Sunday, March 27, 2011

White Spot On Lower On Inside Lower Lip

Action is Conviction: AMLO in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas in Tlatelolco

AMLO: "As we did with the cooperative, signed commitments to the Social Movement for a People's Government. YES to these alliances."
  • the legitimate president of Mexico said: Four major transformations: Independence, Reform, Revolution and now we are on the fourth great national transformation. AMLO
  • supported by 150 organizations in 30 states and 700 municipalities, for your path to the presidency in 2012

For Hasardevi

March, Sunday 27, 2010. Today in the plaza of Tlatelolco three cultures of the legitimate president of Mexico said that the most important is action, "action is conviction," the most important thing is to keep organizing, he said, we have 40% of goal of the branch committees and participate in them about 100 thousand citizens, at the end of year we need to reach 65000 and municipal committees MORENA sectional, and therefore, we face an unprecedented event in our country, the most important organization in the Mexico's history.

This national organization is essential, went on Mr. López Obrador's not forget that in 2006 they stole the presidency because the mafia in power do not want any changes, because even though it goes wrong the people in them do well. "We need organization so they could steal the presidency."

AMLO recalled that 2038 has already visited the towns of Mexico and the 418 municipalities of customs in Oaxaca and many of these municipalities have been visited more than once.

"Since we started a simple plan but strong and very significant: the supporters of the movement become 'agents of change true ', to persuade others of the importance of this organization, the need for change. Independence, the Reformation and the Revolution, and we want to carry out the IV transformation of public life in the country. "

" There is pursued here to obtain public office, we seek transformation, starting from the idea that if everyone does what is responsible, among everyone except Mexico.

"Who is a hero? Is anyone aware that knows what is happening and want to help make things better, what is the responsibility of each player? must convince five people, including relatives, friends, coworkers, etc.

"We continue to find, but that everyone knows what needs to be done, the plan is there, is the goal, now all to work, we have a unique advantage: those involved in this movement are people too aware, is a politicized art that has convictions and upholds ideals and principles. In that we base our confidence to transform the public life of our country.

"The tour beginning next Wednesday 40 districts of the State of Mexico. There strengthen our movement because it is not an option for that state neither the PRI nor the PAN, we respect the PRI and PAN to below, since they are equally confused as many in the country, but above is the same mafia: no difference between Peña PRI and Calderon's PAN, PRI and among Beltrones Gordillo New Alliance ...

"The Movement will present a proposal with our representative Alejandro Encinas, participate in the State of Mexico and then make a tour across the country, in public places in all States of the country, we will meet and talk this and ask them how many are working and how many players. Our responsibility is to save the country, for us, for future generations. "

leader and candidate AMLO workers' associations, citizens, farmers who signed the agreement along with political MORENA walk together towards 2012, today 25 March 2011, is dismissed by people who follow him and trust him among the slogans of: "With the vote the government, people's power! PRI and PAN without people's power, without PAN or PRI or mutts, many of us left!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Eiffel Tower Decorations

Yamato-Damashii: The supremacy of the common good

The world knows as "the heroes of Fukushima, engineers, technicians and firefighters are about 300 men, volunteers all, they chose to sacrifice his life to prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths from massive radiation leak. Today a week of the earthquake and the tsunami it appears that they are succeeding.

took seven days to work tirelessly under unimaginable pressure how will know that hundreds of thousands of lives are in his hands and also work against the clock? How to know and it will be subjected to extreme physical conditions, high temperatures, the risk of landslides, hampering mobility suits, no of true rest? What will accomplish this task with the certainty that radiation is killing them? What power enables them to withstand the pressure to follow and keep quiet, and overcome all, and not to faint? What makes it possible miracle that will not break, do not flee, not falling into panic attacks? What sustains them?

The Japanese have a beautiful answer, say the heroes are in the Yamato-Damashii, ie the Japanese spirit. The concept refers to something much larger than patriotism, alludes to the supremacy of the common good over individual selfishness. It is that spirit which says that there was no looting, no riots, that the police had the task of controlling the population and could engage in relief work and search. It is that spirit that makes them not go through the mind to do business with the misfortune of others and therefore not found price increases of staple goods.

The tsunami of this intense 2011 is the land of the samurai, the land of honor, respect for ancestors and neighbor, is the country that could rise from its ashes after the second war, however, to really honor the greatness of the heroes of Fukushima and the entire Japanese people, is another response we give when we ask what sustains them? Dar

prevalence to the common good over individual selfishness is synonymous with greatness and greatness is the heritage of the human spirit of the Japanese and also the two hundred thousand volunteers who died in Chernobyll and firefighters who entered the Twin Towers. We honor the Japanese and take their example if we understand that selfishness is awakening everyone's job. Dwells in every human being a samurai hidden in everyone there is a Hercules is capable of overcoming unimaginable obstacles, a David who can stand against a nuclear power and vanquish his sling. Being able to deploy such heroic force for the common good is the essence of the human heart. This force is none other than soul force. The

Most of us never give life in a dramatic setting like that today holds the world in suspense, and yet the example of the heroes of Fukushima hereof. Goliath have many faces, radiation in all its horror is not the most terrible. Take the lesson that Japan has to offer, see the great beauty that always shines behind the pain, not to remain in the shadows. What the Japanese people in general and the liquidators of the very central in particular we remember is that the worst face of Goliath is selfishness. Focusing only to the common good we can ascend to the soul, only if she climb down and gives us her beauty, her power, her quiet. We can not

further consider that the soul is something abstract, unlikely, little demonstrable ... We can not justify persisting with outdated reasoning that what is invisible and intangible is not subject of our discussion, or our search. Also, the radiation of uranium and plutonium from Fukushima is invisible and therefore not take for null effects. The radiation of the human soul, like the atom, is measured by its effects.

The effects of naming the soul, they are powerful. Nombrémosla. Redefine our identity, we become what we think about. If our thinking sees the greatness, the greatness we conceive and be enlightened by it.

Ps. Isabella Di Carlo, March 19, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

Increased Micturation And Menstruation

healing workshop at Mallorca

On Sunday March 27, 2011 will be in Mallorca, impart the Workshop Healing the Mother Archetype at the Maya center, 11 to 13 h, c / José Anselmo Clave n º 6, 3 º 1 ª (near the Plaza Spain and English cut Avenues) Palma, Tel: 677 100 192. Alchemy also will realize Genetic Therapies all day from 26.

