Felipe Calderón arrived on 3 March to Washington to appear before Barack Obama with a gift: the announcement of another step to de-nationalize and privatize PEMEX. On March 1, the day before the departure of Suárez Coppel Calderon announced the opening of mature fields to the private sector. What is unconstitutional and violates national sovereignty, however, and started the bidding for incentive award contracts and signed up Repsol, British Petroleum and Tecpetrol. The day before the interview at the White House, Calderon was presented at the Woodrow Wilson Center and solicitous told his hosts: "We in the energy sector reforms allowing private contracts with Pemex (...) I must say it was almost a mortal sin. "It's not a sin, a grave violation of the law. But the PAN government supports all corporations, the oil companies at the expense of energy sovereignty and which threaten food sovereignty and use the hunger of the people, such as Cargill, which is the company rose more than the price of maize in Mexico. ton of white maize increased from 3710 pesos in December to 5 050 in February. After the U.S. visit, Calderón authorized by SAGARPA (Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food) to the multinational Monsanto plant transgenic maize in Tamaulipas. 67 have already given permission. Instead of investing for development of maize in Mexico and Mexican varieties.
Calderon was quoted by Obama after the assassination of agent migra (ICE) U.S., Jaime Zapata in San Luis Potosi. It turns out that in a few days, the U.S. Justice Department identified the traffickers (Osorio brothers) of the weapon that executed the migration agent Jaime Zapata U.S. SLP. Ah ... then they can do it! Why not stop the trafficking and sale of tens of thousands of weapons American origin that have killed more than 35, 000 Mexicans. Really, it's a war industry negociazo the northern neighbor. The same day of the visit a huge scandal erupted when it was discovered the government's covert plan against Mexico Obama. Gringos agents reported to the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Snuff Firearms and Explosives) of the U.S. government, by an operation called "Fast and Furious" through which consciously and deliberately introduced in Mexico for thousands of weapons drug cartels. The complaint was made on Thursday March 3 at the CBS News television program by the agent John Dodson, the U.S. federal police the ATF and other agents are opposed with courage and fortitude and reported to his superiors that "top down" operation designed.
This shows that the people are honest and conscientious people. The U.S. people and people of Mexico have to put in place at the Imperial government and the government Yanki PRIAN subordinate. For his part, Calderon's government has allowed this violation to the sovereignty and has refrained from applying the law against this crime of the Obama administration.
This fact and many others clearly show that the activities criminals and drug trafficking are controlled and directed from the U.S.. The business is theirs. The slaughter among Mexicans also is big business for the complex war - military, which controls the government in Washington. But neither the people of Mexico nor the U.S. wants this war, violence and chaos.
That's his big deal on Sunday, March 13 The New York Times reported that U.S. arms agreements signed by some 37 thousand 800 million dollars last year, representing a 68.4 percent of all arms deals worldwide. With the economic crisis that erupted in 2008 triggered the arms because the figure marks a significant increase over U.S. arms sales last year, when only achieved about 25 thousand 400 million dollars.
United States sends 90% of illegal guns into Mexico. Say they worry about security, but to export as much lethal weaponry show that they are concerned push more violence, wars and armed conflicts worldwide. First in Mexico, under the guise of cooperating in the fight against drugs, but the result will be that in 6 years it has doubled the use of cocaine and has risen 50 percent marijuana, and released the head of the Ministry of Health (SSA), José Ángel Córdova Villalobos.
really what you want is to have neo-drugged population, as well as colonialism was introduced alcoholism, which did not exist at the time precuahutemica.
Instead of stopping arms trafficking Obama insists that its agents in Mexico (who act unconstitutional) carry guns! This implies that the U.S. intervention in Mexico is going to be flying an armed intervention, in addition John Morton, head of immigration on March 12 pointed out that Mexico "is by far our highest office abroad." What does migration do gringo in Mexico?
As big news in his news conference, Obama and Calderon announced the agreement for entry to the U.S. Mexican trucks. What people?! Barron Ramses 17, was killed on the border of Nogales Border Patrol by EU on January 5, on 7 June 2010 a "Border Patrol" gave it a shot in the head were burning Sergio Hernández 15 years in the Black Bridge in Ciudad Juarez, in Mexico! and 25 May a group of 19 Troopers killed Anastasio kicked Hernandez (no video) of that activity criminal Calderon did not say a word, and there is complete impunity, not to mention the hundreds of Mexicans who die in border area. With Obama have increased raids and deportations (almost 400 thousand last year) and murder. Is not that also "organized crime"?! and that Calderón called on the joint press conference with Obama, "an unprecedented relationship."
under Calderon's government has given our country to levels "unprecedented", the two governments are united in the service of building the Yankee Empire. The people of Mexico in fighting against the governments of U.S. and Mexico is to join EU workers, who are also fighting the same enemies.
