Tomorrow Tuesday December 21 Full Moon energy is very powerful and prominent. The goddess Venus, the goddess Hecate and the Goddess Selene (Selena) are involved in this lunar phase. Call
the three goddesses to help them to express their personal intentions and their overall intentions. Portal
Days for the month of December are: 12/12, 12/21, 12/22, 12/29 and 12/30.
Health Network and Abundance of the Divine Mother
With Cosmic
Guardian Angels Channeled by Nasrin Safai
We are at a juncture in the history of our planet, where souls are awakening to their deity and seek the true purpose Living on Earth. Cosmic Consciousness of the Divine Feminine is the creative force that has brought our world to the manifest form. Divine Presence is the force behind this mass awakening. Indigenous people around the world and the people of New Era celebrate this event as the Great Awakening, which is expected to reach its peak in December 2012. We see this process of awakening in our lives and in our closest circles. We have been called by the Divine Feminine, which has a special place in our hearts and our Divine Mother, so that we are the pioneers for the awakening of the masses and masses.
to enhance and accelerate us along the way to accomplish this huge task, the Divine Mother, has encapsulated his own Cosmic Consciousness to take shape in Los Angeles Cosmic Guardians, for about enlighten and enhance our lives, as well as to lead us to victory in the task of awakening to the multitudes and masses. Mother Divine Grace and gives its bathes us with your blessing through these Cosmic Guardian Angels who have been called from his own pool of creation to take form, solely for the purpose of enhancing our lives and the lives of others through us.
Divine Mother calls these Cosmic Guardians, Guardian Angels Health and Abundance. She orders them to create a Red Light Rainbow around to support us in achieving our mission and bring us Divine Health Totality, Economic Abundance and Resources. The Divine Mother is helping us remember our Divine Union with it and it help awaken others to the memory.
Guardian Angels Meditation Cosmic
Each of the Angels, hosted by the Divine Mother, they bring a gift in the form of a gem (precious stone) and a special Healing Light. These lights are enhanced with Emerald Green Light of Healing and Abundance. These Angels will remain in their lives as long as you want them his presence. Keep visualizing those Angels and feel the presence of the Divine Mother at her side at all times. Repeat this meditation regularly and offer this prayer: "Divine Mother, you have called to Guardian Angels Cosmic Abundance to be by my side to speed and power and state health and abundance. Lead me to receive in full all your gifts with joy and gratitude, and to use them for good. Visualize
standing before the Divine Mother as she called the Legions of the Cosmic Guardian Angels Health and Wealth to form a network of Arc Irisalrededor you.
Divine Mother says, "I called the Legions of Cosmic Guardians Pure White Light, the Guardians of the Crown Chakra." Visualize
the Legions of Angels of Pure White Light stand in a circle around you, you emanate into pure white light. The leader of the Legion is coming. She holds in her hand a large diamond. She offers it first to the Divine Mother. The Divine Mother blows the breath of life to the Gem and bathes with his blessing. The gem is placed on top of you head in the Crown, to prepare them for connecting with the higher realms to receive more abundance, health and wholeness.
This Angel put his hand over the Crown Chakra of you. Feel the Pure White Light, Green Light mixed with Abundance, down from the crown of his head down his body. Pause and breathe the light inside your head and allow the pure white light bathing his whole body, washing all over your body and be all the dross and pain, struggle and scarcity. Breathe this light in every pore of his skin and every cell of your body. Pause for a moment.
Divine Mother says, "I called the Legions of the Guardian Angels Residence Cosmic Light Magenta, the Guardians of the Third Eye Chakra."
Angeles Visualize a circle of light emanating Residence mixed with Magenta Dark Green Light Emerald Healing. The Leader of the Legion is coming. In her hand she holds a Great Blue Sapphire Magenta. Blue Sapphire provides Divine Power. She offered first to the Divine Mother. The Divine Mother blows the breath of life and bathes the gem with his blessing. The gem is placed in front of you, on your Third Eye Chakra. It melts in you with Light Magenta Residence falling on his head. Breathe and bathe in the light.
When not feel able to feel the presence of the Divine Mother of the Guides and Masters around you and lose their ability to work with your own intuition and inner guidance, remember this year and call these angels Cosmic Guardians to clean your body and focus lock to activate the healing powers of this gem in the Third Eye Chakra.