The technique I use, both in the workshop of the Mother as the Father, is a non-hypnotic regression through a state of induced relaxation that enables the person to access its conscious memories and experiences that are stored unconsciously in the psyche.

is a work very far into the emotional world in the lack of affection and unconscious memories of experiences in very early ages of life. When conflicting emotions heal and restructure the experience, there is a change at all levels of being.

In these workshops, two hours, not shared their experiences, each person perceives their own, without having to communicate to the group. If they appear very painful experience, opens the possibility of individual therapies, and it is understood that it is difficult to publicly share things and highly emotional events.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Old Black Mamma Hairy Clit

New National Project: Morena

Auditorio Nacional City March 20, 2011.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Monopoly Game And Vascular

Mother Archetype Message Masaru Emoto

For all the nice people of the world, First, I send our deepest thanks for sending prayers and wishes kind heart with positive energy to Japan and its people. As you know, everyone in Japan is going very difficult time, and we are trying the best we can to overcome this disaster.

However, the truth is we're very shocked and very sad for the victims, their families and friends.
Masaru Emoto and his staff would like to help as best we can. Send the Love and Gratitude Water - the water will improve immunity - people living in the areas of nuclear power stations and where people are suffering after tsunami earthquakes and other necessary things for them.

We would ask you to PLEASE help us and donate any amount of money you can by arranging Pay Pal or money transfer to bank account EMOTO PEACE PROJECT as shown below. We would love to bring the money we collect from each of you to disaster areas and also use the money to donate water to the people. We greatly appreciate your biggest consideration. Thank you very much.

Donation by Pay Pal:
Information Bank: Account name
: EMOTO Project
Name of Bank: The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. Branch Name
: Asakusabashi
Account number: 0941063
Bank Code: 0005
Swift Code:
Again, thank you very much for your kindest support. Sorry we can not thank you enough, but remember his compassion at heart and I always appreciate more than ever and for ever.
With much love and gratitude, Masaru Emoto


How Do You Master Bait

Earth changes are saving us

by Dana Mrkich March 15, 2011
Translation: Margarita Lopez

Of all the pipes that I have read lately about the movements of Gaia, this is what I liked, so I share.

Edition: The Spring of Caduceus

In Japan Earthquake and Tsunami occurring so soon after the earthquake in Christchurch (which means the church of Christ) many people have rushed to take this as evidence that Mother Earth is not happy. Another way to look at it, she is a living being, a living planet that goes through cycles just like we do humans. She has been here for billions of years, long before appeareth us, and will be here long after. It is typical of humans to ignore the natural cycles, and especially is historically typical ignore and dishonor the women's cycles. Oh yes, the Earth is not only a living, she is a female being.

Have you ever heard to call it Father Land? I think not.
As a female, the Mother Earth goes through cycles very specific - some see them regularly in our Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring. Others can only see every 5,000 or 126,000 years, and how lucky we are, we can be here to see one of those transitions Great Loop! Yes, we receive the gift of be on Mother Earth as it passes from one stage of transition to another, when a cycle ends and a new world is born. As with any change or birth, this does not happen without ... mmmm ... Change!

begins ... Phase Changes of the Earth. And guess what, as in any woman, this comes with labor, and contractions, and rupture of the water! Do not know about you, but I do not think a woman in labor is going to appreciate being told to "calm down"! I do not think a woman in labor will appreciate that you say, "Would you stop to shake and scream? I'm trying to sleep! "Because guess what, this not about you or me! It is a planet that is going through an incredible process of rebirth, and for some amazing synchronicity is that there are billions of human beings in it for the first time, so by default, REBORN WITH LET HER!

Yes, humanity will benefit from this wonderful event. In addition, if Mother Earth were not dealing with these changes now would not have a livable planet for much longer. We have a very bad tenants and I'm surprised that we have been evicted long ago. But he did because although it is difficult to believe, she loves us. Took care of us like any mother, although we have treated us so badly. These changes are allowing the earth revived, revived itself. And guess what! These changes of the Earth that we feared were our final, will be the same events that one day we will look back and realize: these changes saves. They saved the Earth, saved us from further destroying, saved us from destroying ourselves.

As the Earth is aligned with Ecuador and the Galactic Center, turned to one side and the other, agreeing to such high vibrational light as possible. Will this trigger more earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and cyclones? There is no easy way to say this, but yes. However, she is not doing this to hurt us or to hurt us, is part of the process. The is rebalancing and cleaning. We are providing, in essence, a new planet to live (and hopefully try to Earth version 5.0 much better than previous versions!). Not your fault that we have houses and buildings that are falling due to the action. God! this sounds so cruel in black and white, but that is not the intention. It is only a request to see it from another perspective - that of Mother Earth and our future survival versus our present needs and older.

However turbulent and traumatic events that appear at the end we will end up being a better humanity. But if we spend the entire process of childbirth crying about how that affects us, crying for what we're missing. We have to calm down and let go of the old world. The old world is going. Is there electricity? Well, guess what, we have a great sun in the sky that has been trying to get our attention for years. Solar Energy is called free. "Look up here, is there anybody there? "Aloo?" Is there oil? Free energy. Is there no money? Free energy. Need something? Let's remember that Mother Earth really has everything we need, and we will remember our ability to create everything we need in an appropriate manner, without hurting him.

For those who are mourning the loss of life, please know that as souls are still living. Please know that all the souls that are leaving now had a contract to do so, and are helping us through this process from a higher plane. It is physically very difficult to live without once loved who have gone, I know, are not there to hug or to call or to share your joys and daily struggles. But they are with us. They are living in another dimension. They are watching over us. We are helping. They can talk to them. And if you close your eyes and allow it, can sit and listen, if not through words, then with the heart.

We are ALL in this together - the departed, who are still going to choose from, and those of us who choose to stay. When my mother died we said that we do not cling to it with our pain, "because then I will not get my wings and I will not be able to fly and do what I have to do." Also, we must honor those who are choosing from for these changes. They have to get their wings and have to fly, because they have much to do to help with this. Honor their lives and his departure watching free, flying with their wings, fulfilling the purpose of your soul next.

