sending our giant, Neo , this time not to stop the water, but to cool the nuclear reactors to help in reconstruction. Remember that Neo represents the meeting of all human hearts. But we also consider what it symbolizes, in the collective psyche, a nuclear reactor overheats. We have already discussed this in the past, but perhaps it is worth repeating. Internal processes, if left unattended, leaving just the outside.
photon rain comes from solar storms, along with all the light that is coming directly from the great central sun, are the fuel that has allowed us to take off into the fifth dimension, the dimension of consciousness. When the light does not get hit our conscious ego, the core overheats like a pressure cooker under a heat source, but no outlet. So what can happen is that overheat and explode other nuclei which are in resonance with it, such as atomic reactors or volcanoes. I've done, these days, almost at the same time as the tsunami, a volcano woke up, I do not remember exactly where, but began pouring lava. Send
love Japan is necessary, it is beautiful, because that energy sustain the spirit of its people, but if it started to move the conscience and voluntarily connect with our core aid will be more effective, and also preventive for future earthquakes.
addition to the e-mails Japanese, included a proposal just send me a friend of Peru: "It occurs to me the idea of \u200b\u200bweaving a beautiful blanket of light? Involve each person in our environment, we ask that each from his own experience / discipline / religion / belief, work with the threads of light that can add to this cloak, who knows how to meditate in certain ways to do it, who knows ki sent to do, but also involves the elderly who can hold a rosary and pray. And the kids, so they can use your imagination and imagine a beautiful mantle of light charged energy of all that is holy and bright clothes and covers all of Japan, which it extends and covers the entire planet.
And such is the power of LOVE that mantle has, that arouse more love in us and there is an ebb and flow of LOVE LOVE LOVE that allows the top to act in us, love is like an invitation card to higher hierarchies to act in us, love is such that it exceeds the planet and goes into the cosmos. Another idea would involve Haziel, and his 7 companions (the other 7-Hochmah Uranus angels), that right now as things stand, we need Haziel and mercy. And we ask others to teach us to work with uranium, and pollution to turn the knob. "
@ aquarius_rabbit
was tired waiting for the train that never came. Sitting on the sidewalk, a homeless
offered me his cardboard box. Because it was very cold. Genaral
I saw with eyes of contempt, but I warmed my heart gesture.
@ laura_kaori
Japan is amazing! The Metro is offering its service through the night, many people, businesses and shops offer their space and food for the people who go
walked home. This is Japan. There are things I hate about Japan, but not many countries with
such solidarity. This from a very difficult time but I have no doubt that will rise again.
@ micakom
A green traffic light, just forward motion a car, but I was touched to see everyone step sediendo and all in stride. It takes 10 hours to reach my destination, and just listen Craxion of thanks. After a lot of fear in the earthquake, I felt my heart warmed to these gestures. I love Japan.
@ takefumiY
Other countries have to close the shops and super fearing looting, here in Japan, all made their way home on foot and tidy. Convenience stores are supporting the walkers and service station ------ this is the news of a foreign correspondent for his country. A wonderful country.
@ sogorukyo
Reactions Japanese seen by a foreigner in Japan in these days of disaster. In the super
where the goods are lying on the floor, collect them carefully and make up your line to pay in cash. In the lines I started to run train,
really full in the wagon, he noted that an old man wanted to give her seat to a pregnant woman.
@ satomi731
Tweet me mourn. DAIJOBU, fine. Do not go to die, do not go to die. In the USA, are 5am, and is filled with news of Japan. Also in China, the twitters
keep saying "Courage, Japan, cheer." the world is praying for you, so are fine.
News in USA: they are amazed at all communication and support via Internet and as orderly evacuation. How many countries are not able to do this. I, a Japanese in the USA, I am proud to be Japanese. Much encouragement, everyone!
@ ayu (Ayumi Hamazaki, a singer known)
Given this nature, we humans are powerless. My prayer at home is little tweet. You also setir you're little. But what if we put these two forces? Depends on us, let us desperate to win or get up with hope and courage.
