Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why Does Alabama Have Twelve On Helmet

diplomatic crisis between Mexico and France

by Hasardevi

international incident in the case has become Florence Cassez the French, who bleed sentence of 60 years in a Mexican jail for over 5 years for the crime of kidnapping committed in conjunction with then-boyfriend, Israel Vallarta, who belonged to a gang of kidnappers.

Due to a so-called "recreational" carried out by Mexican police and was televised by Televisa and TVAZTECA start an absurdity which aimed to boost the then government of Vicente Fox, the process, say lawyers Cassez was flawed original and subsequent evidence has left doubts the famous case.

In March 2009, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, also known for his outbursts demagogues in France, visited Mexico and apparently, in the case Cassez agenda was a special place. It is irritating leaders of two countries (one of them with serious doubts about its legitimacy in front of his country, Mexico) have managed so unfortunate as a matter of the order of the crime. But even sadder is that two people faced with visceral and flimsy arguments that have more to do with prejudice and resentment.

Florence Cassez may or may not be guilty of the crime charged; the point here is not innocence or guilt, in addition to that, unfortunately, at this point the legal truth has been buried by the TV show that the authorities themselves perpetrated. Nor is it French or for that matter, that is just foreign. Although clearly not help that it is a European citizen which its president himself comes to trying to rescue.

The point is, sadly for the Mexican people, the lack of credibility of institutions, corruption prevailing in the country in general and the political and social situation in Mexico. Suffice it to recall the "trials" of Jacinta Marcial, Indian jailed on charges of having kidnapped six policemen!, Or Ignacio del Valle, a leader in the struggle waged by the people of San Salvador Atenco in defense of their lands, both released Thanks to pressure from advocacy groups for human rights after serving some years in prison and thanks in part to some journalists who do not lose footprint. Currently there is another case of an Indian in Cancun imprisoned without a fair trial to mediate. This context makes natural suspicion.

But a patriotism prevails in the mind of a sector of the Mexican population, it applauds the refusal of the Mexican authorities, they are not complying with international treaties, Cassez to surrender to the French authorities, while that the French government aims to make it the center of the "year of Mexico in France" with which would be indexed by the heroine and further vitiate the situation in itself vague.

But back to the lack of credibility of Mexican institutions to condemn, for example, Mexican Indians, without providing an interpreter as required by law when you do not speak English, and corruption prevailing in most political secretary Government action of PAN (National Action Party), said that in the case of Florence Cassez, "the Mexican government defends the rule of law", while noting the absence of that same army in the invasion on the streets and the open championships of organized crime that kills people at the total ineffectiveness of the Mexican government to defend them, as is their obligation. Use the PAN also a demagogue discourse that aims to attract the sympathy of the people towards the ruling party exacerbating chauvinism. Well said the deputy for the PRD (Party of the Democratic Revolution) Alejandro Encinas: "S and has profoundly affected the political and diplomatic relationship with France ' result of a reality show . From there you should punish those who gave the order to simulate and stage the arrest of Florence Cassez. There is no impunity, "he said referring to the current head of the Ministry of Public Security Genaro Garcia Luna, who, Encinas said," if you are responsible (for having given the order) should be separated from office. " Here, once again the central point of this whole issue that has provoked a diplomatic crisis between two countries.

For its part, Porfirio Munoz Ledo, the Labour Party and chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee in San Lazaro, who among many other positions he was Secretary of Education, Cultural Counselor of the Embassy of Mexico in France Representative of Mexico to the United Nations, called for resuming diplomatic channels but warned that the case also serves as a "smokescreen for what is truly a bilateral issue for Mexico: the threat of U.S. intervention, saying that national corporations can not effectively combat organized crime. " Encinas coincided with the point: "The reality is that there are serious irregularities because an arrest was simulated in the mood to have a media impact" and therefore, with that deliberate simulation, if it violated the law.

Again, all roads lead to the legal uncertainty that exists dramatically in Mexico, and strangers. In the impunity of authorities whose performance has been questioned time and again. A case should not, become into an international incident, but it is seen that the rulers demagogues are able to plunge into chaos the people they claim to defend in order to legitimize.


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