Bovis units measure the vibrations that cause certain objects. A dowser told me some years ago in the Great Pyramid had been measured Bovis 15,000 units, as well as the Shungit, is a factor to consider ...
Material: Sphere of a black colored mineral called SHUNGIT, from a meteorite that fell in Karelia, Russia.
Method: dowsing techniques as Jovellanos Multidisciplinary Institute, CIATRE Foundation, André de Belizal (Pendulum Unit) and Jean de La Foye (Pendulums Hebrews).
Bovis Energy Units global.15.000 with 100% of Kindness and balance yin / yang (+ /) 1%.
Belizal Method: Gives the full spectrum in both phases: Magnetic and Electrical. Method
Jean de La Foye: This study was performed with waveforms derived from the Hebrew, which determine the physical issues, life, abstract, beneficial or harmful shapes.
a) Polarity (+ /) in perfect balance.
b) Issues in Physical. Not reversed.
c) Vital issues or invest it.
d) Spiritual issues and invests it
e) does not emit Magic.
f) strongly emits Z (+) Country Onda Vital load.
g) No discharge emits Z Onda Vital Field.
h) emits light. No issues Darkness (Pendulum "La Noche")
i) does not emit wave Chartres.
j) strongly emits wave YHWH (Yavhé).
is a transmitter waveforms that having a ball, is the figure which the issue is the most perfect known. What is remarkable is that the energy output, according to the Bovis Scale Biometric is very powerful, which goes beyond 10,000, which is where the upper limit of radiation on human health, which may mean that, although not in spiritual issues or Magic without reversing the SHIN, its action exceeds the physical and astral planes reach, mental and causal or soul of human beings , which would require extensive research on many people, given that there are no measuring devices, even subjective, that allow for such measurements.
short: I think this is a perfect way, with a special
material, it is worth taking into consideration.
If you want to know more about the Shungit or wish to test their healing effects: www.lashungit.com
Francisco Javier Merino de la Fuente M. D
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