very small and friendly that is growing in her womb. Abortion is not a journey into the tunnel of time, not going to take the last few moments before sex. It will not change the past. Abortion does not prevent pregnancy, but kills a baby. Abortion does not save a girl becoming a mother. Never forget that the pregnant woman is no real alternative "mothering" or "motherhood" but "being a mother a bright boy "or" mother of a dead boy, "because she is the mother of the baby you have in your breast.
difference between abortion and infanticide
no doubt that abortion is the removal of a human being, because no doubt the nature of what is eliminated by abortion. Then, the acceptance of abortion constitutes acceptance of the killing of a human being at a certain stage of its growth, is a lawful action. Of course, abortion advocates do not advocate the elimination of a human being of any age, but only when he is living in his mother's womb, not after. This distinction is not very consistent because only difference is to be inside or outside the uterus. We can say that what determines the goodness or badness of this murder is the "home". Seems to be the only case in history in which management determines the right to live or not.
What is the difference between abortion and infanticide? "The average time of delivery? If a mother kills her child right after birth, committing a murder and would go to jail. If it kills half an hour before the killing would be lawful, even speak of "safe motherhood", "reproductive rights", etc. This incredible difference in assessment of the same event-the removal of a baby as an exercise of a right or murder in such a short time does not seem very consistent.
Human life is sacred because it is human life. This is why the human being has a right to live. It is an absolute right. Every human being has the right to life regardless of age, race, religion, nationality, etc. When you start making distinctions to justify the removal of a tiny, considering exceptions or trying to establish when human life is sacred and its sacredness disappears when the right to life becomes an arbitrary affair. One of the most dangerous things that can happen in society is that it gives someone the power to decide what kind of person has a right to live and what not. Today the right to life is denied to children in the womb, tomorrow to those who have deformities or ill, the tomorrow those who do not have blue eyes ... The alternative is clear: human beings have the right to life or does not, because that right does not depend on age, health, money, energy, skills, race. Precedes any other consideration, comes from the simple fact of being human.
The "price" of an abortion: an abortion is safe?
not forget that in an abortion there are two victims: the baby and mother. Abortion appears to solve a problem of mother-she will not need to care for your son because he is dead, but in fact it creates a lot of problems. You will hear of abortions "unsafe" that need to be made "safe", and therefore if the law legalized as they provide security. The promoters of illegal and unsafe abortion identify the one hand, and safe and legal, on the other. An identification absolutely arbitrary. The reality is that such abortions are not safe because some women die from legal abortions, and because the baby is always all kinds of unsafe abortion regardless of legal status. Here are some of the most common consequences of abortion on women:
physical consequences of abortion. The immediate risks are severe pain, perforation the uterus, excessive bleeding, infection, parts of the baby left inside, shock / coma, damage to other organs, death. Subsequent risks are the inability to become pregnant later, miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, premature births, disease pelvic inflammatory disease, hysterectomy, breast cancer, etc.
The most common psychological consequences of guilt, a desire to get a new pregnancy, depression, crying, inability to forgive herself, intense sadness and grief, anger, emotional numbness, sexual dysfunction, low self-esteem, nightmares, anorexia or other eating disorders, abuse alcohol or drugs, suicidal wishes, and so on.
In medicine we talk of Post Abortion Syndrome (Women who suffer mental and emotional distress after an abortion): "The abortion is a painful later, regardless of the woman's religious beliefs, or how good she may have felt his decision abortion before the abortion. " (Vincent Rue, Ph.D. - Psychologist).
Dr. Anne Speckhard, in his study of Post Abortion Syndrome, found the following effects on women:
- 23% had hallucinations related to abortion
- 35% received visits from the aborted child
- 54% had nightmares related to abortion
- 69% experienced feelings of "madness"
- 73% had flashbacks of abortion experience
- 81% had concerns about the aborted child
- 61% increased their consumption of
alcohol - 65% have suicidal thoughts
- 69% were sexually inhibited
- 73% had flashbacks of abortion
- 77% experienced an inability to communicate
- 81% experienced frequent crying
Consider just infertility: from 5 10% of women who have abortions become sterile ... Do you realize the pain that these mothers have for killing the only boy they could have had? In this discussion
abortion advocates seek to present the issue as a dilemma: the rights of the mother against the rights of the child. And urge the public to support the former. We should not enter this debate because the alternative presented is false. The abortion harms women with injuries that will last a lifetime. To put the issue in terms of rights, could speak of the rights of abortionists to do business with the abortion industry, against the boy's right to life and the rights of women to mental and physical health.
