activated forces this month are:
* The Angel Rochel 69, who governed by registered from 10 to 15 of Pisces
* The Angel Poyel 56, governing rotation of 13 to 14 Pisces
* The degree of Hesed / Sun and Moon Jupiter
Rochel: represents a part of the psyche that compels us to recover values \u200b\u200bthat we have left on the way down to material realities. Indeed, it is an angel who is in the run up to Malkuth, the material realm of the third dimension. In this long journey that the soul has come from the initial unit of Kether, the spiritual purpose that animated it has been losing steam, to the extent that it has completely forgotten about its origin ...
In most cases, can not even say like ET "phone home" because not even remember what it means to "be home." Rochel is the psychic force that opens up new access to that remembrance. To reconnect with the inner self, we must move female ego springs, so Rochel has its headquarters in Yesod, the center Sefirotic linked to the moon. And from there, working with the forces of Tiphareth-sun, which represents the will and conscience. Rochel
helps to recover not only what we lost, but also what has been stolen. Whether values, material, moral, emotions, energy, etc ... But a little reflection, if we assume that nothing can grow in our garden-Malkuth without the tangible reality we planted earlier in the sphere of Kether- will not consciously understand that to be victims of a robbery in the outside world, you must first have generated in the interior. The physical world is an exact copy of the cellular universe / psychic.
The reader will undoubtedly ask: What is theft in the psyche? Occurs when a trend or momentum phagocytes, ie absorbed energy and attention that belongs to a territory that is foreign. Take one example, recently in the course of a Gene Therapy Alchemy, a person perceived the next scene to connect to your phone people: some women complained that went hungry because of a feudal lord who requisitioned all the food and resources generated by the farmers. What I was saying, metaphorically speaking, is that a male ego emissive / M. feudal power was taking over a female I hungry and weak.
This person gave him a lot more court to "do" than to "be" to understand things from the outside to understand that from the inside, was reacting instead of responding. If this type of situation is perpetuated much, if repeated often, can lead to a robbery in the outside world. But the "thief" could be your partner, your mother, your best friend, the neighbor of the fifth, and the "theft" may manifest as his energy vampirism. Although, if the deaf person is repeatedly and insistently, theft may also occur physically (jewelry, money, possessions, etc ...).
When Rochel force goes crooked vampirizing us to energy, the vitality of others, calling their attention more on the account, or take ownership of their talent, their "savoir faire", their ideas or success. This is what happened to Mozart Salieri. When Rochel governing a lunation, the cosmos gives us the opportunity to become aware of this process and return the stolen, if applicable. Therefore not be surprising that in this lunar month, some illicit fortunes were confiscated and then be returned to the villages to which they belong. We're talking about Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and many other cases of corruption that will coming to the fore. This is a month to return what is not ours and that we be restored to what has been taken away. I, if the SGAE, my beard would soak. Rochel
also helps to cleanse karma, namely transmute hatred into love and to be a good channel of light. It promotes a balance between feminine and masculine, in this sense helps to regain the unit.
Poyel: represents a part of our psyche that compels us to build a paradise around us to be bearers of harmony, balance, to find silence, to be there for others an enrichment. It brings wealth, reputation, Fortunately, wisdom, eloquence, charm, art, beauty, humor, diplomacy, good emotional intelligence skills to be a good image consultant or a good publicist.
Poyel is a combination of the energies of Yesod / Moon and Venus / Netzah. It's kind of wild angel because you can ask anything, holds for a hole to a stitching. Poyel has mounted its "stop" Netzah headquarters and gives the lunar essences. Therefore, lunar Poyel crystallizing force to bring beauty, distinction, class, refinement, abundance, given form. So are the children born in this lunar month.
is curious to note that one of the regency of Poyel degrees (1 to 2 of Capricorn) is the day of collection of lottery prizes of Christmas. However, keep in mind that in the same way that winning the lottery need to buy a ticket to access the abundance of Poyel and all its contents, it is necessary that before we have given our human values \u200b\u200bin society. That is the "ticket" lottery Poyel. This would explain why, when this angel rules, some people are opening the horn of prosperity and not others. It is as if the activation of Poyel us access to open a bank account so we can dispose of it, but on condition that before the have been filled.