Divine Mother says, "I called the Legions of the Guardian Angels Cosmic Light Cobalt Blue, the Guardians of the Throat Chakra."
These Angels form a circle around you and begins to emanate for Cobalt Blue Light enhance communication. The Divine Mother chose this light because their higher purpose needs to be communicated (all forms, including verbal) and the center of the communication is the Throat Chakra. The Leader of the Legion is coming. In the hand of this angel is a Cobalt Blue Diamond the size of a fist. She offers it first to the Divine Mother. The Divine Mother gem blows to his divine breath and bathed with his blessing. The Gem is placed on the Throat Chakra you. Melts as it is absorbed into your throat. Look at this light, mixed with Emerald Green Light of Healing, healing her throat. Breathe and bathe in the healing light. Whenever
feel unable to communicate their true feelings or thoughts which can not express themselves clearly, remember this year and call these Guardian Angels Cosmic to clean your body and focus lock to activate the healing powers of this gem in the throat chakra.
Divine Mother says, "I called the Legions of the Guardian Angels Cosmic Blue Light Turquoise, the Guardians of the Cosmic Heart. "
The Legions of Angels of the Cosmic Heart in a circle around you. Your body gives to you Turquoise Blue Light Dissolution of Negativity and Emerald Green Light Healing. Turquoise dissolves negativity and promotes the return of the Unit. The Leader of the Legion is coming. This angel is in charge of the Cosmic Heart Chakra, the center that connects you with the Heavenly Realms and their guides and guardians. This Angel has a piece of turquoise the size of you fist to the Divine Mother to bless you. The Divine Mother gives her blessing blowing his breath of life in the gem. The angel placed within the Cosmic Heart Chakra of you, about 3 or 4 inches below the throat chakra. It melts in your Cosmic Heart and brings healing to the thymus gland and strengthen your immune system.
Whenever you feel your connection with the Cosmic heart has made and not feel the love they get from the Divine Mother and the Masters, then remember this year and call these Guardian Angels Cosmic to clean your body block and focus on activating the healing powers of this gem in the Cosmic Heart Chakra.
Divine Mother says: "I call the Legions of the Guardian Angels Cosmic Light Green Jade, the Guardians of the Heart Chakra Personal."
The Legions of the Guardian Angels of Abundance and Cosmic Healing growing. A large circle of Angels is formed around you, Jade Green Light emanations. The Leader of the Cosmic Guard is approaching. In her hand she holds a piece of emerald the size of you fist. She offers this gem to the Divine Mother. The Divine Mother blows the breath of their life force on the Gem. The Guardian puts the Emerald within the Heart Chakra Staff of you who are in the middle of the two teat (or teats) in the center of you chest. This Gem will help to open your Heart Personal Love and Compassion. Feel a heat wave moving into his chest, as this Esmeralda melts in your Personal Heart Chakra. Love and the Healing of the Divine Mother is being poured into your Heart Chakra. Breathe and bathe.
Whenever you feel that your heart is contracted and that love is not flowing in abundance, remember this year and call these Guardian Angels Cosmic to clean your body and focus lock to activate the healing powers of this gem in Personal Heart Chakra.
Divine Mother says, "I called the Legions of the Guardian Angels Cosmic Light Blue Aquamarine, the Guardians of Chakra Seat of the Soul."
A great circle is formed by the Legions of the Keepers around you emanating Light Blue Aquamarine. The Leader of the Legion is coming. This Angel is emanating Light Blue Aquamarine and Emerald Green Light. This Angel brings great Teal Blue Diamond. She offers this gem to the Divine Mother to be blessed. The Divine Mother blows the breath of his own life force on the gem. The Guardian put this gem in the Seat of the Soul Chakra you, centered between the Personal Heart and Solar Plexus. May have the sensation of heat moving under your ribs. Breathe and bathe.
Divine Mother says, "I called the Legions of the Guardian Angels Cosmic Light Yellow Golden, the Guardians of the Solar Plexus Chakra."
