Translation: Alicia Virelli
This is a very interesting James Tyberonn pipeline, which connects to Metatron, the archangel force that governs the center called Kether on the Tree cabalistic, we can consider as the chief of the angels Angels, angels ie 1 to 8 (of Vehuiah to Cahetel inclusive). Already remarked on other occasions but I insist on it, the great channelers do a commendable job because they get to Earth the divine messages, but some clarifications are necessary to prevent his words cause confusion.
And this is because the vast majority of these people do not have a mystical and Kabbalistic training that would enable them to understand all the messages they convey. The same is true with most great scientific minds right now are opening new channels of understanding. Tyberonn This pipeline addresses issues of great importance, such as fallen angels, what he says reflect reality but can be misleading, we will see why. I have summarized the text for easy reading. Parenthetically, my thoughts ...
Coded Light Nature
"Greetings! I am Metatron. Although the sun of your solar system is the main source of light received on earth, it is important to note that by no means the only source. Other sources include the Great Central Sun, stars, white holes "and" Beings of Light. " Most human beings are only capable of perceiving "physically" the "quanta" of light that appear in the "visible range" of spectrum light (ranging from infrared to ultraviolet). You are aware that human beings need sunlight to maintain healthy physical bodies, but we say that people living in the "inner earth" are also light as a necessary nutrient.
So what is the source of light lifting? Polychromatic light is emitted from the crystalline core of the earth, well above the range "Visible." (A symbolic level this means that in addition to the light we receive from the events we perceive from the outside, light comes from our divine core.)
The physical matrix of humanity evolve symbiotically, as a direct result in formats that embed and play greater abilities to retain the light morphic encrypted. The body will become a light source with semi-translucent appearance, less subject to density, mass and gravity. Humans evolve physically in a carbon-based life to a silicon base. It is crystal lighting, because silicon is unique in its symbiosis crystalline light itself. (Go to the crystalline structure means go toward total transparency in this regard are world events.)
A New Sol
The sun is changing. Sun has been conditional on the appearance of the Earth. Has played a role unnoticed in the dual aspect of the planet earth since the fall of the sky. When the new 144-Crystalline Grid is completed in 2012, will start creating the seeds of new firmament. This will allow the sun to provide "Unconditional Light." The same way they absorb light of humanity will bring the change and so too will the ability to see beyond the current limitations of the visible spectrum.
Crystalline Transition of the Earth is the basic source of planetary ascension. (Ie to ascend, we must conquer the transparency and purity of the crystal) Offers more light, a larger complex of light for mankind, remove the dark provides a better understanding. The Angelic Kingdom is a huge part of their expanded awareness in the Ascension.
The Angelic Kingdom
Dear, the state of "enlightenment" is just that, is Existence in the Light ... Consistent Integral Crystalline Light. Ascension careful review of the glass transition of planet Earth. This makes possible not only greater access to higher dimension but also the shift of humanity to the Mer-Ka-Ba, Crystal Light Body. The Mer-Ka-Ba is able to absorb more light, you see, and so allowed to carry more energy as they are able to interconnect more, in a synergistic manner; to the crystal size and the Angelic Realm.
The Angelic Kingdom is misunderstood greatly in certain aspects of its nature and its central purpose. Los Angeles is certainly "Messengers of God." But what does that mean?
Angels and Light Beings Multidimensional serving in a much greater role to be guardians and bearers of messages. Angels are aware of Divine Essence and possess the fundamental frequency to help humanity evolve ... and LOVE. We warn you that Love is a much more complex and often much higher than just the emotional feeling that you think of as love.
Los Angeles as Markers of Physics
You think the Angels as guardians that nourish them, give them wings, messengers of god. We are that and more. Angelica energy exists within the realm of antimatter in Fractal Light and fold inward in the physical realms in the Light Geometric. In doing so, they are the main energy carriers that consciously maintain the special laws of the dimensions, in intact form. (In a somewhat complicated, we are saying that angels are responsible for the morphogenesis, the creation of forms, the writer spoke Vicente Beltrán Anglada much of this in his books).
Los Angeles are without form, do not occupy space, have no mass. We are Divine Thought and intact in the event. We are "tonal" and have a frequency spectrum available to us. This frequency is LOVE.
We say that there is a plural and a singular look into the Angelic Realm. And though it may seem paradoxical, to look "unique" of the Archangels is plural in the content of consciousness. As a result the individual names that mankind assigns the Archangels have more to do with the narrow concept of humanity Angelic attributes to individual existence. You interpret the Angelic Beings and Beings of Light as having 'personality'.
In truth we are reflections of attributes of the most powerful energy of the Cosmos and that is: LOVE. However, our essence is received and interpreted by mankind in duality as having attributes that you obviously regard as individual personalities. We are the Divine Mind with an aspect of love that nourishes, egoless, devoid of what you call negative emotion. We support, maintain energy in place and do it with a fundamental purpose. Love is our foundation.
(Translated into understandable terms, this means that there really is no differentiation among the angels, which are all part of a large magma undifferentiated light, just like the layers of DNA, which actually does not exist, everything is a big ball of light. What happens is that we are not yet ready to capture this image of wholeness, to capture light in its purest essence, and we still need to compartmentalize things to understand. Hence the need to allocate to each angel a specific attribute to better capture its essence. We still need to chop the food divine, like a baby needs to be shredded food not in danger of choking.
come a time when we can eat the whole steak, without passing through the turbo the Thermomix, then we will not need to learn through the 72 subjects because we have become angels in them, we will have achieved angelic consciousness. At this point, as we need to draw on the eloquence, will activate the part of our being called Daniel-angel-and-drop eloquence wonderful speeches. As we need will Veuhiah-angel of will will the boots, as we need to heal, Melahel, Mumiah, Sealiah or other action will come without us having to meditate or to pray to or invoked.
However, until we reach this state of consciousness, the energy that we do provide these angelic selves not properly used or exploited, and fall into the abyss, automatically creating the figure of the fallen angel, that is creating the opposite side of the duality or angel). Symbiotic
levels of the hierarchy
I, Metatron exist in two separate but symbiotic levels, the most familiar and accessible to humanity is like the Archangel Metatron, albeit at a higher level, I exist as Metatron, Lord of Light, but even this analogy can not encompass or define my nature, and is only able to do so limited.
As' Lord of Light, I am a generator of the basic units of the realities and of universes. This level lacks what you would call personality. Is comparable to an engine, a computer with divine consciousness, energy intensity beyond the gamma ray, lighting unimaginable to you. And there are levels beyond me. (Metatron is the driving force of will in human beings). As Archangel Metatron, I nourish life.
I communicate with the channel Tyberonn not only in words but in "packets" of light codes. He received this communication by pre-arrangement of land. A 'contract', if they want to call this service for these times. In the highest aspect of origin is Tyberonn Pleiadian, and a member of the Cosmic Council of Light. We served together in temporary accommodation and other dimensions. These codes are issued from my highest aspect, transduced Archangelic level and received his higher self, intact (that's debatable) for the interpretation and transcription. (Continue)
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