planetary energies are activated Hesed degree of sun and moon. Grades 3 and 4, 13 to 14 and 23 to 24 of any signs are governed by Hesed / Jupiter. Carriers are degrees of organization that will mobilize our energies so that we are active elements in the universe. Organization means power, as the organization pursues a goal and thus mobilizing forces to achieve it. Of those that have multiple planets in your birth chart in these grades Jupiterians usually emanate from a power, a special charisma. This lunation will be a emotional power as it falls in the sign of Pisces. The latin lovers will not supply, press cuore smoke. On the other hand, the Hesed center in the Kabbalistic Tree, is considered as the sphere of Paradise, the matters governed by this Center are as idyllic spots, which manifests itself in harmony, abundance, expansion, and related goodness Jupiter. According Kabalebo, when a New Moon falls in degrees Jupiterians announces a lunar period in which the divine goodness will manifest strength, providing solutions to society happy. General comments
The most important aspect of this lunation is undoubtedly the Jupiter-Pluto square, which was also active in last lunation. Infernal impulses often promote large-scale, such as those who have inspired the Libyan leader at the time of slaughtering his people. Pluto, when he roars, is itself very destructive, but meets up with Jupiter, the large-scale bundling. Keep in mind that is not the same fall from the terrace of a townhouse from atop the Empire State Building. The mighty Jupiter rules the planet and Pluto is in Capricorn, the sign that is connected with large institutions, politicians, CEOs and those who hold a command in society. So long as in the above square dance, the great characters that have made misuse of his power could plummet so loud. If that happens outside, too, will pass on the inside, mind and trends that have so far exercised its hegemony could end up in the pillory.
Another important astral configuration that has been aptly commented on by my sister Milena in page is the last gasp of Uranus in Pisces. Enter into Aries on March 12, we've talked about it some other time, but until you do, you're boosting the total degree of crystallization Malkuth the Uranian force. In the past month, especially at the end, there have been numerous people have asked me "What's going on, I have the impression that I get it all up at the same time." That's exactly what happened, as if the cosmos is telling us, 'Hurry to liquidate everything that belongs to the past, old debts of money, love, energy, whatever, to maximize the Uranian force refreshing to time enters Aries and is in degrees of Kether, "which will take place from 12 to 29 March, but then return to the charge in November.
reproduce below an excerpt from a book I started writing years ago about the planetary degrees:
Uranus Kether degrees (0 to 1, 10 to 11 or 20 to 21 of any sign): "People who have this position in your birth chart will have a huge source of light, wisdom, goodness, strength, love (universal love) and healing ability. Its mission is to move them this potential and encourage others to discover themselves. Will ensure a strong desire to break the mold, spraying decayed structures (Freud had Uranus in Kether degrees for example) freely and without regard to the pressure or what people say, and encourage their peers to do the same . To these people, no one holds them, the freedom of action and independence will be for them a fundamental what they rarely give up, even if they have to pay a high price, such as loneliness. This position may also give a strong personal magnetism.
If the individual does not use or properly channels the high energy flow that is available, which could end spray is its own structure, its physical entity. With dissonant aspects that come from Mars, Saturn and Pluto, you can feel completely free to spray or destroy everything that does not like, whether people, laws, ideas, institutions, etc ... For example LH Oswald, Kennedy's murderer had to Uranus in degrees of Kether, Ava Gardner (who was sprayed herself) as well. "
The North Node Moon enters Sagittarius on 4 March to 30 August 2012. Nodes convey the contents of each person's particular hell that is the reservoir of energies that we have not used or which have made little use in accordance with our conscience. The presence of the nodes in the signs usually force us to open the closets and take from them everything we had hidden and secure. Sagittarius and Gemini will be affected signs, one for the North Node and the other by the South Node. The first is that rules our country and its government, is also related to the judiciary, the medical, travel agencies, the philosophers. As Gemini rules the opposition English, media, transport and trade-related activities and dissemination in general. For a year and a half, will go out all the abuse, deceit, prevarication and other contents of the underworld associated with these groups.
