Friday, February 11, 2011

Black Rosary Gang Sign

"A revolt against both social and foreign policy under Washington

Taken from l'Humanité
Translated by Hasardevi
People are convinced that should continue. The barriers of fear have been broken forever.

Rachad Antonius Egyptian sociologist, professor at the University of Montreal, says the root causes of rising Egyptian

highlights the reason for the pusillanimity of the great powers

What are the root causes of Egyptian popular uprising?

There are three factors. The first is a huge frustration with regard to domestic politics social inequalities, corruption, and also, we must emphasize this: a country's foreign policy, relations with Israel, so submissive attitude against the United States. Second element: social activist networks that have developed over the last ten years. The unions began to be increasingly active and demanding wage increases and protest against the dismissals. An independent union was formed even against the will of the General Confederation. It is said, the network on April 6, youth gathering to the Internet, Facebook, etc. Is the network of El Baradei to the National Association of change. Finally, the network is Kifaya, which calls for constitutional changes to make wider access to the presidency. No, but the spark was missing, and this was the rebellion of Tunisia. When you see a million of people mobilized in every city in every neighborhood, in all social spheres, is proof that this movement represents the majority of the population. People were convinced that the time had come, and should therefore continue to fight. They know that if they stop now, returning to their homes, while the president is here, the secret services are going to apprehend and all over.

dialogue by a "transition" is underway but we must question the role of the military ...

RACHID ANTONIUS. The military is the police, hated by its repressive role. It has played a national role, they sided with the nation. What it amounts to a moral credit. It is now divided: some senior officials fear that if Mubarak goes down, they too will fall, while for others it is the way to save the regime and the nation.

How strong is the movement of Muslim Brotherhood ?


have acquired a weight from the fact of repression. Celleci affected more secular forces of the Muslim Brotherhood, they had the mosques to organize. But this rebellion proved that people are able to organize outside of the religious parties. The actual weight of the Muslim Brotherhood is substantially lower than expected. The system uses it as a kind of bogeyman. Mohamed El Baradei try to appear as an alternative ...


No force alone can represent the alternative. Given the fragmentation of the opposition, any form of transition should convene a plurality of forces. ElBaradei formed a network for democratization, which is a force among others. You can play a symbolic role. But there is no basis consistent enough to play an effective role in the long term. Above all, people expect a clear commitment to sweeping reforms and demand, as evidence of that commitment, as a test of will transition out of Mubarak.

The attitude of Western leaders reflects more concern than satisfaction with the events ...


To me, they should take a stand clearly for change. But what do we observe? On the one hand, they want to pretend to support democracy, they say kind words about the uprising, but do not want to lose your ally. So handle, made arrangements of various kinds, more or less clear to organize a game of musical chairs for some of his allies take the place, and to avoid having a real change in international politics.

Interview by Karima Goulmamine


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