We also know that everything that happens out in the order explained, had to be previously gestated in ourselves, in the implicate order. From this logic, it seems that our turn to ask what Earthlings level of our psyche is hosting this jolt has provoked the fury of water / emotions. Ask what Japan can have resonance in our mental map. "The paroxysm of technology perhaps? "The obsession with performance, perhaps? Does the tendency to marginalize the "feel" to grant an absolute role in "doing." Is alexithymia (not knowing how to express emotions)?
The tsunami has had its epicenter in Japan but we would be deluded to think that only concerns the Nipponese. The same reasoning applies to all the Arab riots. That are actually more of the same, have, in part a common origin with the events in the country of the rising sun: the marginalization of women I, who feel, believe, sense, love, empathize, fantasize, imagine, it had, sing, dance, laugh, nourished, receives . I am not referring to the female gender, but the female part of the human psyche. But it is time to theorize, but to act, to do our bit for the pacification of the water. To do this, I propose that this meditation, which is not only valid in the coming hours, but in the coming days, and can be applied to any other rising waters elsewhere. We'll get to ride Neo, who do not know, can read the post in which he referred.
- Relaxation - Induction-Synergy Group (if done in groups), these steps are described in "New Moon " blog. People who have lots of practice of meditation can skip them.
- imagine that, in the back of the room of Mount St. Michel in which we find ourselves, there is a ladder of nine steps. The climb one by one, when the last access to the new Jerusalem. In the center of the city, imagine that there is a glass palace, we entered it. Find multiple doors, one can read the inscription: "Neo", that we have created together giant force of all human hearts.
- imagine that we get to our headquarters giant and we took him to Japan, the area hardest hit by the earthquake. We place on the edge of one of the beaches that suffered the worst effects of the tsunami.
- invoke the angel Anauel (63), working with Mercury, and asked him to send a statement via the etheric subtle all the souls of the Japanese, Asian and South American that are located on the possible path of the tsunami, and read as follows:
- "I, Neo, as representative of all human hearts, I beg you activéis your capacity to love, ie, your internal waters, so they are not obliged to demonstrate outside sprees. Activate your capacity to love yourself, becoming aware of your greatness, your power and your courage. Because it takes great courage for agreeing to be incarnated on Earth at this time. Activate your capacity to love Gaia, planet Earth, which is your anchor point because it represents a macrocosmic level, your tangible reality. And finally, I ask you activéis your capacity to love your fellow beings, regarding them as fractals, as extensions of your own being. To know that your Christ within is the only force able to calm the raging waters and dominate. "
- imagine that the heart of Neo takes the form of a giant emerald wings (like the photo, created by the brilliant artist Serolod). We imagine that this heart of Neo receives a huge beam of light from our sun visible from the sky, and get another very powerful beam from the Great Central Sun.
- The confluence of both ray bursts the heart of Emerald, which is sprayed, taking the form of millions of sparks of light (like a flare), which are like fractals big heart. These sparks are transformed into millions of tiny emerald and their hearts, using of their wings, they head into the hearts of all people living in these countries.
-imagine that the wings are esmeralditas programming inside: the Christ-I activate all these people, as are entered into their hearts. Imagine the joy I feel when receiving the emeralds.
- imagine that there is a feed-back: the heart of all these people get a picture of Master, of Christ. Imagine millions of holographic projections of Christ coming together in front of the beach where the tsunami was the largest in Japan. All these projections, these fractals Christic form, when joined together, one huge figure of Christ. Imagine the Christ raises his right hand and gives the order to calm the waters. Undines tells: "Beautiful water spirits, I ask, since the power that I represent, which calméis your item, that ye may milk to the water to return to normal and are reabsorbed into the Earth's interior movements that have caused the flood. "
- Given the holographic structure of the universe, we imagine that the water sprites in Japan communicate the message to their colleagues of the seas and oceans of all countries potentially affected by the tsunami, whose waters are also ordered to calm down .
- Neo We drive back to his headquarters in the New Jerusalem, we said goodbye to him until the next mission. We thank the sprites and all beings of light that we have attended. We left the temple of glass, we went down the nine steps, left the hall of Mont St. Michel, we left the temple, got off the mound, recovering our clothes and robbing the robe of light. We came to the mainland. Create etheric roots of our feet to the center of the earth. We return to where we did this meditation. Llop Soleika
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