activated forces this month are:
* The Angel Anauel 63, who governed by registered from 10 to 15 of Aquarius
* The Angel Haaiah 26, which governs by rotation 13 to 14 of Aquarius
* The degree of Hesed / Sun and Moon Jupiter
Anauel : It represents a part of our psyche that compels us to bring the nations to Christianity (as literally reads your program), to return to unity, to pacify, to leave particularism and be a citizen of the world, free of physical and emotional dependency, to promote brotherhood among men. Brings business skills to work in the dissemination of culture and light. Brings prosperity to revive companies in crisis.Anauel is a communicator with legs ... sorry, with wings, as it works with Mercury forces in the area of \u200b\u200bHod-Mercury. It's like a "busybody" inhabiting the cellular and psychological universe to bring from one extreme to another Christ-vibration ...
That vibration is the force that allows us to eliminate borders, with individuals, with the pettiness and shortsightedness that makes us believe that some are better than others (such as Forrest Gump would say) by being born in a territory or in another, or by having one way or the skin. It is as if the hair on the head - that is far to the north, is believed much higher than the armpit or other more hidden - and further south-of our anatomy, when the truth is that all are necessary and have their function. Or like a pimple on the face of higher thought category as a pain in the ass. We seem absurd, so why it so difficult to apply this reasoning to society? I do not know if the neurons are blending because it's two in the morning, but sure I understand.
remember my father, when someone asked him what nationality he was, he answered: "I am a citizen of the world."
Haaiah : It represents a part of our psyche that compels us to raise awareness, to bring harmony to unbalanced situations, and to unite science and mysticism, to promote coexistence, namely the eternal laws apply to daily life, to be good referees between positions or factions. It helps us to master and understand analogies, to have judges on our side and turn inside know the hardships and provides skills to be a social or political leader.
The energy of this angel is what you need right now the people of Egypt, and Tunisia, and Yemen, and Morocco and all who are now struggling to regain its libertad.Haaiah combines the energies of Jupiter and Binah Hesed Saturn therefore, those born under its influence will have the capacity to be great leaders of society, in the sense that they act inspired by his divine. Therefore, in this lunation conditions will suitable for the emergence, as a result of the riots, new political leaders are more in line with the imprint of the new era.
planetary energies are activated Hesed degree of sun and moon. Grades 3 and 4, 13 to 14 and 23 to 24 of any signs are governed by Hesed / Jupiter. Carriers are degrees of organization that will mobilize our energies so that we are active elements in the universe. Organization means power, as the organization pursues a goal and thus mobilizing forces to achieve it. Of those that have multiple planets in your birth chart in these grades Jupiterians usually emanate from a power, charisma special. This lunation will be a mental power as it falls in the sign of Aquarius.
On the other hand, the Hesed center, in the Kabbalistic Tree, is considered as the sphere of Paradise, the matters governed by this Center are as idyllic spots, which manifests itself in harmony, abundance, expansion and goodness related to Jupiter. According Kabalebo, when a New Moon falls in degrees Jupiterians announces a lunar period in which the divine goodness will manifest strength, providing solutions to society happy. General comments
The birth chart at 1.1.2011 (link), which marks a guideline for the rest of the year, Uranus and Jupiter were working with the angel Mumiah (72), which is devoted to give a final touch, to overthrow, to reorganize. In addition, Mercury was in the sphere of influence Imamiah (52), which refers to rebuild on new foundations, to his release, to settle the karma. And the North Node and Sun were in the area Nemamiah (57), which refers to release prisoners. In this heat energy is not surprising that there have been riots in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and are already talking behind the scenes of China and Morocco, Libya, North Korea, etc ... Jordan made to soak their beards and changed the government, as a precaution.
Iran falling one after another, all the pillars of the old world, especially in the lunar months in which Pluto triggered by some aspect see tension, like this, which forms a square to Jupiter. Precisely at the time was forming is the fall of the regime of Ben Ali of Tunisia. And in full bloom in this aspect is when you are about to fall of the dictatorship of Mubarak. And it represents the powerful Jupiter, and Capricorn, the sign in which Pluto is located, is the politicians, big institutions and leaders.
