Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Chemical Burn After Acne
This video - a good friend sent me today, is a graphical representation, palpable what can you give Uranus and Jupiter in Aries, a sign closely linked to childhood and youth. The lyrics are a little hard at first, though quite realistic, describes a vision of society that many people share. Particularly striking is the young age of the singers, in contrast to its esoteric culture. I left with a few sentences, how are you ... The man has forgotten his human strength ... Humanity, only love will save you ... listen to the silence, when your soul is at peace, there is the light ... Do not forget your story, do not forget your mission ...
We are a generation with the power to change everything ... Just a glow to destroy the darkness ... Have confidence in life, on the strength of your dreams ... Everyone has a guardian angel is there if you're ... Son of the fifth sun, read between the lines, leaving behind Babylon ...
says the Apocalypse of John (XVI): "On the seventh day ... there were lightnings and voices and great earthquake ... the big city had three parts and sunk down the cities of the nations and great Babylon was remembered before God, to give the cup of wine of the fierceness of his anger. They fled the islands and mountains disappeared. A great hail from heaven fell upon men ... "
In his interpretation of Revelation, Kabalebo commented as follows on this text, which seems to have much connection with the recent events:" In this paper cites three cities: the big city The cities of the nations and the great Babylon. The great city is that we build into our psyche by agglomeration, but not that different parts are integrated and form a homogeneous whole (Kabalebo refers to the lack of integration and cellular connectivity). This is how our modern cities, the image of our inner world. There are rich neighborhoods, poor neighborhoods, streets shows, street prostitution, shopping and people rub, rub in the crowds, without their interference to reach more, as if living in separate realities for thousands of miles.
nations City is one formed by certain affinities that bind most strongly to reject everything else. In our psyche, there are trends which are sustained each other (as do the fans of a football club, which bind to vilify the opposing team, for example, or as do political likes and dislikes). The city of nations together to exclude.
Babylon is the corrupt city where the confusion has reached its extreme limits, in which the virtues appear as defects such as improper strictures of the time, while the defects are virtues proclaimed by the sages of the city. It is that place where everything fits perfectly, thanks to a perfect rationalization.
That's what happens in our cities, emanating from the collective psyche, where problems are solved by creating other problems in another sector. And when the level reached unsustainable levels problem, its manifestation is prohibited and is locked or deleted to those who express (as I write this, I have come to mind the thousands of electric cars destroyed by the car manufacturers to avoid prejudicing the interests oil). All that dynamically converted into laws and regulations, respected and revered by his old form this dark world that men inherit at birth. World come to Babylon, converted by the passage of centuries in the Great Babylon, the respected and honorable Babylon, accept as good that organization, trying to improve, within the lines of its dynamics.
To realize that is not improving the system so the city needs, but the adoption of other systems. The order received but not introduced in the mess falls on us like an avalanche and destroys it. Babylonian society in which we live greatly appreciates the perseverance, commitment, effort, struggle and glorifies winners in fierce competition. But all those "virtues" are unique in the world of degradation, the inverted world, because the Higher Self does not need to lose some to win, and others die so that he can be a hero. As
teaches the Kabbalistic Tree, when the will of Kether is put into operation, is activated at the same time love / Hochmah propitious circumstances will allow us to carry it out. If something takes great effort or sacrifice, is a sign that we are not using light materials, but the shadow ... "We live
apocalyptic times, but keep in mind that Revelation means Revelation. Those who know and live capture that Revelation inside this process, those who know their Babylon particular substitute, ie, its chaos, disorder, the New Jerusalem, do not require any external destruction. If a critical mass of people were able to do so, nor the seas, or volcanoes, or the winds, and the earth roared again.
Today a radio announcer said that we have no control over natural disasters ... nothing is further from the truth. Gregg Braden has touched on this theme in his books (many of them are summarized in the "bookworm" of this blog), explaining the influence of human thoughts and emotions about the patterns climate. Return to this thorny question. Llop Soleika
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