corpuscular 177 .- The universe is descriptive (I male) and wave (I female), sensitive, a duality that is complemented in the particle-wave indissoluble unity. There is no chance of climbing without the communion between the two worlds ...
178 .- At a dinner at the home of Jung, he asked Einstein if his innovative theories of modern physics, concerning the relativity of space, could be applied equally to the realm of the psyche, ie, the interior space. Einstein thought was possible. Unknowingly, the brilliant physicist became the midwife of one of the most intriguing concepts of modern psychology: the theory of synchronicity. (And in the neuronal path widened through which humanity could begin to understand something that took thousands of hermetic philosophy by saying: "As above so below.") 184 .-
Materiality is only the level of energy that each field strength presented in relation to penetrability with other fields. Sensory perception of each field is associated with the index of resistance to being penetrated, refractive index, and it is precisely that contact sensitivity than the mind energy codes by association, accumulation and experience, an image-formed within a specific scenario probably inherited in each species (this means that the world of forms is only created from the non-assimilation of light, this idea has often been exposed to Kabalebo in his works. For there to be a form, or, as would Carlos, a tangible reality, it is necessary to involve a shadow entities, which are the densest in charge of the light and transforming it into stories, in fact).
However, each field has its own sphere of reality. In this context, the empirical reality is the field-based layer of the outermost, which have managed to the conscious level of sensitivity. Fields set innermost strata of the unconscious and the subconscious. To access a wider stratum aware proportion is necessary to penetrate into the fields of the unconscious and overcome them (obviously, as we are "downloading" divine programs, to 3D we are bringing unconscious contents, the windows are conscious perception larger, extending the visible spectrum).
The universe is the culmination stage the mind does all the complex interactions between human energy and external reality that seeks to penetrate. Thus, one could say that there is a reality with physical appearance without significant resistance between different fields of energy level. The mind only understands strength giving way a useful scenario for survival. God is the only entity that lacks metaphysical stage because the stage is 189 .-
Him Being who has completed the process of individuation is that as human nature does not reflect shadow against the light from his divine nature. Nuclear fusion is symbolically between the human Jesus and the divine Christ child by completing the divine (Jesus Christ) which is inhabited by humans become God and God made man in sublime communion.
190 .- Here is where symbolically the two families of souls in the world. They are the worlds that are presented to the two natures of the same being. Human nature studies, analyzes and relates based on the knowledge acquired in the outer universe and the divine nature lives, feel and love based on feelings of inner universe. This is the book that the angel of God makes digesting San Juan in the Apocalypse. Written on the inside and out. With the image one has of himself and the shadow it casts, "Take and eat, bitter your body, but in your mouth sweet as honey. " I took the book from the angel's hand and ate it and was in my mouth sweet as the honey when they had eaten, left my heart in bitterness.
Then I said, it must again prophesy to the peoples and nations .. (Rev. X, 10). (This book is the story of our human and drink is to integrate that story to tell then, to share with others the fruit, the essence that has been around the experience. That is the bitter pill they often live people that are explored through Genetic Alchemy ego because he is always painful to have to remove the Paradita, having to remove their strategies before the eruption of the divine light.
But then the result is an extraordinary extension of the spectrum of consciousness.
Rereading these letters of Carlos, I remembered some thoughts of my father-Kabalebo-and found a comment on Chapter X of the Apocalypse of John, then transcribe it has no waste and it will be very useful to those who are experiencing with Genetic Alchemy:
"John" the apostle, "is that state of being in which we become aware of the cosmic organization and have decided to voluntarily serve the divine self, thinking, speaking, writing on the eternal laws for assist the peoples, nations, both internal and external, to find your way. Our prophecies inspired, our revelation, Apocalypse means revelation received from the rules of real art has to serve in the first place to ourselves, preaching in the direction of our internal people, because if we fail to be obeyed by them, people hardly obey and nations that are moving abroad "Lesson
-X, 22 of the Interpretation of Revelation.
hope that the reader knows to capture the immense light contained in the words of Kabalebo, he is referring to the principle of consistency, tells us that if we make our outer life is harmonious and happy, first that harmony is to reign in our village cell and, ultimately, all we want to achieve out first what we have to get inside). continue .. Llop Soleika
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