We conclude that abortion is "safe" only for the abortionist to get big profits thereof.
The common excuses given to justify the abortion
1. Proponents of abortion use "extreme cases" - "hard cases" - to justify abortion.
are three very tough situations: the case of danger to the life of the mother and cases of pregnancy resulting from rape or incest. Do you know what percentage of abortions are due to these reasons in the U.S.? Less than 1%. Impressive, is not it? Moving the sensitivity of people with difficult cases, open the door for abortion on demand is what the abortionists really want. In cases of rape and incest are many reasons not to abort in defense of the mental health of the mother (you can find abundant literature on the internet on the subject.) And the case of risk to the life of the mother with the advances in medicine, is virtually nonexistent. Furthermore, in difficult cases the answer is exactly the same as for the rest of the cases: no reason can justify the murder of an innocent boy.
2. Other times we hear of abnormalities in the baby.
Maybe if the guy had some mental defect or was delayed ... not an act of piety abort? Who really thinks so, saying that if the boy does not pass quality control, would be eliminated, not merit live ... this for the good of humanity, of course. Not perfect, does not remove the right to life. Would think that a boy would face 10 years blind, paralyzed and deaf ... you would kill? What is the difference between that and do it before birth? These circumstances must be moved to want more to these guys. In fact, any association of children with disabilities are against abortion.
3. Another excuse is the existence of illegal abortions.
The fact that something wrong is done by people, does not justify its legalization, let alone solve the problem of legalization. This argument could be applied to murder, robbery, rape, smuggling, corruption, etc.. but no one does. The sad experience of countries that have legalized abortion in all cases shows that the number of abortions has increased as a result of the law because the law has a pedagogical value: what society says is right. Also approve of abortion drives many women in crisis to the apparently easier solution, something they later regret all his life.
4. Often we hear of "unwanted pregnancies."
first have to explain why the fact that a pregnancy might surprise a woman, she would be entitled to remove the guy and so recover from surprise ... There's a very big jump, with no logical relationship.
On the other hand, this concept is so generic that leads to many misunderstandings. We must clarify the term because pregnancy always refers to a boy (no pregnancy without boy) and although we may speak of "unwanted pregnancies", one should not speak of "unwanted children", but the enemies of the children do. It may be true that a child is unexpected and a surprise for the mother, but if one applies the concept of "unwanted" the boy, we're stuck. Pregnancies almost always "unexpected" followed by boys 'very dear' (perhaps our own mother was surprised to discover that was pregnant with us!)
Here are three considerations on the term.
The natural consequence of sex is pregnancy. What other purpose can be to introduce sperm into the vagina of a woman (because that is what two people do when they have sex)? A woman should know that after having sex with a man can get pregnant (assuming that is not sterile). Is not it ridiculous to speak of "unwanted" the natural consequence of something that she was "dear"? So should we conclude that pregnancy is not as "junk." Speaking of kids
"unwanted" is very dangerous. Firstly, because the concept of "junk" is not a doctor, or biological, but the result of a personal decision. A person becomes "unwanted" only when someone says so. If it was correct to eliminate the right to life of those who consider unwanted by someone, life in society would become very difficult. Why not declare "undesirable" to a sick grandmother? What an annoying neighbor can not sleep at night with their noise? What a client does not pay the debt? Does a driver who cuts me off on a curve? Examples can happen to infinity. It could also happen that the baby was very "wanted" pregnancy, a few years later return "not wanted" because the school is not doing as well as their parents expected and does not meet your expectations ...
The "appearance" of a child can be "unexpected" but when you are here, the only answer is to give love and the chance to live. Even if a girl does not want to keep with it, you should at least give the love to offer foster parents love him. The boy in her womb is not asking too much, just nine months of care. A guy is not a disease, when a woman has a cold because a virus has entered your body, is the cure killing the interloper with antibiotics. But a boy can not be considered a virus "junk" that is attacking the mother.
So, who do not want to risk being declared "not wanted" and, therefore, eliminated by another person, you should not talk about pregnancies or children "unwanted" children talk better unexpected, and try to love as yourself.