The frequency of 2012, which many people are swimming and is contrary to any of absolutism, is opposed to having to require the state to decide for my dad, as is the case of dictatorships, because it implies that I am not able to do so, that I have the decisions or the will to grab the helm my own boat. Because subtle levels, this is largely what happens, remember the famous phrase of Montesquieu that every people has the government it is merece.Cuando light enters a body, the first thing is to sweep the shadows and totalitarian regimes are part of the shadow.
However, flee from the temptation to demonize the leaders who took charge of these governments because we insist on, the frequency of 2012 does not harmonize with the idea of good-evil duality. And because these souls, whatever mask or costume that lead outside, are worthy of respect because they have taken a very risky role, a role much goo.
On the other hand, it should think very hard about what is happening because, in subtle and not apparent levels, what is falling is the dictatorship they have on the collective psyche certain patterns that were comfortably ensconced in his armchair. For example in the case of the Egyptian people there is a death cult pronounced, as shown, a button in the center of Cairo there is a vast cemetery, called "City of the Dead" in which two million people live in often inhumane, and many (some say 50,000) were installed inside the tombs or mausoleums. The others are huddled in houses built on ancient tombs.
change is needed now in Egypt is not only politician, one of his challenges is to replace the cult of death and the mummies of a cult of vida.Varios museums have been looted, old mummies have been shot by soils, such as the grandparents of Akhenaton (as the press.) Perhaps the question is not lamenting the damage to a heap of old bones, but of interest in what Akhenaten (say) represented, not only for the Egyptian people but to all humanity.
The truth is that it has become an archetype that represents the desire to connect with the Father without intermediaries and to worship the sun, ie consciousness, wisdom. Moving from necrophilia to "vidofilia", that is the challenge of the Egyptian people. And above all become aware that, beyond its character as a tourist attraction for its monuments and old bones, Egypt is a place that has an enormous amount of wisdom, knowledge initiation. A pyramid is not just a memorial, but a structure that connects heaven and earth and holds mysteries that need to discover the face on the movement of empowerment that being forged through the activation frequency of 2012.
This lunar month, the unions of couples or corporate mergers that do not have a firm foundation could crumble suddenly and unexpectedly, under the influence of Uranus-Venus dissonance. Remember that Uranus separates the wheat from the chaff, helps us to distinguish the black and white where before we saw only gray. It follows that the merger partners or breakage in the lunar month will encourage their players because it was something that they were not benefiting. This will particularly affect the signs Sagittarius and Pisces.
The above squaring Jupiter-Pluto is no stranger to scandal of children stolen, which has erupted in our country. We know that Pluto does come to the surface all the frogs and snakes and to be Jupiter in the sign which rules to children and sport, will come to the fore all the abuses in those areas.
alignment of Sun, Mars and Moon in Anauel domains greatly enhance this program angel, therefore it is expected that the conflicts now appease the earth shake and bail out their country in crisis.
favorable aspects formed by Saturn will bring common sense and allow the consolidation of the energies of Anauel and Haaiah. The presence of Jupiter in Aries gives power to everything new, to the unedited, in the vanguard.
Meditation: Mission Possible Relaxation
- Perform three slow, deep breaths, the air entering the nose and exhaling through the mouth, air filling your abdomen first and then the chest. As you breathe when you come on the air, imagine that the sun is coming through your nostrils and rises to the pineal gland (crown) as you exhale, imagine the ball of the sun light through all your chakras to the pelvis, you do it 3 times .
- Then perform 3 breaths coming in through the nose, again introducing the Sun to the pineal, retaining the air as much as possible, while still retaining the air, let the sun flood your head.
- You give the order to your mind to lower the electrical activity of their waves to 4 cycles per second, so you will enter a state of deep relaxation.