March 9, 2011 - October 28 2011 marks the latest wave of the Mayan Calendar. Think of the last wave of contractions of a woman. Yes, it will be turbulent, but within that turbulence will be miracles, there will be joy, there will be tears, there will be beauty. There will be the sounds of life disappears, no longer will be, and the sounds of a new life emerges, we can not yet even imagine. © Dana Mrkich

2011. Permission is granted to freely share this article provided that credit is given to the author, and include the address Http://

With the permission of Dana Mrkich, its material translated into English Word file can be downloaded from the site created in

Friday, March 18, 2011

Why Am I Attracted To Guys With Big Noses

Healing Workshop

A Llop Soleika by
rediscover our Mother

With this workshop you will get:

* economy itself
Heal * Heal emotional guilt and release locks
* Remove fears, burdens, taboos
* Improving the relationship with the children
* Undo * Generate
old patterns harmonic changes ... (More)

The father and mother are the two main archetypes that inhabit the human psyche. They are the first mirrors that life presents us, in the sense that they reflect who we are and what we have been. Both large traditional schools of wisdom, as the latest research on past lives agree that before we choose to incarnate those who will be our parents. And we do in terms of what there is to learn and experience our spirit needs for growth and development ...

To Greek Mythology, the mother represents the father of matter and spirit. For Astrology the mother is the basis of our emotions, the platform that underpins our emotional world. When the relationship with the mother is challenged emotionally unfolds on a quicksand and finds obstacles in their access to wealth. The mother-related crashes are often the source of many diseases, and especially breast cancer.

This workshop will do the following exercises:

• Connect with the time we chose our mother
• Understand the reason for our choice
• Understanding the way our mother agrees to bring the world
• Recreate / co-create a happy pregnancy
• Recreate / co-create a happy birth
• Dilute karmic ties with our mother

Bring notebook and pen.
Day: March 20, 2011
Time: 11-13 h
Price: 35 e
Location: Viure Be. Street Eiximinis, 20 4 º 1 ª Girona Tel 972412016

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Breasts And Blood Vessels

Mother Archetype Fukushima Samurai

A Article the newspaper El Pais that title made me think about the ability of Nippon to sacrifice for the common good. 180 These unsung heroes (their company keeps them anonymous), also called "liquidators" are now working with the energy of Vehuiah, the angel No 1, triggered from March 12 to 29. 21 to April 26 will be added Sun, who is also in these grades, from 0 to 5, Aries, and from 2 to 8 April, Mars will join the party. Therefore, Vehuiah be tremendously enhanced over the next four weeks. Consider the program of this angel

- always oriented towards the new, bold, cutting-edge work to
- Being a bridgehead, the pioneer, a forerunner / a
- Overcoming critical situations
- Awakening dormant wills
- Be able to undertake
the most difficult tasks - the souls to enter the physical world, to embody
- Invent, discover new things
- Being a starter
- Have a bombproof enthusiasm
- Breaking molds, to challenge old
- Out of stagnation, depression brings

- The force required to perform heroic deeds and
- Passion for the arts and sciences
- A potential operator
- Arrojo, daring
Leadership Skills - Sagacity to find traps and deceptions
- Will connect to other dimensions

Possible adverse effects, tendency to
- affect one same design strategies for self-sabotage
- Having irritation, inflammation, high fevers, fires
- Create acidity, off the DNA codes
- Forcing, coercing, too emissive / a
- Having an excess of yang (male energy)
- have a violent temper, turbulent, complaints, angry, combative, pugnacious, quarrelsome and provocative
- have an excessive desire for prominence
- wasting the potential operator
- Cheating

The party program is activated when one does not program ignores any light, from ignorance or laziness, or whatever. Jupiter, Uranus, Mars and Sun will form squares (Aspects tension) with Pluto, so we will have in the next three-four weeks of a huge energy flow that well spent, could change the face of the planet, but misused, too, needless to result more in possible negative outcome because we all know what could give him. Quantum principles should be remembered: we're floating in a soup of probabilities, the programs of the angels of the Kabbalah are quantum states, ie they can manifest as a wave (pure light) or particle (realization). Let us focus on the possibility that manifests as a wave Vehuiah.

If optimum use is made of its power, the rulers of the countries that manage nuclear energy would undertake a mad scramble to find clean energy sources. If we make the best use of their strength, we would realize that what is happening in Japan and oil producing countries brings the same message: to abandon the use of polluting energy. Consider for a moment that symbolizes the black gold (they call the oil), represents wisdom, wealth and consciousness (gold) we extract from the blackness of the shadow, the world of forms, from hard experience of "blood, sweat and tears." We've talked in these pages the collapse of the wave, is what happens when we stop the free passage of light, because they do not understand, then collapses and is transformed into an anecdote, a 3D experience.

The challenge ahead for the human species is of much greater scope than making a dramatic and profound change in its nuclear programs and the search for alternative energy, is to move beyond duality and the need to undergo and pass wrong.

Someday, hopefully soon, learn to draw energy from our divine core, learn to stop living in the periphery of our being, which forces the heart to make a huge and strenuous effort to achieve that periphery, ie our consciousness. Until we reach this point, we will be showing signs cosmos through problems and conditions linked to the old energy, black gold or nuclear plants. I recently got a power point in describing the destruction by multinationals linked to the oil interests of hundreds of thousands of electric cars. This reminded me of the destruction of the work of Tesla, Reich, Moray, because no interest at that time bring down the global economy with access to free energy (once you get) and inexhaustible.

At least that's what they said appearances, because deep, the fact is that free access to the energy of the cosmos must be a conquest, coupled with a prize for human beings. When we stop feed of duality, when we stop believing in the good-evil axis, we will be taking a decisive step towards this cosmic energy, and fusion energy.

But back to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe 180 heroes, extrapolating, we could say that they are representing, locally, the sacrifice has taken on a global scale, the Japanese people. Those souls probably already agreed to, before incarnating, to accept stage, stop the rest of the world, the consequences of improper handling of nuclear energy. A similar role assumed that the people of Chernobyl. One wonders how many more human sacrifices are necessary to close all nuclear plants, to become aware of the rulers after the game being played. But, in parallel, it also begs the question how many more lives will be missed until a critical mass of people realize what it symbolizes uranium.

Uranium represents the collapse of the wave Uranian Uranus is the force of manifesting with the "upside down I tell you that I understand." Uranus / Hochmah to the Kabbalah, is the Christ force, is the wisdom and boundless love unconditionally, without expecting anything in return and is both the strength of the renewal. The force of the psyche, misunderstood and misused, is serving as fuel for nuclear power plants. As these plants a substitute for the real second category of nuclear power that lies at the heart of all human beings: that is fed with pure love. Will we need to explode Fukushima reactor to become aware of what is at stake? That's the million dollar question.