The people of Mexico and the U.S. must unite in this common struggle. U.S. workers are in struggle against anti-union law in Wisconsin, which destroys rights won 50 years ago. Today is developed that unifies Megaprotesta workers, teachers, bureaucrats, farmers, migrants. There are tens of thousands who are opposed to a system that enriches only 400 oligarchs in the U.S.. We have had enough! say and oppose the Empire. On Saturday March 12 made an amazing concentration of over 100, 000, defending the rights of all.
Press Conference On March 3 Obama and Calderon criticized the "blood bath in Libya." While these statements were EU and NATO otri produced bloodshed in Afghanistan. In the first two weeks of March, four bombings against civilians in Afghanistan and more than 80 dead, many children. On March 6 there was a large protest in Kabul. Occupants Out of Afghanistan! screaming. NO TO NATO! In the Yankee invaders NO! But Calderón's not interested, then shamelessly follows the EU agenda. Just hitting the sovereignty of the people! The Libyan people is sovereign and able to decide their own destiny. NATO plans to occupy that country become more open and should be rejected categorically. Moreover, the Security Council decided to impose UN sanctions on Libya, as enthusiastically promoted by the government Calderon. What Obama publicly thanked, showing appreciation, but not enough to heed their management - to the Washington Post - that is remove the Ambassador Carlos Pascual, who has a big fight that escalated after revelations of cables Wikileaks.
If the government of Mexico a worthy and sovereign, would withdraw the U.S. Ambassador welcomed by his interference in internal affairs. Every country, every people must resolve their internal conflicts as Sovereign, without foreign interference, because under the guise of "assist" all I want is to establish dominance over people and resources. But instead of enforcing the law at home and withdraw the Ambassador uncomfortable, which he did ask Irlo Calderon told reporters the U.S. was publicly humiliated when the State Department said in less than 24 hours is Carlos Pascual in Mexico "because he is doing a tremendous job."
So instead of defending the sovereignty of Mexico, prompting Calderon in Washington was to attack Libya, which is under fire largely because the U.S. in the case of Libya are interested its oil and gas. The mobilization of naval and air forces around its open Libya and promoting the military option as part of NATO, which have been recognized by Susan Rice U.S. ambassador to the UN is unacceptable, and their hypocrisy, because while Obama claims to be worried by the "bloodbath" in Libya continues to occupy and massacre Iraq, Afghanistan and its people, bombing Pakistan and instigating the war in Mexico.
For events in the Middle East and North Africa and the oil price exceeded $ 100 again barrel. Brent is at $ 116. In the 2011 budget was set at $ 65, meaning that once the PAN government will receive billions of dollars are not budgeted. And what have they done with that money?! What did Fox extra 70 billion? And Calderon extra 30 billion at the beginning of his term? We demand a clear accounting! It is also essential to build petrochemical plants to produce gasoline, rather than importing 45 percent. What was the new petrochemical plant in Hidalgo? Eyewash. Energy Sovereignty is needed, but in the SPP, PAN governments agreed (against the Constitution) integration energy with the U.S..
Calderón's visit to Washington shows poignantly the degree of subjugation that have placed the PRI and PAN to our country and the need for the people of Mexico to assume its sovereignty and rescue the nation . Day by day the situation is complicated and it is essential to the unity and organization of the people of Mexico, the U.S. and Canadian peoples, the peoples of the world against military adventures and the violence of empire.
The country is not for sale! No intervention foreign!
(*) | | political scientist, historian and city planner, researcher at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco campus. Newspaper Editor Awakening Teixitiani Mexico Tekizetiliztli Organization - Union labor in Mexico. Pablo Moctezuma Barragán her BA in Political Science and Public Administration at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of UNAM and, from his youth, he combined teaching with an active social and political participation by workers and to organize the working class. Currently working in the magazine Contralínea, Red Voltaire and the Voice newspaper journalist in ApiaVirtual and other publications. |
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