5. Another case is that of a female student who becomes pregnant and do not want to harm their academic future. It is true that having a child you from studying. Interrupt their studies should perhaps a few months ... and after giving birth can continue their studies. She should have thought about the issue before having sex, then he would have avoided getting pregnant, avoiding what it produces, but now that their child is living in her womb, the only human decision is to give love and the chance to live. Wait nine months is not too much.
pro-abortion tactics
promoters of abortion have no problem in lying to change the law.
not forget that in many pro-abortion campaigns have used lies to gain the support of public opinion. The system has been devised to provide statistics on the number of women dying as a result of abortions "unsafe" (as synonymous with illegal scheme), the number of illegal abortions that require to be legalized (?) and the percentage of people who support such legislation. In most cases the statistics were false. For more information refer to the testimony of Dr. Nathanson ( http://www.buzoncatolico.org/actualidad/abortocartadeldrbernardnathanson.html ). Confusing
The pro-abortion talk about "reproductive health", "reproductive rights, safe motherhood and similar expressions to hide the real face of abortion. They never talk about children or babies, or consequences of abortion for the mother, want, need, people forget the reality of what is an abortion. That is why go crazy when the defenders of life show movies or pictures of aborted children, because they graphically show the reality. Never support adoption plans, will help girls who are pregnant or post-abortion treatment because his goal-your business-is to abort the more the better.
is said to be in favor of the decision (pro-chioce) to present a friendly face promotion of abortion, because no one wants to be pro-abortion. But, if we analyze what kind of promoting choice, you will realize that it is a very bad choice: kill an innocent baby. Forward
discussion to other areas
So you say you do not want to impose your religion. But who is talking about religion? This is not a religious issue is human rights. It is not discussed among different religions.
'll tell you to respect their freedom, that if you want, no abortions, but leave others to abort. False, not a matter of respect for freedoms, is a question of protecting the defenseless life.
The battle against abortion Save
guys abortion is a task that involves us all. No one can look indifferent, or be distracted looking the other way. When children kill one can not excuse the freedom of others and remain calm thinking I did not kill them.
The battle of defending human life has many fronts . In general, strive to create a culture that loves life. In particular operating face of abortion, there are four such key initiatives: supporting laws that protect life and prevent that promote abortion, help pregnant women who are in difficulties, working with organizations involved in adoption boys, and teach people to live chastity, which is the ultimate solution.
is very useful to help a pro-life movement : makes efforts much more efficient, provide training, encourage, provide propaganda material, etc., etc., etc., and also one has a great time! (I refer mainly to the movements of young pro-life).
help pregnant women with . "What is good is good, what is wrong is wrong." We apply this simple proposition to the case of abortion. Having sex without being married is morally wrong. A baby is always good. We can not confuse action with a person. Sometimes society can be hypocritical, when it considers normal sexual activity of adolescents, and is surprised pregnancies them. Do not forget in most cases abortion is a result of fear, distress or despair, and is sought as an escape route. How many girls would kill their children if they find understanding, support and affection? Very few.
Many abortions are the result of pressure from society.
There are many solutions to solve the abortion problem solved, but removing an innocent boy is never part of the solution. The problems are things that happen to humans, but a person is not a problem. Delete a human being to solve a personal problem ... solves nothing. Just create a new problem: I become a murderer. Seek solutions to real problems, financial aid, medical care, perhaps making ...- All problems have solutions!
The solution to the problem of abortion
The main cause of abortion is sexual promiscuity. And that no one can deny. How to prevent abortions kill children with? Teaching people to live in chastity. The real and definitive prevention of abortion is the purity, sexual abstinence before marriage and fidelity afterwards. If a person is not prepared to have a child, you should not have sex. This is simple and obvious. Who does not want to face a pregnancy should not take steps to have a boy. Abstention from the use of sex before marriage is the most effective way to prevent abortions.
often hear that the way to combat abortion is contraception. We say that the more contraceptives are consumed, fewer abortions will be needed. This seems logical, but reality shows otherwise: the statistics say that countries with the highest rate of contraception, are having more abortions.
This is so for three reasons:
No contraception is 100% secure. The failure rate varies with the type of contraceptive and "ability" of the user, but none with 100% guarantee not having a baby. So, that contraception need to have the abortion, such as coverage for contraceptive failure. In fact, 40% of people who go to abortion clinics of Marie Stopes in Britain, blaming the pregnancy to contraceptive failure.
addition, many birth control does not lead to abortion ... because they themselves are abortifacients. Free contraceptives are abortifacient effects of barrier-prevent the meeting of egg and sperm, "and they are the ones with the highest failure rate. All hormonal contraceptives (different types of pills or injections) also have contraceptive effects, try to avoid ovulation and try to prevent the ascent of sperm to the fallopian tubes, "another "Covers" possible failures of the previous two: to make impossible the implementation of the tiny human being should be conceived. So they have a potential abortifacient effect.
The contraceptive mentality and abortion have the same root: see pregnancy as a disease and the baby as an enemy to be fought at all costs. Eduardo M.
NOTE: You can find plenty of material about abortion in http://www.vidahumana.org/
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