The other day my friend Rose of Peru, I suggested to disseminate the idea of \u200b\u200basking the Virgin a protective white blanket all Japanese, and today my friend Maria told me the same, but applied to the entire planet and also suggested that we connected, via meditation, with Gaia to tell her we love, not angry, just be patient with us, we'll respond (not react say) and become aware at once. And not a bad idea to send a message via etheric to senior leaders of the planet, for example by reading this post and saying "NO MORE, STOP THIS CAR." That is why the theme of reflection. Llop Soleika teacher-perfiladores.html

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How Shoulder Pain From Ectopic Pregnancy Feels


. By Pablo Moctezuma Barragán (*)

Felipe Calderón arrived on 3 March to Washington to appear before Barack Obama with a gift: the announcement of another step to de-nationalize and privatize PEMEX. On March 1, the day before the departure of Suárez Coppel Calderon announced the opening of mature fields to the private sector. What is unconstitutional and violates national sovereignty, however, and started the bidding for incentive award contracts and signed up Repsol, British Petroleum and Tecpetrol. The day before the interview at the White House, Calderon was presented at the Woodrow Wilson Center and solicitous told his hosts: "We in the energy sector reforms allowing private contracts with Pemex (...) I must say it was almost a mortal sin. "It's not a sin, a grave violation of the law. But the PAN government supports all corporations, the oil companies at the expense of energy sovereignty and which threaten food sovereignty and use the hunger of the people, such as Cargill, which is the company rose more than the price of maize in Mexico. ton of white maize increased from 3710 pesos in December to 5 050 in February. After the U.S. visit, Calderón authorized by SAGARPA (Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food) to the multinational Monsanto plant transgenic maize in Tamaulipas. 67 have already given permission. Instead of investing for development of maize in Mexico and Mexican varieties.

Calderon was quoted by Obama after the assassination of agent migra (ICE) U.S., Jaime Zapata in San Luis Potosi. It turns out that in a few days, the U.S. Justice Department identified the traffickers (Osorio brothers) of the weapon that executed the migration agent Jaime Zapata U.S. SLP. Ah ... then they can do it! Why not stop the trafficking and sale of tens of thousands of weapons American origin that have killed more than 35, 000 Mexicans. Really, it's a war industry negociazo the northern neighbor. The same day of the visit a huge scandal erupted when it was discovered the government's covert plan against Mexico Obama. Gringos agents reported to the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Snuff Firearms and Explosives) of the U.S. government, by an operation called "Fast and Furious" through which consciously and deliberately introduced in Mexico for thousands of weapons drug cartels. The complaint was made on Thursday March 3 at the CBS News television program by the agent John Dodson, the U.S. federal police the ATF and other agents are opposed with courage and fortitude and reported to his superiors that "top down" operation designed.

This shows that the people are honest and conscientious people. The U.S. people and people of Mexico have to put in place at the Imperial government and the government Yanki PRIAN subordinate. For his part, Calderon's government has allowed this violation to the sovereignty and has refrained from applying the law against this crime of the Obama administration.

This fact and many others clearly show that the activities criminals and drug trafficking are controlled and directed from the U.S.. The business is theirs. The slaughter among Mexicans also is big business for the complex war - military, which controls the government in Washington. But neither the people of Mexico nor the U.S. wants this war, violence and chaos.

That's his big deal on Sunday, March 13 The New York Times reported that U.S. arms agreements signed by some 37 thousand 800 million dollars last year, representing a 68.4 percent of all arms deals worldwide. With the economic crisis that erupted in 2008 triggered the arms because the figure marks a significant increase over U.S. arms sales last year, when only achieved about 25 thousand 400 million dollars.

United States sends 90% of illegal guns into Mexico. Say they worry about security, but to export as much lethal weaponry show that they are concerned push more violence, wars and armed conflicts worldwide. First in Mexico, under the guise of cooperating in the fight against drugs, but the result will be that in 6 years it has doubled the use of cocaine and has risen 50 percent marijuana, and released the head of the Ministry of Health (SSA), José Ángel Córdova Villalobos.

really what you want is to have neo-drugged population, as well as colonialism was introduced alcoholism, which did not exist at the time precuahutemica.

Instead of stopping arms trafficking Obama insists that its agents in Mexico (who act unconstitutional) carry guns! This implies that the U.S. intervention in Mexico is going to be flying an armed intervention, in addition John Morton, head of immigration on March 12 pointed out that Mexico "is by far our highest office abroad." What does migration do gringo in Mexico?

As big news in his news conference, Obama and Calderon announced the agreement for entry to the U.S. Mexican trucks. What people?! Barron Ramses 17, was killed on the border of Nogales Border Patrol by EU on January 5, on 7 June 2010 a "Border Patrol" gave it a shot in the head were burning Sergio Hernández 15 years in the Black Bridge in Ciudad Juarez, in Mexico! and 25 May a group of 19 Troopers killed Anastasio kicked Hernandez (no video) of that activity criminal Calderon did not say a word, and there is complete impunity, not to mention the hundreds of Mexicans who die in border area. With Obama have increased raids and deportations (almost 400 thousand last year) and murder. Is not that also "organized crime"?! and that Calderón called on the joint press conference with Obama, "an unprecedented relationship."

under Calderon's government has given our country to levels "unprecedented", the two governments are united in the service of building the Yankee Empire. The people of Mexico in fighting against the governments of U.S. and Mexico is to join EU workers, who are also fighting the same enemies.

The people of Mexico and the U.S. must unite in this common struggle. U.S. workers are in struggle against anti-union law in Wisconsin, which destroys rights won 50 years ago. Today is developed that unifies Megaprotesta workers, teachers, bureaucrats, farmers, migrants. There are tens of thousands who are opposed to a system that enriches only 400 oligarchs in the U.S.. We have had enough! say and oppose the Empire. On Saturday March 12 made an amazing concentration of over 100, 000, defending the rights of all.

Press Conference On March 3 Obama and Calderon criticized the "blood bath in Libya." While these statements were EU and NATO otri produced bloodshed in Afghanistan. In the first two weeks of March, four bombings against civilians in Afghanistan and more than 80 dead, many children. On March 6 there was a large protest in Kabul. Occupants Out of Afghanistan! screaming. NO TO NATO! In the Yankee invaders NO! But Calderón's not interested, then shamelessly follows the EU agenda. Just hitting the sovereignty of the people! The Libyan people is sovereign and able to decide their own destiny. NATO plans to occupy that country become more open and should be rejected categorically. Moreover, the Security Council decided to impose UN sanctions on Libya, as enthusiastically promoted by the government Calderon. What Obama publicly thanked, showing appreciation, but not enough to heed their management - to the Washington Post - that is remove the Ambassador Carlos Pascual, who has a big fight that escalated after revelations of cables Wikileaks.

