How many minutes is an hour?
The third requirement is it really necessary?
To receive the Holy Eucharist requires three conditions: 1) be in the grace of God, 2) know who is going to receive communion with devotion approaching, 3) and save a one hour fast before receiving Communion. We will deal with the latter to consider whether it is really important.
What does the law of the Church
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states in the number 1387 the third condition to commune with dignity: "To be properly prepared to receive this sacrament, the faithful should observe the fast prescribed by the Church (cf. CIC can. 919). For the disposition of the body (gestures, clothing) is manifested respect, solemnity, the joy of that moment when Christ becomes our guest. "
The Code of Canon Law contains the law of the Latin Rite Church (there is another code for Eastern Rite). The fee to which it refers to the Catechism says:
"CIC 919 # 1 Who will receive the blessed Eucharist is to abstain from all food and drink at least one hour before Holy Communion, except water and medicines. CIC
919 # 3 The elderly and sick, and those who care for them, may receive the blessed Eucharist even if they have taken something in the preceding hour. "
is not only advice, is much more. It is a legal provision "should observe the fast" and "must refrain from any food" are expressions of obligation that should not be prescribed to communicate without meeting this condition.
Some think the need for a one hour fast before receiving Communion "does not run anymore." They say "that was then, as if it was not applicable in the Church. They see it as something from the time of our grandmothers ...
Just wanted to remind you that the Code of Canon Law we are talking about is not the old 1917, but suspended in 1983. And Catechism of the Church published in 1992. And they're both in force in the Church. The last document that speaks of the Eucharistic fast is the IL of the Synod on the Eucharist (October 2005). That is, the precept is now beyond doubt.
merely ecclesiastical law, human law does not oblige the Church when there is distress. In this issue, it seems easy to imagine a case, outside the health situation in the canon expressly provided above.
A frequent question
is not uncommon to hear this question: "How many minutes is the time of fasting before communion?" Or, "If I got five minutes, how I can communicate?"
First, the obvious: in principle the hours are 60 minutes.
addition, the text of the law, it says briefly an hour, as if we could begin to begrudge a few minutes, but "at least an hour before," ie, that aims to be more than an hour. It does not require an hour, but said a lower limit.
not forget that until the time of Pius XII ruled fasting since the previous day. For this there was no evening Mass time. In the 50's of last century, the Pope reduced fasting three hours, and after Vatican II, he spent about an hour.
Sense of fasting
The Church is not intended to limit the Communion, which are less faithful who receive communion, but to ensure respect and veneration of this great sacrament we receive Christ himself.
In the Working Document of the Eleventh Synod on the Eucharist (October 2005) states that "It has been expressed a desire to restore everywhere the Eucharistic fast that rigorous attention is still in use in the Eastern churches. Indeed, fasting, and self-control, requires the concurrence of the will and leads to purify the mind and heart. St. Athanasius says, "Want to know what are the effects of fasting? ... cast out demons and rids of bad thoughts, enlivens the mind and purifies the heart. " In the Lenten liturgy frequently is invited to the purification of the heart through fasting and silence, as recommended by St. Basil. In a response to Lineamenta questions about the opportunity to reconsider the requirement of three hours of Eucharistic fast. "
Will I lose communion for five minutes?
Yes, because nobody forced you to eat.
nobody actually forbids communion. Just as you have not prepared enough: you are missing a few minutes of preparation and respect for the Eucharist not want to be rude to the Lord. Namely the love of the Eucharist which takes you to not take communion.
Communion and obedience
Today not a few people violate this precept of the church hide behind that communicating is very important.
Yes it is, but more important is obedience.
I tell you the case of King Saul. God instructs that after defeating the Amalekites destroy everything in this town. After the victory, God sends Samuel to rebuke him not having fulfilled its mandate. The conversation, if not tragic, be fun. Samuel asks why you have not done what God commanded? Saul begins to answer that perfectly fulfilled ... Samuel cut it with an irony: So what is this lowing of cattle, the bleating of sheep, etc., I hear? To which the king attempts to justify, saying they saved the best of livestock to be sacrificed in honor of God. Apparently, a laudable project. Answer God through Samuel: "Worth the victims obedience." In fact, for this disobedience God rejected Saul as king, and chose David to replace him. Disobedience that apparently had a good excuse, with an apparent disobedience good intentions: "I prefer obedience to sacrifice."
is best not to take communion in obedience to the Church Communion
is impossible to be pleasing to God who communicate disobeying.