The Solar Plexus, located just below the navel, is the center of power . When locked, you feel powerless and they lose confidence in yourself. The leader of these approaches Cosmic Guardians. Is holding in his hand a piece of Solar Stone Dorada (Golden Sunstone) with Gold veins She offers this gem to the Divine Mother to be blessed. The Divine Mother blows the breath of his strength Life on the gem. The Guardian put this gem in the solar plexus you.
Gem Golden Light becomes liquid. The Legions of the Cosmic Guardian Angels are placed in a circle around you, golden yellow light emanating from the Divine Power mixed with emerald green light of healing to his solar plexus to heal scars lives and lack of power. Feel the healing light and supernatural powers, that the Divine Mother is offering, and are being poured into your solar plexus. Breathe and bathe.
Whenever you feel that his power is flowing in abundance, remember this year and call the Cosmic Guardian Angels to clean your body and focus lock to activate the healing powers of this gem is in your solar plexus.
Divine Mother says, "I called the Legions of the Guardian Angels Cosmic Orange Bright Light of Creativity, the Guardians of the Holy Plexus Chakra."
Visualize that these Angels are standing in a circle around you , impregnating Bright Orange Light. The leader of the Legion is coming. In her hand, she has a great piece of Orange Sapphire. She offers the gem to the Divine Mother to be blessed. This gem is placed in the solar plexus you, halfway between your solar plexus and base of the spine dorsal. Remove all locks your Pro Center for Creativity and creativity, Sacral Plexus. The impact is enhanced when mixed with Green Light Healing. When creativity flows, health and abundance will follow. Pause and bathe.
When you feel that your creativity is flowing abundantly, remember this year and call the Cosmic Guardian Angels to clean your body and focus lock to activate the healing powers of this gem in the sacral plexus.
Divine Mother says, "I called the Legions of the Guardian Angels Network Cosmic Light of Life Force, Guardians of the Root Chakra."
Visualize the circle of the Legions of these Angels, Red Light emanating the energy of passion, action and wealth. The Leader of the Legion is about you. She has in his hand a fist-sized Ruby you. She offers it to the Divine Mother to bless you. The Divine Mother blows his breath of life on the gem. You may feel a tingling in your root chakra at the base of your spine, because they are there for a ruby \u200b\u200bthe size of a fist. Ruby melts to heal and restore vitality and life force in your body. Ruby highlights the passion and action and attracts money and abundance. The energy that is emanated for this stone connects you with the Energy of Life Force of Mother Earth. After all, the wealth comes from Mother Earth. Mixed with Emerald Green Light of Healing, connects completely with the Healing Light, with love and with the abundance of Mother Earth. Pause and bathe in these energies.
Now the Divine Mother Legions orders all in a circle over circle around you and begin to bathe in its light. While all the legions of Guardian Angels Cosmic in all circles are now emanating from your lights to you, you create a Rainbow Red Light Illuminated completely covering them, creating a cocoon protecting, healing, guiding and directing them towards victory in their lives and lead others to wake up to Gloria, Victoria and Divinity. Bathe and pause to absorb the variety of lights and its beneficial impact on the end of this meditation and healing.
The Divine Mother has opened the doors of Healing and Abundance through the legions of these Angels. It's our job to believe that if we are worthy to receive these gifts and to persevere in practice this year, hoping and believing that health, wholeness and abundance are flowing with enthusiasm and fervor in our Reality. Call these Legions
of Cosmic Guardian Angels to form around you every day upon waking and every night when they go to sleep. Do this exercise for 33 consecutive days. If you forget a day, just add it to the final. After this network becomes part of your being, just remember to call these Legions Cosmic acelérenla daily and in times of need by displaying all circles of all the Guardians of each of the Chakras emanating to you at any time to light.
If you feel disoriented and energy is blocked, then do the whole exercise again and continĂșenlo daily for another round. The total power and wealth need to be moved in your life with great care and with grace. Failure to move at the speed and value than pleased, then repeat the exercise and concentrate on the Legions with enthusiasm and fervor calling circles as many times as possible during the day. Ideally, without provocation, whenever you see them focus their work emanates light and bathing with special blessings of the Divine Mother, through each of your Chakras.
Good luck and blessing of the Divine Mother to you and yours. Nasrin
Chakras Guardian Angels Enlightened Wealth

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