If the government of Mexico a worthy and sovereign, would withdraw the U.S. Ambassador welcomed by his interference in internal affairs. Every country, every people must resolve their internal conflicts as Sovereign, without foreign interference, because under the guise of "assist" all I want is to establish dominance over people and resources. But instead of enforcing the law at home and withdraw the Ambassador uncomfortable, which he did ask Irlo Calderon told reporters the U.S. was publicly humiliated when the State Department said in less than 24 hours is Carlos Pascual in Mexico "because he is doing a tremendous job."

So instead of defending the sovereignty of Mexico, prompting Calderon in Washington was to attack Libya, which is under fire largely because the U.S. in the case of Libya are interested its oil and gas. The mobilization of naval and air forces around its open Libya and promoting the military option as part of NATO, which have been recognized by Susan Rice U.S. ambassador to the UN is unacceptable, and their hypocrisy, because while Obama claims to be worried by the "bloodbath" in Libya continues to occupy and massacre Iraq, Afghanistan and its people, bombing Pakistan and instigating the war in Mexico.

For events in the Middle East and North Africa and the oil price exceeded $ 100 again barrel. Brent is at $ 116. In the 2011 budget was set at $ 65, meaning that once the PAN government will receive billions of dollars are not budgeted. And what have they done with that money?! What did Fox extra 70 billion? And Calderon extra 30 billion at the beginning of his term? We demand a clear accounting! It is also essential to build petrochemical plants to produce gasoline, rather than importing 45 percent. What was the new petrochemical plant in Hidalgo? Eyewash. Energy Sovereignty is needed, but in the SPP, PAN governments agreed (against the Constitution) integration energy with the U.S..

Calderón's visit to Washington shows poignantly the degree of subjugation that have placed the PRI and PAN to our country and the need for the people of Mexico to assume its sovereignty and rescue the nation . Day by day the situation is complicated and it is essential to the unity and organization of the people of Mexico, the U.S. and Canadian peoples, the peoples of the world against military adventures and the violence of empire.

The country is not for sale! No intervention foreign!


Descripción: Union_logo_barra



political scientist, historian and city planner, researcher at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco campus. Newspaper Editor Awakening Teixitiani Mexico Tekizetiliztli Organization - Union labor in Mexico. Pablo Moctezuma Barragán her BA in Political Science and Public Administration at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of UNAM and, from his youth, he combined teaching with an active social and political participation by workers and to organize the working class. Currently working in the magazine Contralínea, Red Voltaire and the Voice newspaper journalist in ApiaVirtual and other publications.

Long Gowns For Rent Manila

Solidarity with the Japanese people


French article: Solidarité avec le peuple japonais

By Pierre Laurent

Translated vendredi 11 mars 2011, par JA Pina

In this tragic time, I express my excitement at the huge catastrophe that has just hit Japan. It is time for solidarity with the Japanese people, with people and the cities of this country who have just suffered a tsunami of exceptional size and the largest earthquake ever known.

France and the European Union Europe must put its full capacity relief and reconstruction available in Japan and other countries to be hit by this tragedy. This disaster, which hit Japan and a host of countries, reminds us once again the importance of establishing, at the international level, warning systems and cooperation for the prevention, for all States regardless of their level development.

Pierre Laurent, national secretary of the PCF (French Communist Party)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chemical Burn After Acne

This video - a good friend sent me today, is a graphical representation, palpable what can you give Uranus and Jupiter in Aries, a sign closely linked to childhood and youth. The lyrics are a little hard at first, though quite realistic, describes a vision of society that many people share. Particularly striking is the young age of the singers, in contrast to its esoteric culture. I left with a few sentences, how are you ... The man has forgotten his human strength ... Humanity, only love will save you ... listen to the silence, when your soul is at peace, there is the light ... Do not forget your story, do not forget your mission ...

We are a generation with the power to change everything ... Just a glow to destroy the darkness ... Have confidence in life, on the strength of your dreams ... Everyone has a guardian angel is there if you're ... Son of the fifth sun, read between the lines, leaving behind Babylon ...

says the Apocalypse of John (XVI): "On the seventh day ... there were lightnings and voices and great earthquake ... the big city had three parts and sunk down the cities of the nations and great Babylon was remembered before God, to give the cup of wine of the fierceness of his anger. They fled the islands and mountains disappeared. A great hail from heaven fell upon men ... "

In his interpretation of Revelation, Kabalebo commented as follows on this text, which seems to have much connection with the recent events:" In this paper cites three cities: the big city The cities of the nations and the great Babylon. The great city is that we build into our psyche by agglomeration, but not that different parts are integrated and form a homogeneous whole (Kabalebo refers to the lack of integration and cellular connectivity). This is how our modern cities, the image of our inner world. There are rich neighborhoods, poor neighborhoods, streets shows, street prostitution, shopping and people rub, rub in the crowds, without their interference to reach more, as if living in separate realities for thousands of miles.

nations City is one formed by certain affinities that bind most strongly to reject everything else. In our psyche, there are trends which are sustained each other (as do the fans of a football club, which bind to vilify the opposing team, for example, or as do political likes and dislikes). The city of nations together to exclude.
Babylon is the corrupt city where the confusion has reached its extreme limits, in which the virtues appear as defects such as improper strictures of the time, while the defects are virtues proclaimed by the sages of the city. It is that place where everything fits perfectly, thanks to a perfect rationalization.

That's what happens in our cities, emanating from the collective psyche, where problems are solved by creating other problems in another sector. And when the level reached unsustainable levels problem, its manifestation is prohibited and is locked or deleted to those who express (as I write this, I have come to mind the thousands of electric cars destroyed by the car manufacturers to avoid prejudicing the interests oil). All that dynamically converted into laws and regulations, respected and revered by his old form this dark world that men inherit at birth. World come to Babylon, converted by the passage of centuries in the Great Babylon, the respected and honorable Babylon, accept as good that organization, trying to improve, within the lines of its dynamics.

