18 .- If we assume the universe as a powerful TV cosmological could be attributed to man the potential to tune in certain circumstances with different channels. Each channel can be represented by a different energy density layer-like layers of an onion, but with an existential reality set to time-space coordinates subject to the principle of relativity. Thus, each field or would have his coat and vibrational energy level. The human being becomes, in this way in a multifield power module with ability to access and experience in other levels of reality. The assembly described could be called human energy complex ...
24 .- When scientific rationalism lists a phenomenon with the adjective "paranormal", does not certify their absence, only a notary notes that it is beyond the limits of current knowledge.
39 .- The modern neurology suggests that at most 2% of brain mass is engaged in conscious processes, the rest is unconscious. This echoes the possibility that much of the information recorded in the outside world may be beyond the limits detectable by the senses. However, such information could be vital to the security and survival of the species and source of creative inspiration and metaphysics.
40 .- Reality is a coercive aspect of cosmological channel which seek to represent our work.
85.-We are what we do for the interpretation of the world, making it the world.
93 .- The energy that holds the protons and neutrons in the core system, is about a million times the energy that holds electrons to the atom. The energy can be released in the transformation of the core is immeasurable when compared with the chemical energy released in the transformation of the pattern of the electrons of the atom. (This could mean that if we act from the heart, or from what Jung called the "center seriousness of the personality "we have a lot more force than if we act from the periphery of our being, working from the core, we can transform into giant, or aware of our greatness).
128 .- The universe is the interpretation that our energy complex makes the resistance to be penetrated. (The more you resist the penetration of light, the more we create art, stories, events).
139 .- Any electromagnetic wave travels in a vacuum at 300,000 km / s, regardless of their frequency and length. When a wave hits on a given medium-energy plasma-sense is always some resistance to letting penetrate, and this resistance results in a loss of speed (that resistance in the human body results in pain. Often, when a person in the course of a Gene Therapy Alchemy, mentally resist the arrival of certain q-bits of information, feel pain somewhere in your body). There is a very easy to measure this resistance, its technical name is "refractive index."
140 .- To the extent that the environment becomes denser, the speed of light decreases. That leads to a zero speed of light when struck with a medium whose energy density is infinite. (That's when the light is totally captive of matter the consequence is that it will be manifested through the anecdotes and events, whose intensity is proportional to the light that we made it.)
141 .- When the light resistance is zero, in metaphysical terms, this would be the state of God. Formless, faceless, all-pervading but because everything is Him would be metaphysical presence, the soul of the universe, invisible to the world of sense because it is the immortal spirit that sustains them. (This is when one is unable to talk about God, because He is God. While one can theorize about God is because its refractive index is greater than 1 is because it offers resistance to penetration of light).
151 .- What we observe is not nature itself but nature exposed to our way of interpreting it. Heisenberg.
181 .- Upon reflection, one realizes that only live life in the few moments it takes consciousness to be living it.
287 .- All attachment needs to consume energy to keep it, therefore, produces a loss of energy when you lose the balance between what we give and what we accumulate. The more you accumulate, the more energy is needed to maintain and create empty abroad. Somehow, one could say by analogy that the human being becomes a black hole, whose destination is the point of no insulation extension of infinite density. Absolutely nothing.
290 .- How is the mental interpretation of resistance to let ourselves be penetrated by light.
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