The contraction may be a blessing
"We went one way through life without realizing that we were leaving ourselves dangerously. This crisis is a welcome opportunity to return to what is really Essential: our own humanity.
As an ice which froze the disorderly expansion came in the mid-30's, the global economic downturn Nowadays artificial growth, punctuated by the invasiveness of competition and war, it freezes again as saying that the contraction is just what happens to the expansion. In the wake of crises, emergencies, emerge. If we resist change we can really grow ...
And what if we do not resist to contract? Perhaps then the crisis could become a precious opportunity to return to ourselves and, through of this decline, recognize the inner beauty of our night. Too late to conceive again. To reinvent ourselves. This contraction can happen that really worth to be: internal expansion, a light heart, so that the land is home and fire. Will you come back?
If .... Once and for all, without resistance, return. If after each expansion the heart could not enter, it would be our life. If the matrix of chaos is not the new order was emerging, changes would not be possible. Without a return path of life loses its meaning. Back on the paths, to find in the place where one day we lost, it is now necessary.
listen to the voice of the need to recognize that there is no harvest without seed.
lost touch with the basics when we confuse being and having, living and consuming, and harvest there. We lost the consciousness of the essence when we turn the existence of a strategy to grow quantitatively. We lost our way when our intellect is turned away from our center and, thus, no heart, our growth was so foreign and dangerous. Macroeconomics going well, of course, the look was fantastic, but there was no interior support, and as a house of cards, one after another was thrown out the seemingly impregnable fortresses. Because they had heart.
heart Life expands and contracts. Indefinite expansions are not possible, because life itself is renewed by death, and the future evolution makes all roads lead back to ourselves. In any case, sooner or later, we returned on our own steps.
Each step is an imprint, a groove in the land of life, where we planted the seeds of our actions. And one day we returned to find that the quality of the crop is the result of planting. And what we have sown?
The illusion of freedom without responsibility. The illusion of exclusivity. The confused idea being to have, which has led to the illusion that is essentially the appearance. Sow and not the universal God of love but a little God, in the image and likeness of our narrow interests. We have sown the seeds of competition and we lost the human harvest sharing. We have sown the seeds of possessiveness and we missed the harvest of brotherhood. To satisfy our senses sow and reap the void of meaning. We have planted hope in stock market values \u200b\u200bwhile shares devalue our own humanity. We invest in life insurance that only we could ensure death.
important thing is not the fruit of our actions, the really significant are the seeds. The essential thing is not to produce or harvest, much less eat. Essentially that seed true that determines the quality of our crops, is what we wholeheartedly. In this happiness at stake.
A culture is a culture, and to cultivate new land, we must cultivate our own land, our body, our energy. We must cultivate the soil of our human relationships, as it is born every economy. We must cultivate the land in all our religions so that all are religions of love and love is our true religion.
When, about forty years of life, the mature eagles can not be used as either a peak or twisted claws, destroys the peak aged hitting the rocks. After a long fast growing a new peak with which the feathers uproot old and useless claws. With its new baggage Eagles take flight for a new life.
What if we give up our ambition is unbridled greed and aging of the beak and claws? It's time to take flight of the human soul to contemplate the unity of the plan that we are part. Is the time to review the economy, but not limited to relations between governments and banks, but also our everyday economy, to quit, to know how to lose without getting lost, to dismiss, we also all neoliberal illusion of an expansion unlimited.
Restore the economy by giving new life to things humble and simple. Sweeping, digging the ground, rake leaves, scribble again the poem he had killed our haste. Look in the eye without fear. Cultivate this trust, so that the horizon of life draw a new dawn.
When life becomes simple humility be what we are sure there will be more time, we have time, we time. We will be practitioners of the new land, not just religion. Do not fear, we will not fall on us. Maybe we touch bottom, but there's nothing more dangerous than surface waves, when we have the anchor of being at the bottom of us. Beyond uncertainty, in the realm of the deep, having dissolved in the self, and nothing will be missed.
shares fall. Amount without a second's delay the tides and the cosmic clock marks our transit through the constellation Aquarius. No land was in Pisces. Fall for the umpteenth time indicators of the stock market, yet the sap rises in search of light. Altered the cycles of the economy but the Earth rotates on itself every twenty-four hours, and around the sun, just in the three hundred sixty five days of the sundial. Do we see dark future and we want to retreat into the past? So there's a possible solution.
dissolve in that nature which is the ours. Solve them. Resolve to start this, this time we can not delegate its interior to be like us. And back to the mother land, the groove, the inner light of our hidden fire. Find the simple beauty of the essence. Appearance reveal his vanity no substance and no direction. Perhaps in this crisis of meaning can change direction, to return by way of ourselves. You can win by losing. It may lose benefit. When we are not reluctant to lose the burden of not being, reveal the always happy and easy lightness of being. When the harvest makes us forget we lose the magic seed of the sower. If wealth makes us forget that giving is our planting, the abundance is only the first step to poverty.
May God bless this crisis. That in the wake of our wounded land the best seeds we sow now. The tolerance and flexibility. Those of humility and simplicity. And above all, the seed of authenticity, to be who we truly are, and our economy, our relationships and our lives are not, and never again supported a lie. "
Jorge Carvajal (Alexiis)