To realize that is not improving the system so the city needs, but the adoption of other systems. The order received but not introduced in the mess falls on us like an avalanche and destroys it. Babylonian society in which we live greatly appreciates the perseverance, commitment, effort, struggle and glorifies winners in fierce competition. But all those "virtues" are unique in the world of degradation, the inverted world, because the Higher Self does not need to lose some to win, and others die so that he can be a hero. As

teaches the Kabbalistic Tree, when the will of Kether is put into operation, is activated at the same time love / Hochmah propitious circumstances will allow us to carry it out. If something takes great effort or sacrifice, is a sign that we are not using light materials, but the shadow ... "We live

apocalyptic times, but keep in mind that Revelation means Revelation. Those who know and live capture that Revelation inside this process, those who know their Babylon particular substitute, ie, its chaos, disorder, the New Jerusalem, do not require any external destruction. If a critical mass of people were able to do so, nor the seas, or volcanoes, or the winds, and the earth roared again.

Today a radio announcer said that we have no control over natural disasters ... nothing is further from the truth. Gregg Braden has touched on this theme in his books (many of them are summarized in the "bookworm" of this blog), explaining the influence of human thoughts and emotions about the patterns climate. Return to this thorny question. Llop Soleika

Respiration Of Guppy Fish

a beautiful apocalyptic Times

These are snippets of life and hope, that I just received from Mario Liani page, pieces that move the heart-stirring, beautiful human lessons that give food for thought. What is certain is that with this beautiful energy, the Japanese will come very soon the tremendous slump in which they are immersed. But what no doubt is that all the love that we are sending from the four corners of the planet will not be alien to that improvement. Let

sending our giant, Neo , this time not to stop the water, but to cool the nuclear reactors to help in reconstruction. Remember that Neo represents the meeting of all human hearts. But we also consider what it symbolizes, in the collective psyche, a nuclear reactor overheats. We have already discussed this in the past, but perhaps it is worth repeating. Internal processes, if left unattended, leaving just the outside.

photon rain comes from solar storms, along with all the light that is coming directly from the great central sun, are the fuel that has allowed us to take off into the fifth dimension, the dimension of consciousness. When the light does not get hit our conscious ego, the core overheats like a pressure cooker under a heat source, but no outlet. So what can happen is that overheat and explode other nuclei which are in resonance with it, such as atomic reactors or volcanoes. I've done, these days, almost at the same time as the tsunami, a volcano woke up, I do not remember exactly where, but began pouring lava. Send

love Japan is necessary, it is beautiful, because that energy sustain the spirit of its people, but if it started to move the conscience and voluntarily connect with our core aid will be more effective, and also preventive for future earthquakes.

addition to the e-mails Japanese, included a proposal just send me a friend of Peru: "It occurs to me the idea of \u200b\u200bweaving a beautiful blanket of light? Involve each person in our environment, we ask that each from his own experience / discipline / religion / belief, work with the threads of light that can add to this cloak, who knows how to meditate in certain ways to do it, who knows ki sent to do, but also involves the elderly who can hold a rosary and pray. And the kids, so they can use your imagination and imagine a beautiful mantle of light charged energy of all that is holy and bright clothes and covers all of Japan, which it extends and covers the entire planet.

And such is the power of LOVE that mantle has, that arouse more love in us and there is an ebb and flow of LOVE LOVE LOVE that allows the top to act in us, love is like an invitation card to higher hierarchies to act in us, love is such that it exceeds the planet and goes into the cosmos. Another idea would involve Haziel, and his 7 companions (the other 7-Hochmah Uranus angels), that right now as things stand, we need Haziel and mercy. And we ask others to teach us to work with uranium, and pollution to turn the knob. "

@ aquarius_rabbit
was tired waiting for the train that never came. Sitting on the sidewalk, a homeless
offered me his cardboard box. Because it was very cold. Genaral
I saw with eyes of contempt, but I warmed my heart gesture.

@ laura_kaori
Japan is amazing! The Metro is offering its service through the night, many people, businesses and shops offer their space and food for the people who go
walked home. This is Japan. There are things I hate about Japan, but not many countries with
such solidarity. This from a very difficult time but I have no doubt that will rise again.

@ micakom
A green traffic light, just forward motion a car, but I was touched to see everyone step sediendo and all in stride. It takes 10 hours to reach my destination, and just listen Craxion of thanks. After a lot of fear in the earthquake, I felt my heart warmed to these gestures. I love Japan.

@ takefumiY
Other countries have to close the shops and super fearing looting, here in Japan, all made their way home on foot and tidy. Convenience stores are supporting the walkers and service station ------ this is the news of a foreign correspondent for his country. A wonderful country.

@ sogorukyo
Reactions Japanese seen by a foreigner in Japan in these days of disaster. In the super
where the goods are lying on the floor, collect them carefully and make up your line to pay in cash. In the lines I started to run train,
really full in the wagon, he noted that an old man wanted to give her seat to a pregnant woman.

@ satomi731
Tweet me mourn. DAIJOBU, fine. Do not go to die, do not go to die. In the USA, are 5am, and is filled with news of Japan. Also in China, the twitters
keep saying "Courage, Japan, cheer." the world is praying for you, so are fine.

News in USA: they are amazed at all communication and support via Internet and as orderly evacuation. How many countries are not able to do this. I, a Japanese in the USA, I am proud to be Japanese. Much encouragement, everyone!

@ ayu (Ayumi Hamazaki, a singer known)
Given this nature, we humans are powerless. My prayer at home is little tweet. You also setir you're little. But what if we put these two forces? Depends on us, let us desperate to win or get up with hope and courage.

@ copedy (an email from a Korean friend)
The only country that has lived through two nuclear bombs, lost the second world war, suffered by typhoons every year, come the earthquakes and tsunamis. It is a small country in a few islands, but simpre been lifted. Courage, courage, Japan.

@ Unosuke
In Disneyland, sweets were distributed. Note that some girls were getting lots of candy striking ..... What was that?? But then notes that they distributed them to children who were in the shelter. Moms with young children could not move, so greatly appreciated his consideration.

@ akitosk (message A)
comment from the United Nations. Japan has helped the world so far. And now it's up to the United Nations to help Japan. Actions
good return to its point of origin. This is your example.

@ yunico_jp
not get the bus. Someone ran to the drugstore and buy KAIRO (about warm in bags) to give all that we were in the queue.

@ kfstudio
My daughter had to spend the night at Disney Sea and returned home the next day. Said that all the staff was always smiling KAIRO offering all foods, drinks etc. My daughter never felt insecure or concerns, thanks to the kindness of all the Disney staff. Thank you very much.