And on a personal level, the same thing in relation to the houses you have in Sagittarius and Gemini. We had a button shows how the node spends in conjunction with Pluto and Mercury (ruler of Gemini) when the scandal broke of the leaks, but as we said at the time, what has emerged so far is only the tip of the iceberg. Gemini is a sign closely tied to lies, to distort the truth, when tension aspects converge on him, so hopefully by the media out to the fore all the lies and deceit, the English government and the opposition. But also of the same media.
as foreshadowing this move and these days we have witnessed the fall of a German minister for having copied his doctoral thesis, I have not closely followed the story but I wonder: If a man shows his position managing a responsible and worthy, who cares who has had a slip at the time of submitting his PhD? My father graduated from the School of Journalism but always said cases great reporters he knew and who did not hold any title. In the same way that people are full of titles that are totally inept. Sagittarius is closely linked to higher education, so the presence of the lunar North Node in this sign on the table will also abuses in this area.
The sign of Pisces is now very empowered since it found, in addition to Sun and Moon, Mercury, Mars, Uranus and, as of April 4, Neptune. It is a sign of conquest, people who pour out their feelings about the environment with great force and therefore often difficult to embark on adventures, like Berlusconi, who has the Moon Pisces. But it is also a sign closely linked to mysticism, the development of psychic powers.
Neptune in Pisces Neptune
entry into Pisces, the sign of rulership, which will remain until 2025, will mark a time when we will be able to deepen, as never been done before in the meandering of the human psyche. A time when many of the assumptions of psychology, psychoanalysis or psychiatry will be completely obsolete in the light of new discoveries that will occur. A time when cosmic knowledge mechanisms will become more evident, we will be revealed large Secrets in the pyramids talk, which will evidence the existence of ancient civilizations, such as Mu or Atlantis.
exponentially grow the number of people able to remember his past or scuba dive in the probable future psychonauts will multiply. During this transition, we have evidence of contacts, and is very close to it-to bodies exobiology, but on a massive scale, not like now, but given petit committee. " It planted the foundations of an alliance of civilizations and intergalactic UN's future. This, so far seems rather utopian science fiction, but soon cease to be.
will feel a longing for the divine, the source contact, Neptune in Pisces promote the idea that it is possible to return to Eden, that is to make our immediate reality paradise. Promote the yearning for the great humanitarian ideals. If we look back, we see that coincided with the passage of Neptune through Pisces at different times (for more specific information, see the web ) born Freud, Tesla, Wagner, Van Gogh, among other great artists. The submarine was invented (1859) first oil well (1859), installed the first undersea communications cable (1847), published the first manifesto of the Communist Party, born of feminism and spiritualist movement. Considering that evolution is a spiral motion, this time Neptune in Pisces will give a new twist to the same content but from a top position in the spiral. Now
submarine cables to be connected around the globe via the Internet but at the same time subtle consolidate a vast network, which has been called the "Innernet" through which people can begin to communicate without cables technical or large deployments, no pollution, no noise. And that subtle cable passes through the water Neptune, this means that the connection of soul to soul must pass through the heart, love, feeling, emotion, because that is what it symbolizes the element of Water. This new ability to communicate is a gift that the universe will to whomever they wish, since I Christic, the Christ within to connect with other people. Because
be linked to a code of ethics: no vibration of true love there is no possibility of connecting. I'm not talking about science fiction, but something that I could check on many occasions through Genetic Alchemy: When there is hatred, resentment, anger, sadness, envy or misunderstanding in the psyche of a person, it is very difficult to connect with cell its people, let alone with the psyche of their relatives.
Step Neptune in Pisces it will awaken a longing for God, to reunite with the source, the lost unity, a need to explore deep feelings, ie the deep sea, with all the treasures. When someone tells me in a therapy, which is seeing a sea or a river flowing, I invite you to immerse yourself and tell me what is in the background, and most often what they find are boxes of treasure, or ships left with a chest inside full of jewelry. It is an archetypal vision, but what are these marine treasures, but a vast and beautiful capacity to love? Represent the beauty that lies at the bottom of every human psyche. Neptune is a planet no known limits, this is how we learn to love, thanks to its passage through Pisces, but this time from a higher level of consciousness, providing us with the frequency of 2012. Meditation
This time there will be meditation, rest of staff. I will not give Aureas Center, as usual, because the New Moon falls almost at 22 h, we could not give it today, and it was not possible or on Saturday or Sunday, or Monday, which is a holiday in Barcelona. Darla on Tuesday it was delaying too. Therefore, in this lunar month will not face conversation or meditation, just from the blog. Llop Soleika
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