- Imagine that your mind is an animal (all but a hawk), imagine that your intuition is a hawk. Imagine that the animal mind begins to shrink, it becomes very small, so you can ride on the back of the hawk, I ask you both to become good friends and you tell the hawk fly away far from the place where you are, to discover new animal territories of the mind.
- Imagine that your chakra above 7 in the top of your head, is forming a spiral of indigo blue light that enters your head flooding all over your body, harmonizing, relaxing completely.
- blue ray imagine that wraps around your body like you're in a bubble of that color.
Induction - In this state of deep relaxation where you are, imagine that you move to Mount Saint Michel, you are at the foot of the Mount, imagine it's all grass, no buildings, except a temple the top, dedicated to the Archangel Michael.
- Imagine you start to climb the mountain, slowly and every step you take, you're going to evolve gradually from all your clothes, jewelry, footwear, everything you are carrying. We also apparent from a layer of gray energy composed of tensions and worries of everyday life.
- Vas rising, rising, rising, your body is completely naked and cover your nakedness with a beautiful white cloak, woven with threads of light. Reach the summit of Mount, the temple doors open to you and invite you to enter it.
- You go and you stand in a circular room with many windows through which stream the sun in abundance. The walls and ceilings are covered with amethysts encrusted powerful beams of light emit violet to penetrate through your head, walk around your body, transmuting violet energy permeating.
- Invoke the presence of some teachers that will help you in this meditation. Invoke Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Archangel Michael, the Archangel Metatron and the 72 Angels of the Kabbalah. Synergy
group - (If meditation is done with a group) Imagine that at the center of the room of Mont Saint Michel in which you find there is a huge diamond the size of a human head. Imagine that you take a golden thread of your heart and wrapped it around the diamond, so join your energies with those of everyone in the group.
Connection - Imagine that from the hall of Mont Saint Michel where you are, ask the teachers who've raised you provide a hook like the one with the Spider-Man, those that are projected with force on top of a building and then to climb the rope lightning speed. Remember that in the etheric world there are no limits, only sets your imagination.
- Imagine you throw the hook with the intention that the sun comes up, imagine that the hook is stuck on the ledge of a cylindrical building has a flat roof glass. You project yourself into this place, you land on the roof of the transparent cylinder.
- If you look down beneath your feet, you'll see inside of this cylinder is a huge heart-shaped diamond of a size of 1 meter high and 1 meter wide. This diamond beats, is the heart of the sun and acts as a very powerful battery that is used to recharge solar energy. This load is obtained by simply standing up cylinder and imagining the diamond beats. Stay a few seconds with this vision and feel like your whole world is revolutionizing cell with this powerful energy, you feel like you've swallowed the magic potion for Asterix.
- Imagine this powerful light load stays in your heart. Now do the other way, from the roof of the glass cylinder, sliding down to the speed of light rope and hook landed back in the room of Mont St. Michel. Imagine a large screen that appears, it is projected the image of Cairo, the streets we've all seen on TV
- Imagine that your heart out a huge beam of light that takes the form of a flare, such having a cylinder and that when you light the fuse, fireworks shot out from the ground rises several feet high.
- Imagine you project that cylinder to the streets of Cairo, and it starts out thousands of stars of 6 points and tiny gold hearts, like bright confetti. The stars and hearts fully involve all the people who are demonstrating The Cairo and spread to the rest of the country.
- imagine that the stars and hearts penetrate the crown of all Egypt and spread throughout his body, penetrating the nucleus of every cell, bringing the information to celebrate the cult of life, freedom thought and action, and that light will inspire them to make decisions most beneficial to their country and themselves.
- You think you put a flare in your home, the home of your family or your office.
- We thank all the beings of light who have helped us in this meditation. We close our farms, we left that room, the temple, we go down that little mountain, as we go down, we're shedding light tunic and recovering our clothes. We came down to land, we are at the foot of Mont Saint Michel, from there we imagine that ethereal roots that leave from our feet to the center of the Earth, so we anchored. Now takes us to where we are doing this meditation, finding deep well. Llop Soleika
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