Sure, without a doubt, it is more pleasing to God not receive communion if you lack the time of fasting as an expression of respect and obedience, that communicate on a whim, but against the law of the Bride of Christ, do you chords of "whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven"?
Conclusion: it has more merit before God (ie, is more valuable) the act of obedience of allowing Communion to obey the Church, which disobeying communion (if this had any merit and not a lack ...).
Can dispense?
Some faithful claim that the priest, authorizing them to receive Communion without due time of fasting. We say that does not apply, because the priest has no authority to waive a church law: you can not, and if so, the permit would be null (as if I give you permission to marry underage, I have no this power, if given permission, would be false, invalid, null).
pastoral and practical grounds
for legal reasons, moral and deserving of Communion without fasting is not appropriate, there is also a practical reason: he who fails to communicate that "did not give him time," calculated better next time and be prepared with more finesse to Communion . Will not happen again, as it will be more attentive.
communicants without due time it will become increasingly lax in their calculation ... and will be stretching the time ... And live in the "razor's edge."
The Eucharist deserves respect.
We do things good. Not to be chantas to do good.
Some might think "not care" "How are you going to do a little minutes problem?", "Do not be exaggerated."
No, it does not matter. Is respect. It is delicate. Shows how much you value the Sacrament.
Communion is not anything. Is the greatest thing we can do in this life.
The liturgy makes the priest pray before receiving Communion in the Mass a sentence with a singular request, that the Communion "is not for me to trial and condemnation." Asks for something, and who asks it is the priest and asks for himself.
If not communicate one day reach the required minimum fasting an hour, nothing happens. Not a sin, not a lack of respect, not a lack interest. Communion is not required and, therefore, is not needed to do so. If you have so eager to communicate, offer God can not do it, make a spiritual communion. And I turned to what is sent to guard the dignity of this sacrament.
is absurd to commit a sin by communion without the proper dispositions, without any need to do
Let me repeat: fail to communicate is not a sin. Disobeying church law is. Obey the law of the Church is meritorious. Committing a sin trying to do something good is utterly ridiculous.
The third requirement is it really necessary?
To receive the Holy Eucharist requires three conditions: 1) be in the grace of God, 2) know who is going to receive communion with devotion approaching, 3) and save a one hour fast before receiving Communion. We will deal with the latter to consider whether it is really important.
What does the law of the Church
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states in the number 1387 the third condition to commune with dignity: "To be properly prepared to receive this sacrament, the faithful should observe the fast prescribed by the Church (cf. CIC can. 919). For the disposition of the body (gestures, clothing) is manifested respect, solemnity, the joy of that moment when Christ becomes our guest. "
The Code of Canon Law contains the law of the Latin Rite Church (there is another code for Eastern Rite). The fee to which it refers to the Catechism says:
"CIC 919 # 1 Who will receive the blessed Eucharist is to abstain from all food and drink at least one hour before Holy Communion, except water and medicines. CIC
919 # 3 The elderly and sick, and those who care for them, may receive the blessed Eucharist even if they have taken something in the preceding hour. "
is not only advice, is much more. It is a legal provision "should observe the fast" and "must refrain from any food" are expressions of obligation that should not be prescribed to communicate without meeting this condition.
Some think the need for a one hour fast before receiving Communion "does not run anymore." They say "that was then, as if it was not applicable in the Church. They see it as something from the time of our grandmothers ...
Just wanted to remind you that the Code of Canon Law we are talking about is not the old 1917, but suspended in 1983. And Catechism of the Church published in 1992. And they're both in force in the Church. The last document that speaks of the Eucharistic fast is the IL of the Synod on the Eucharist (October 2005). That is, the precept is now beyond doubt.
merely ecclesiastical law, human law does not oblige the Church when there is distress. In this issue, it seems easy to imagine a case, outside the health situation in the canon expressly provided above.
A frequent question
is not uncommon to hear this question: "How many minutes is the time of fasting before communion?" Or, "If I got five minutes, how I can communicate?"
First, the obvious: in principle the hours are 60 minutes.
addition, the text of the law, it says briefly an hour, as if we could begin to begrudge a few minutes, but "at least an hour before," ie, that aims to be more than an hour. It does not require an hour, but said a lower limit.
not forget that until the time of Pius XII ruled fasting since the previous day. For this there was no evening Mass time. In the 50's of last century, the Pope reduced fasting three hours, and after Vatican II, he spent about an hour.
