- always oriented towards the new, bold, cutting-edge work to
- Being a bridgehead, the pioneer, a forerunner / a
- Overcoming critical situations
- Awakening dormant wills
- Be able to undertake
the most difficult tasks - the souls to enter the physical world, to embody
- Invent, discover new things
- Being a starter
- Have a bombproof enthusiasm
- Breaking molds, to challenge old
- Out of stagnation, depression brings
- The force required to perform heroic deeds and
- Passion for the arts and sciences
- A potential operator
- Arrojo, daring
Leadership Skills - Sagacity to find traps and deceptions
- Will connect to other dimensions
Possible adverse effects, tendency to
- affect one same design strategies for self-sabotage
- Having irritation, inflammation, high fevers, fires
- Create acidity, off the DNA codes
- Forcing, coercing, too emissive / a
- Having an excess of yang (male energy)
- have a violent temper, turbulent, complaints, angry, combative, pugnacious, quarrelsome and provocative
- have an excessive desire for prominence
- wasting the potential operator
- Cheating
The party program is activated when one does not program ignores any light, from ignorance or laziness, or whatever. Jupiter, Uranus, Mars and Sun will form squares (Aspects tension) with Pluto, so we will have in the next three-four weeks of a huge energy flow that well spent, could change the face of the planet, but misused, too, needless to result more in possible negative outcome because we all know what could give him. Quantum principles should be remembered: we're floating in a soup of probabilities, the programs of the angels of the Kabbalah are quantum states, ie they can manifest as a wave (pure light) or particle (realization). Let us focus on the possibility that manifests as a wave Vehuiah.
If optimum use is made of its power, the rulers of the countries that manage nuclear energy would undertake a mad scramble to find clean energy sources. If we make the best use of their strength, we would realize that what is happening in Japan and oil producing countries brings the same message: to abandon the use of polluting energy. Consider for a moment that symbolizes the black gold (they call the oil), represents wisdom, wealth and consciousness (gold) we extract from the blackness of the shadow, the world of forms, from hard experience of "blood, sweat and tears." We've talked in these pages the collapse of the wave, is what happens when we stop the free passage of light, because they do not understand, then collapses and is transformed into an anecdote, a 3D experience.
The challenge ahead for the human species is of much greater scope than making a dramatic and profound change in its nuclear programs and the search for alternative energy, is to move beyond duality and the need to undergo and pass wrong.
Someday, hopefully soon, learn to draw energy from our divine core, learn to stop living in the periphery of our being, which forces the heart to make a huge and strenuous effort to achieve that periphery, ie our consciousness. Until we reach this point, we will be showing signs cosmos through problems and conditions linked to the old energy, black gold or nuclear plants. I recently got a power point in describing the destruction by multinationals linked to the oil interests of hundreds of thousands of electric cars. This reminded me of the destruction of the work of Tesla, Reich, Moray, because no interest at that time bring down the global economy with access to free energy (once you get) and inexhaustible.
At least that's what they said appearances, because deep, the fact is that free access to the energy of the cosmos must be a conquest, coupled with a prize for human beings. When we stop feed of duality, when we stop believing in the good-evil axis, we will be taking a decisive step towards this cosmic energy, and fusion energy.
But back to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe 180 heroes, extrapolating, we could say that they are representing, locally, the sacrifice has taken on a global scale, the Japanese people. Those souls probably already agreed to, before incarnating, to accept stage, stop the rest of the world, the consequences of improper handling of nuclear energy. A similar role assumed that the people of Chernobyl. One wonders how many more human sacrifices are necessary to close all nuclear plants, to become aware of the rulers after the game being played. But, in parallel, it also begs the question how many more lives will be missed until a critical mass of people realize what it symbolizes uranium.
Uranium represents the collapse of the wave Uranian Uranus is the force of manifesting with the "upside down I tell you that I understand." Uranus / Hochmah to the Kabbalah, is the Christ force, is the wisdom and boundless love unconditionally, without expecting anything in return and is both the strength of the renewal. The force of the psyche, misunderstood and misused, is serving as fuel for nuclear power plants. As these plants a substitute for the real second category of nuclear power that lies at the heart of all human beings: that is fed with pure love. Will we need to explode Fukushima reactor to become aware of what is at stake? That's the million dollar question.
The other day my friend Rose of Peru, I suggested to disseminate the idea of \u200b\u200basking the Virgin a protective white blanket all Japanese, and today my friend Maria told me the same, but applied to the entire planet and also suggested that we connected, via meditation, with Gaia to tell her we love, not angry, just be patient with us, we'll respond (not react say) and become aware at once. And not a bad idea to send a message via etheric to senior leaders of the planet, for example by reading this post and saying "NO MORE, STOP THIS CAR." That is why the theme of reflection. Llop Soleika
http://abriendoconciencia.blogspot.com/2007/11/los- teacher-perfiladores.html
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