Translation: Alicia Virelli
This is the continuation of the pipeline Tyberonn, which contains very important lessons, but who needed nuanced. We headed for an era of transparency in which all lessons are to be integrated, otherwise, sometimes the understanding is very difficult. Parenthetically, my comments.
"You can say that the Beings of Light of the Angelic Kingdom, in terms Metatronic are aware of units' Thinking Divine Source "and Thinking Beyond that creates the light and" Beyond the Light "...
Angelic Beings United Metatronic create and embellish the Coded Light. Such intermingling light matter, antimatter, time and space. Certainly in the current era of Ascension, you are evolving the ability to absorb more light and the light is green, the Universal Cosmic Truth of All That Is. The enigma that has obstructed the full unity of the consciousness of humanity in duality, in particular at present, because science has omitted the sacred and the scientific spirit has been excluded.
can then surprise some of you know there are hierarchies of angelic beings engaged in an operational purpose to what you might call as Guardians of Physics. In this role as builders aware of the "Laws of Physics" that allow dimensional realities. And we realize that the idea of \u200b\u200bangels being scientists and engineers will confuse most of you. We are smiling! (The work of V. Kabalebo Beltrán Anglada and accurately describe these tasks angelic)
We say that the new metaphysical, new "Lightworker" and the Guardians of the Earth, in their terms, are scientists. Indeed, which you refer to as "Crystal Children" sacred-wise we are the scientists who will complete in the next generations the circle of understanding and will unite the spiritual with the scientific. They are not religious in the traditional sense, but we say that humanity is closer to the understanding of "God" through science through religion. Is the missing piece of the puzzle. (And if not, tell that to Rafael López Guerrero or Nassim Haramein)
Closing the Circle
None of today's most important religions offers the "full circle", the truth complete information about the true nature of reality. Each holds a segment, but are full of incorrect insertions. No not even support the obvious premise of true alien heritage of humanity (that's because until now humans were not prepared to match this information, and are still a minority who are). Most speak in metaphors of balance. Many seek to control through fear archaic and strengthening the mental programming that is blocking the routes of self-empowerment, instilling the concept of original sin and hellfire and damnation (obviously, these concepts are like jars Bledine , infant food, but is that the kids have been to give all crushed until they grow teeth, humans have had to give everything until you conquer masticadito discernment and reasoning. In that sense, they are criticized religions have failed in their paper.)
All Mankind are Beings of Light, powerful spiritual awareness are sparks of the Divine. The difference between humans and angels is that human beings are one aspect of the Divine that evolves back to the plurality of the expansion of God, having chosen to experience free will and learn new creation through that lens magnanimous . The angels are beautifully and wonderfully are and always have been 'Keepers Light ', which hold the place in this space and non-space "NOW" eternal expansion of the Alpha and the Omega. Supreme
Gestalt Settings
We say that religious education of the "Fallen Angels" is also an uncertainty based on fear. There is actually a "Guardian Aware" of the specific law of physics that allows the polarity / duality, which is the force that allows the "Universidad de la Tierra." And within that school of causal plane of duality, mankind is able to master the responsibility of the creative forces. Human ones, there is no evil or the Fallen Angels! There is no vengeful God in heaven. No Angels to fear. Rather, there is a great family coming to you.
(Indeed, there is no fear angels, but there is a bad use or underuse of the energy conveyed by the angel I, and such waste is that which creates duality. To which there is no fear an angel, but to no understanding of God's work, because it leads to suffering. Metatron suggests that it has to come a time when we feel like moving from Rigor-column-a Kabbalistic Tree of Grace ie remove from our perspective and the chance of being embarrassed. Teaching religious fallen angels is an inaccuracy in the sense that we have not been properly explained the film but that does not mean that these entities do not exist. There are as we move with the energies of duality because it is they that are responsible for the passage of energy to matter, wave to particle. The fallen angels are the creators of form, their energy is what inspires the idea of \u200b\u200bputting their hands in the fire to burn and will ensure that working for us as we need them, while we need to go through the sensory experience to understand / grasp light.)
think otherwise is really a misunderstanding, an unbalanced analogy force of duality. The only demons, the only evil that exists in the planes of duality are those created by the wrong thinking in the learning process of "free will". We say again, God is love, supreme love, with an A, capitalized. And we stress that there are "fallen angels." How could a Being of Light was created by the Divine Power to deviate from what it is? Angels have no free will in his words. Rather they are Divine.