@ copedy (an email from a Korean friend)
The only country that has lived through two nuclear bombs, lost the second world war, suffered by typhoons every year, come the earthquakes and tsunamis. It is a small country in a few islands, but simpre been lifted. Courage, courage, Japan.
@ Unosuke
In Disneyland, sweets were distributed. Note that some girls were getting lots of candy striking ..... What was that?? But then notes that they distributed them to children who were in the shelter. Moms with young children could not move, so greatly appreciated his consideration.
@ akitosk (message A)
comment from the United Nations. Japan has helped the world so far. And now it's up to the United Nations to help Japan. Actions
good return to its point of origin. This is your example.
@ yunico_jp
not get the bus. Someone ran to the drugstore and buy KAIRO (about warm in bags) to give all that we were in the queue.
@ kfstudio
My daughter had to spend the night at Disney Sea and returned home the next day. Said that all the staff was always smiling KAIRO offering all foods, drinks etc. My daughter never felt insecure or concerns, thanks to the kindness of all the Disney staff. Thank you very much.
@ vietL
recognized the beauty of Japanese. This earthquake was an opportunity to remember the beautiful things of the Japanese. Nobody thought to steal or abuse, on the contrary they are very disciplined help and chivalrous. Personally I felt that the Japanese are very cold, but these occasions are re-discovering their union. And that moves me and makes me mourn.
@ rabuki8
I was touched to see TL. Everyone is trying to encourage everyone with their smiles. There were very positive. Those words of encouragement reached many hearts and I hope to raise more smiles. All those who are most affected areas, courage. A big Habemos thinking about you.
lot is improved communication and UST TWITTER THROUGH. All shares of media with it. The high quality is incomparable to the Kobe earthquake (1995). Of course because we learn from this experience so sad. It is moving.
@ bozzo1985
BBC News. It made me mourn. BBC is praising Japan beyond measure. The worst disaster came upon a country more prepared and more disciplined. It is a test for his government and his strength. There are many sacrifices but in other countries, could not behave this way. The Japanese have the power to control his emotion.
@ ayakishimono
Bakery. Midnight yesterday on the way home on foot from my university, and the bakery was closed for several hours, but the lady was offering free breads. I was touched to see her do the things you can do in these situations. Tokyo is not as bad or cold.
@ tksksks
Japan is Sugoi! The government and private sector, everyone is helping everyone. The truck drivers also volunteered to carry the necessities for the victims, and even the Yakuza (gangsters) are helping the traffic on the streets of TOHOKU. Not recently made me proud to be Japanese many things, but I was wrong. WA NIHONN Sugoi! (Japan is amazing!) Is simply moving. All Japanese, we will get through this with courage!
@ sikkoku_otsuyu
A German friend was in Shibuya, Tokyo When trembling. Said that a Japanese help, my friend was in panic, the Japanese was so calm and disciplined as a soldier seemed experienced. She gave him confidence.
@ endless_6
finally got my shopping at the supermarket. But most buyers bought only the most necessary to alcansara everyone. And I felt so touched.
Yesterday @ raaaayuu
Gotemba, or a traffic light was not working. But traffic flowed because sedia drivers and grandmas and grandpas Gotemba were helping with the signs. There was no confusion or disorder. During the 9 hours driving that day, everyone was very polite.
@ micakom
A green traffic light, just forward motion a car, but I was touched to see everyone step sediendo and all in stride. It takes 10 hours to reach my destination, and just listen Craxion of thanks. After a lot of fear in the earthquake, I felt my heart warmed to these gestures. I love Japan.
@ craftman saw the BBC program, spoke porofesor London. I did mourn, really.
short his talk, could not have been in another country that Japan, the size of disaster. By its geography and history, already had experience, but there is much to learn for us the unity, order, discipline and cooperation of the Japanese.
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