@ vietL
recognized the beauty of Japanese. This earthquake was an opportunity to remember the beautiful things of the Japanese. Nobody thought to steal or abuse, on the contrary they are very disciplined help and chivalrous. Personally I felt that the Japanese are very cold, but these occasions are re-discovering their union. And that moves me and makes me mourn.

@ rabuki8
I was touched to see TL. Everyone is trying to encourage everyone with their smiles. There were very positive. Those words of encouragement reached many hearts and I hope to raise more smiles. All those who are most affected areas, courage. A big Habemos thinking about you.

lot is improved communication and UST TWITTER THROUGH. All shares of media with it. The high quality is incomparable to the Kobe earthquake (1995). Of course because we learn from this experience so sad. It is moving.

@ bozzo1985
BBC News. It made me mourn. BBC is praising Japan beyond measure. The worst disaster came upon a country more prepared and more disciplined. It is a test for his government and his strength. There are many sacrifices but in other countries, could not behave this way. The Japanese have the power to control his emotion.

@ ayakishimono
Bakery. Midnight yesterday on the way home on foot from my university, and the bakery was closed for several hours, but the lady was offering free breads. I was touched to see her do the things you can do in these situations. Tokyo is not as bad or cold.

@ tksksks
Japan is Sugoi! The government and private sector, everyone is helping everyone. The truck drivers also volunteered to carry the necessities for the victims, and even the Yakuza (gangsters) are helping the traffic on the streets of TOHOKU. Not recently made me proud to be Japanese many things, but I was wrong. WA NIHONN Sugoi! (Japan is amazing!) Is simply moving. All Japanese, we will get through this with courage!

@ sikkoku_otsuyu
A German friend was in Shibuya, Tokyo When trembling. Said that a Japanese help, my friend was in panic, the Japanese was so calm and disciplined as a soldier seemed experienced. She gave him confidence.

@ endless_6
finally got my shopping at the supermarket. But most buyers bought only the most necessary to alcansara everyone. And I felt so touched.

Yesterday @ raaaayuu
Gotemba, or a traffic light was not working. But traffic flowed because sedia drivers and grandmas and grandpas Gotemba were helping with the signs. There was no confusion or disorder. During the 9 hours driving that day, everyone was very polite.

@ micakom
A green traffic light, just forward motion a car, but I was touched to see everyone step sediendo and all in stride. It takes 10 hours to reach my destination, and just listen Craxion of thanks. After a lot of fear in the earthquake, I felt my heart warmed to these gestures. I love Japan.

@ craftman saw the BBC program, spoke porofesor London. I did mourn, really.
short his talk, could not have been in another country that Japan, the size of disaster. By its geography and history, already had experience, but there is much to learn for us the unity, order, discipline and cooperation of the Japanese.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Housecoats With A Zipper

March 20 presents the Alternative National Project


The National Auditorium presents the Alternative National Project. Each item is carefully considered in this plan to transform Mexico into a more equitable, to ensure education, health, work for all, to end the looting and corruption. To work together in harmony, thus reducing violence and insecurity. Living in a value system, to access the right you have to be happy.

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I just got this request for help made from Japan, the public without further delay while developing another post on this same issue. Interesting take for reference the post my sister Milena, related to Japanese nuclear power plants. That's the request:

"Dear friends,

as you have seen on television have had a major earthquake and massive tsunami
in Japan since yesterday morning.
Many people died and many places have been destroyed. We
alive but do not know what will happen today or tomorrow.
Please Do send deepest meditations and ki in Japan,
concentrándoos especially in the Fukushima nuclear plant.
That's the biggest problem right now!

The situation is extremely serious.
water to cool the reactor did not work yesterday, due to lack of electricity
, and the temperature rose.
If burst would soon die. Today
air leaks have been contaminated with nuclear material.

This problem is not only Japan but all over the world because
contamination that may affect half the planet.

These days are crucial for the fate of the planet!

deep meditation is necessary with Tenshin, kiais from
tanden powerful. Do not worry about all the universal ki
help us all.

And please forward this message to all the good people
may know, the seitai practitioners, and all your friends and acquaintances

trust in your cooperation.
not afraid of everything but we believe we can do something else if
want to live on this planet a little more time.

Greetings and best wishes with love and friendship.

Kunio, Mutsuko and Erika from Japan

> Dear Friends!
> There Were Big Earthquake and a lot of big Tsunami in Japan from yesterday and still continue as you watched the TV.
> Many People Died and Many Places Are Destroyed so hard.
> We are still alive here But we do Not What Happen in tomorrow, not only
> tomorrow, today also.
> Please do deep meditation and send Ki to Japan, especially concentrate the
> Nuclear plant in Fukushima. It is the most important problem now!
> The situation is very very dangerous now.
> The water to heat down the Reactor core did not work yesterday because of
> the lack of electric, and the temperature became higher.
> If it explodes, we will die soon.
> Today some air with a Nuclear material was out from there...
> And it is not a problem only in Japan but also all the world, at least half
> of the earth is polluted so serious.
> In these days are very important for the destiny of the earth!
> Deep meditation with tenshin, strong Kiai from Tanden, do not worry about
> everything, with the Ki of Universe will
> help you and us.
> And please tell it or send this mail to the other nice people, seitai friend, your friend, please!
> I believe your cooperation.
> We do not fear about everything but we think we may do some more if we live in
> the earth a little more.
> Best wishes with friendship and Love.
> Kunio, Mutsuko and Erika from Japan "


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Ironic News and News

For Mumo *

· "Japan, devastated" Mexico, teleidiotizado.

· "Japan, more than a thousand dead, hundreds missing and thousands homeless" Mexico, more than 34,000 people dead, hundreds missing thousands homeless and millions impoverished.

· "Japan suffered yesterday the worst earthquake ever (sic) recorded in the archipelago " Ah fuck! 'Tons of geology is wrong you! Ever had registered an earthquake of that magnitude in the Japanese archipelago?! See that strange. : O

· "When will we be rescued? complaint under the rubble. " " When eventually the machuchones the PRD? Complaints under the rubble of the party L

· Mexico's response to Fast and Furious has been Slow and timid. XD

· Carlos Pascual, "The PAN is gray waters Maussan not hear this shout can you? To take them all. XD

· Questions Mr Face Cloth war means that the violence stops but never dared to nothing more than to oust epistolary even those who trust him as a real option for change. This itself is meanness and pettiness .