Sense of fasting
The Church is not intended to limit the Communion, which are less faithful who receive communion, but to ensure respect and veneration of this great sacrament we receive Christ himself.
In the Working Document of the Eleventh Synod on the Eucharist (October 2005) states that "It has been expressed a desire to restore everywhere the Eucharistic fast that rigorous attention is still in use in the Eastern churches. Indeed, fasting, and self-control, requires the concurrence of the will and leads to purify the mind and heart. St. Athanasius says, "Want to know what are the effects of fasting? ... cast out demons and rids of bad thoughts, enlivens the mind and purifies the heart. " In the Lenten liturgy frequently is invited to the purification of the heart through fasting and silence, as recommended by St. Basil. In a response to Lineamenta questions about the opportunity to reconsider the requirement of three hours of Eucharistic fast. "
Will I lose communion for five minutes?
Yes, because nobody forced you to eat.
nobody actually forbids communion. Just as you have not prepared enough: you are missing a few minutes of preparation and respect for the Eucharist not want to be rude to the Lord. Namely the love of the Eucharist which takes you to not take communion.
Communion and obedience
Today not a few people violate this precept of the church hide behind that communicating is very important.
Yes it is, but more important is obedience.
I tell you the case of King Saul. God instructs that after defeating the Amalekites destroy everything in this town. After the victory, God sends Samuel to rebuke him not having fulfilled its mandate. The conversation, if not tragic, be fun. Samuel asks why you have not done what God commanded? Saul begins to answer that perfectly fulfilled ... Samuel cut it with an irony: So what is this lowing of cattle, the bleating of sheep, etc., I hear? To which the king attempts to justify, saying they saved the best of livestock to be sacrificed in honor of God. Apparently, a laudable project. Answer God through Samuel: "Worth the victims obedience." In fact, for this disobedience God rejected Saul as king, and chose David to replace him. Disobedience that apparently had a good excuse, with an apparent disobedience good intentions: "I prefer obedience to sacrifice."
is best not to take communion in obedience to the Church Communion
is impossible to be pleasing to God who communicate disobeying.
Sure, without a doubt, it is more pleasing to God not receive communion if you lack the time of fasting as an expression of respect and obedience, that communicate on a whim, but against the law of the Bride of Christ, do you chords of "whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven"?
Conclusion: it has more merit before God (ie, is more valuable) the act of obedience of allowing Communion to obey the Church, which disobeying communion (if this had any merit and not a lack ...).
Can dispense?
Some faithful claim that the priest, authorizing them to receive Communion without due time of fasting. We say that does not apply, because the priest has no authority to waive a church law: you can not, and if so, the permit would be null (as if I give you permission to marry underage, I have no this power, if given permission, would be false, invalid, null).
pastoral and practical grounds
for legal reasons, moral and deserving of Communion without fasting is not appropriate, there is also a practical reason: he who fails to communicate that "did not give him time," calculated better next time and be prepared with more finesse to Communion . Will not happen again, as it will be more attentive.
communicants without due time it will become increasingly lax in their calculation ... and will be stretching the time ... And live in the "razor's edge."
The Eucharist deserves respect.
We do things good. Not to be chantas to do good.
Some might think "not care" "How are you going to do a little minutes problem?", "Do not be exaggerated."
No, it does not matter. Is respect. It is delicate. Shows how much you value the Sacrament.
Communion is not anything. Is the greatest thing we can do in this life.
The liturgy makes the priest pray before receiving Communion in the Mass a sentence with a singular request, that the Communion "is not for me to trial and condemnation." Asks for something, and who asks it is the priest and asks for himself.
If not communicate one day reach the required minimum fasting an hour, nothing happens. Not a sin, not a lack of respect, not a lack interest. Communion is not required and, therefore, is not needed to do so. If you have so eager to communicate, offer God can not do it, make a spiritual communion. And I turned to what is sent to guard the dignity of this sacrament.
is absurd to commit a sin by communion without the proper dispositions, without any need to do
Let me repeat: fail to communicate is not a sin. Disobeying church law is. Obey the law of the Church is meritorious. Committing a sin trying to do something good is utterly ridiculous.
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