Sunday, June 4, 2006

Diffusion Osmosis Lab Answers

At present Baptism and Confirmation, we find the need to select sponsors. Who to choose? What conditions would have to meet the candidate?

sponsors usually the choice is often for reasons of friendship, sympathy, reciprocity (one chosen as godfather to the son of a friend, feels compelled to repay naming sponsor a child) or social reasons . All these reasons are valid as long as the person having the conditions which enable it to fulfill its task of sponsor. Do not forget that this election is not an award or distinction or honor but a responsibility for which must be suitable. Obviously bonding are important and help to fulfill this mission, but must be accompanied by other requirements.
have to begin to see what role does a sponsor, because if we want to fulfill its function well, must have the conditions necessary to be able to carry it out.

The two texts of the Magisterium of the Church which are the reference must include the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Code of Canon Law.

The Catechism of the Church dedicates two numbers:
"For the grace of Baptism to unfold it is important to help parents. This is also the role of godfather and godmother, that believers should be strong, capable and ready to help the newly baptized child or adult in their path of Christian life. Your task is a truly ecclesial function (n. 1255).

"for Confirmation, as for Baptism, candidates should seek spiritual help of a godfather or a godmother. It should be the same as for baptism in order to emphasize the unity between the two sacraments "(n. 1311).

The requirements of the Code of Canon Law:
- "As far as possible, who will receive the baptism of giving him a sponsor, whose role is to assist in the adult Christian initiation is baptized, and, together with parents, the child who will be baptized and to help it carry a consistent Christian life with baptism and to fulfill faithfully the obligations inherent in it. "(872)
-" Please sponsor one or a single sponsor, or one and one. "(873)
-" For someone to be admitted as a sponsor, it is necessary that:
1. has been elected who will be baptized or their parents or those in their place, or in their absence by the pastor or minister and have capacity for this mission and intention of fulfilling it;
2. has sixteen years, unless the diocesan bishop has established another age, or, for just cause, the pastor or minister has permitted an exception;
3. Catholic, is confirmed, has already received the Holy sacrament of the Eucharist and at the same time, a life consistent with faith and with the mission to be undertaken;
4. not affected by any canonical penalty legitimately imposed or declared;
5. not the father or mother who has to baptize "(874 § 1).

In addressing the Confirmation states:
"To the extent possible, have the confirming a sponsor, which is required to try to behave as a true witness of Christ and faithfully fulfills the obligations inherent in this sacrament" (892) .
In canon 893 refers to the conditions specified for godfather, adding that "it is appropriate to choose as godfather who took that mission in baptism. "

consistent Christian Life
As we see these documents, in addition to the specific conditions of age and receiving the sacraments of Christian initiation, show a general condition for carrying a life consistent with faith.
This directory are excluded as candidates for sponsors:
- who live in an irregular marital situation (either because they are unmarried or divorced and remarried),
- who have committed canonical penalties , or who abandon the faith (adhering to worship of other faiths, etc.).
E are indirectly excluding those who do not practice the faith. Indeed, a person who is not going to Mass on Sundays, or not confess or receive, can hardly be a spiritual aid on the road to Christian maturity. It would be like hiring a teacher to someone who barely literate.
It is obvious that there can be an example and model of Christian life who does not live with consistency. Can hardly help the path Christians, who have freely chosen to not follow the same. Therefore the Catechism states that sponsors should be "should be strong believers" and "capable and ready to help the newly baptized child or adult in their path of Christian life." Any Christian
practitioner, consistent with their faith, can be a godparent. No special requirements are needed.

State of grace
Even that is not a condition required by the Church, it follows from the role: it is almost a matter of personal coherence. Going in sin to take responsibility to help in the Christian life to someone, it would be something really strange would be a contradiction.

For Confirmation be added that if the sponsor lacked the state of grace, would not be able to receive the Eucharist. It would thus "curiosity" that he could not accompany his godson in the Communion.

The task of the sponsors is a truly ecclesial function. The Church gives them an assignment, a task. With accountability: God has asked the sponsors of how they accomplished their task, and also special awards for what they have done for their godchildren.

How do their job
Basically in four ways:
1. Prayer. Being a spiritual task, the first aid they give to their godchildren is prayer. Must pray for them often to get them the grace necessary for Christian life.
2. Good example
3. Orientation: teaching, accompanying, correcting, advising.
4. Substitution. In the absence of parents (because they were not present, or because they occupy) to ensure the Christian education of their godchildren, their religious practices, etc. Eduardo M.



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