· Atenco where he was after, at least, nothing happened, just the silence before the demand and confidence of many who saw in his words possibility of real change as the engineer Cardenas

· The large national organization (and lowercase, as type of sub, sub demonstrating its thought) did not choose the death toll and destruction, no doubt. It accounts for more deaths are not linear, in any case have been logarithmic. Neither elementary mathematics as an assistant would.

· When you say "the country's future crumbling today," she recalls today, today, today. And the situation forecast the country is going to get worse. Do not tell me, how did you come to that conclusion?! In order to visions of a sub ... developed mental

· current Pointers Peña Nieto and Marcelo Ebrard?! Jahaja

· and intolerance and demonization is not to say that everything that was not in favor of Lopez Obrador (well capitalized) was used on the right, no sr sub (and lower case) was and remains Plain and simple consistency

· And yes, nods to sub in No more blood for what?

· The only thing I do not agree and say that this man, but because it's true: 2012 is the third call, third ... started.

(Source: La Jornada Saturday March 12, 2011) & ; article = 020n2pol

· With condolences for the loss of one so young rocker, Rita Guerrero of Santa Sabina

* Proud member of the RCP traveling (and with case)

Friday, March 11, 2011

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As always, the teacher Luis Javier Garrido made a splendid analysis of this should be a scandal in the media, which seems not to matter to these mercenaries misinformation. Highly recommended reading:

Luis Javier Garrido

La Jornada, March 11, 2011
The recent revelations about the administration's covert plan to introduce Obama in 2010 a clandestine weapons into Mexico for the cartels and paramilitaries confirm once again that America has made a deliberate move in the last four years, tens of thousands of weapons south of the border as part of its project to sink to Mexico in violence to enforce their thesis that Mexico is a failed state and better control of our state apparatus country to achieve fully seize oil and other strategic wealth.

Read full story:

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Japan Tsunami Help Christic

The Jupiter-Pluto square of this lunation, coupled with the death throes of Uranus in Pisces (a sign that rules the sea) activating Malkuth grades have created the climate for disaster has shaken the entire world this morning at 6.46 English time. And tell the whole world because we know that all things are part of a large network without divisions.

We also know that everything that happens out in the order explained, had to be previously gestated in ourselves, in the implicate order. From this logic, it seems that our turn to ask what Earthlings level of our psyche is hosting this jolt has provoked the fury of water / emotions. Ask what Japan can have resonance in our mental map. "The paroxysm of technology perhaps? "The obsession with performance, perhaps? Does the tendency to marginalize the "feel" to grant an absolute role in "doing." Is alexithymia (not knowing how to express emotions)?

The tsunami has had its epicenter in Japan but we would be deluded to think that only concerns the Nipponese. The same reasoning applies to all the Arab riots. That are actually more of the same, have, in part a common origin with the events in the country of the rising sun: the marginalization of women I, who feel, believe, sense, love, empathize, fantasize, imagine, it had, sing, dance, laugh, nourished, receives . I am not referring to the female gender, but the female part of the human psyche. But it is time to theorize, but to act, to do our bit for the pacification of the water. To do this, I propose that this meditation, which is not only valid in the coming hours, but in the coming days, and can be applied to any other rising waters elsewhere. We'll get to ride Neo, who do not know, can read the post in which he referred.

- Relaxation - Induction-Synergy Group (if done in groups), these steps are described in "New Moon " blog. People who have lots of practice of meditation can skip them.

- imagine that, in the back of the room of Mount St. Michel in which we find ourselves, there is a ladder of nine steps. The climb one by one, when the last access to the new Jerusalem. In the center of the city, imagine that there is a glass palace, we entered it. Find multiple doors, one can read the inscription: "Neo", that we have created together giant force of all human hearts.

- imagine that we get to our headquarters giant and we took him to Japan, the area hardest hit by the earthquake. We place on the edge of one of the beaches that suffered the worst effects of the tsunami.

- invoke the angel Anauel (63), working with Mercury, and asked him to send a statement via the etheric subtle all the souls of the Japanese, Asian and South American that are located on the possible path of the tsunami, and read as follows:

- "I, Neo, as representative of all human hearts, I beg you activéis your capacity to love, ie, your internal waters, so they are not obliged to demonstrate outside sprees. Activate your capacity to love yourself, becoming aware of your greatness, your power and your courage. Because it takes great courage for agreeing to be incarnated on Earth at this time. Activate your capacity to love Gaia, planet Earth, which is your anchor point because it represents a macrocosmic level, your tangible reality. And finally, I ask you activéis your capacity to love your fellow beings, regarding them as fractals, as extensions of your own being. To know that your Christ within is the only force able to calm the raging waters and dominate. "

- imagine that the heart of Neo takes the form of a giant emerald wings (like the photo, created by the brilliant artist Serolod). We imagine that this heart of Neo receives a huge beam of light from our sun visible from the sky, and get another very powerful beam from the Great Central Sun.

- The confluence of both ray bursts the heart of Emerald, which is sprayed, taking the form of millions of sparks of light (like a flare), which are like fractals big heart. These sparks are transformed into millions of tiny emerald and their hearts, using of their wings, they head into the hearts of all people living in these countries.

-imagine that the wings are esmeralditas programming inside: the Christ-I activate all these people, as are entered into their hearts. Imagine the joy I feel when receiving the emeralds.

- imagine that there is a feed-back: the heart of all these people get a picture of Master, of Christ. Imagine millions of holographic projections of Christ coming together in front of the beach where the tsunami was the largest in Japan. All these projections, these fractals Christic form, when joined together, one huge figure of Christ. Imagine the Christ raises his right hand and gives the order to calm the waters. Undines tells: "Beautiful water spirits, I ask, since the power that I represent, which calméis your item, that ye may milk to the water to return to normal and are reabsorbed into the Earth's interior movements that have caused the flood. "

- Given the holographic structure of the universe, we imagine that the water sprites in Japan communicate the message to their colleagues of the seas and oceans of all countries potentially affected by the tsunami, whose waters are also ordered to calm down .

- Neo We drive back to his headquarters in the New Jerusalem, we said goodbye to him until the next mission. We thank the sprites and all beings of light that we have attended. We left the temple of glass, we went down the nine steps, left the hall of Mont St. Michel, we left the temple, got off the mound, recovering our clothes and robbing the robe of light. We came to the mainland. Create etheric roots of our feet to the center of the earth. We return to where we did this meditation. Llop Soleika