Angelic Images of Humanity
While humanity genres assigns names to the Archangels, the Angelic Realm is androgynous, in his vocabulary, neither male nor female. Because you believe certain attributes of love, such as care and compassion as feminine attributes such as strength and masculine gender you give them the Angelic Beings. The genre exists only in the polarity. We are far above the polarity. We are comprehensive. Beings of Light are the Angelic Realm plural forms are multi-dimensional integral energy conscious. Our consciousness of the plurality is the reason why we do not mean to narrate ourselves or our messages to you with the "I" of the singular pronoun.
Humans tend to create images of angels who are responsible to some degree of misconceptions about its true nature. His paintings and murals outlines or figures with muscles male or female with feathered wings, or a sample of miniature cherubim. Angels are not male or female in their existence. Gender is an aspect of the polarity-duality. And of course the Angels do not have wings, feathers, even the great human forms, these are just mental images of the artists that replicate and reinforce some of the misconceptions.
Many of their religious texts and scriptures tell you that "God created mankind to" his "own image (that means the modus operandi of divinity must be the human being because, as above so below, Kabalebo lot of talk about this issue in his book "The Mysteries of Divine Works"). Even
to see "God" as a male patriarch with a human body. It's the same mental process of thinking logically imagine to Los Angeles as having a humana.Existen countless forms of life Divine Intelligence in the Cosmos that have "bodies" very different ways that you have on earth. These are also created in the image of "God." And understand that the image of God that is life, conscious light is love.
Over eons time, humanity is inclined to regard the Ascended Masters, Spiritual Masters, Councils Groups, the Extra Terrestrial Deities and benevolent as Angels. Not son.El Cosmic Council of Light, Ascended Masters, the Syrian-Pleiadian Alliance are unified entities that generally operate in the Councils. These are disciplines representative and counselors to express doctrines, principles, theories and beliefs associated with a body of knowledge. The Cosmic Council of Light is composed primarily of highly advanced beings who have undergone and completed the lessons of physical duality and have chosen to assist with empathy for humanity. Also, many of the Syrian-Pleiadian Alliance have experienced life on earth.
Discernment is the key
not think we want to impose by force or make you change your posture chosen of God, religion or the nature of his own being. Their beliefs, values \u200b\u200band opinions are chosen sacred steps of his free will and are fully backed by "All That Is", from which you are a divine aspect.
mental images you choose to help in understanding the nature of God and the nature of angelic beings is their choice and we do not express any opinion. But as they evolve over the duality, you will expand to larger understandings that move beyond linear thinking polarity. These understandings connected largest scientific to the spiritual and be as natural and comfortable for you as previously held beliefs in the realm of duality. Be
No, no universe, no existence beyond the duality is less than the whole, less than all, less than the mode and manner Integridad.El, convenience, and the format of its evolution are his own creation and that is through individual design. There can be no other way to complete the Universidad de la Tierra. It is the role of the angelic beings, or the Councils of Teachers Ascended to make choices for you, we are the ones who keep the information you can use, remodeling, reject or accept. It's your choice and tell them that each of you will graduate in time.
Love is always the key and the cause and effect are teachers more and bigger of what you learn. Learning experience duality and the Master of the route, is why you joined the course. (There is a contradiction because to experience duality, we need to go through the life lessons of the fallen angels, I think what may happen is that Metatron not know what they're talking about, but the person who channeled no scope to decode all the q-bits-Guerrero-Lopez would say that it receives information from Metatron dimension, because it ignores the Qabala).
Masters, a beautiful completion is happening on Earth. It is a sacred event that you all have co-created. It's time you light up the most and biggest has always been within you. The dreamer is awakening. The expansion of the Light is the expansion of Truth, Understanding, and is the gateway to return home. As the Angels, you are the Beings of Light. till now, most of you have no idea how important they are and how developments have created yourself, has expanded the Cosmos. Before closing, ask them to do something special. Take a moment and direct your energy to feel the energy of light, of Los Angeles.
Feel our presence. Feel
absorbed into the angelic face of peace and prosperity. It is a moment of solace, is not it? Is the energy source of home, Light, Love is Dear Angelica and you are feeling the frequency of our nature ... the nature of the source in the Presence of the Holy Light Angelica. It's cute, is not it? Each
Enlightened Being who has traveled the Earth distilled in the Masters final energy that feels very much like what you just felt. People were drawn to them, loved them. Lifetime replied, flourished in his presence. They created joy without effort, because the energy of light ... and Dear Ones, you are human angels and may evolve as they return home.
And in that sacred path, the Angelic Realm we honor them with you. The hope and promise to leave the lights on for casual happy return.
I am Metatron and share with you these truths. You are Loved! "
This channel is copyrighted www.Earth-Keeper.com. (That copyright of the pipelines has always impressed me, what can happen if we add or subtract a few paragraphs? Metatron What we put a claim? In that case I would look for a lawyer cosmic !!!).
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